Trump Derangement Syndrome

According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?
According to someone who is consistently wrong, as are most others on the right.

Now, that's funny...coming from you (the board moron).
According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?
One look at your moronic avatar says you shouldn't be talking about derangement syndromes


Needless to say the irony probably went clear over your deranged monkey head.

There is no irony because I'm not a magnet to extreme personalities.

Fuck Trump & you as well
There is no "derangement syndrome" just because people zealously follow, or complain about, what an individual says and does. "Derangement syndrome" applies when people obsessively and dogmatically misinterpret circumstances and situations in the worst possible light their imaginations can come up with; it is a persistent pattern of delusions that arise due to a person's deep and unshakeable devotion to hate an idividual. There were tons of Bush Derangement Syndrome idiots during the Bush administration. There are tons of Obama Derangement Syndrome idiots now. There is no Trump Derangement Syndrome I can see. And I doubt that any such thing would be possible. Trump makes himself look as bad as possible, all on his own. Nobody needs to imagine how anything he says or does could be twisted into something worse than it is, because Trump has already brought the worst possible interpretation into reality. Therefore TDS would not apply.

TDS is the inverse of ODS.

It is T-Rump's own supporters who are deranged because they will apologize for anything and everything he does.

The point of the OP was to expose Zander's fallacy in trying to impose TDS on Dems. They are actually delighted with his destruction of the GOP. The OP quoted the sane republicans who are unhappy with what T-Rump is doing.

TDS applies strictly to the doofi (plural of doofus) who blindly support T-Rump no matter how destructive he is to the GOP brand.

Tell you what. I would take Trump's love of our country and his deep respect for the military EVERY TIME when compared to this ass-hole Obama's attitude about our military which did EVERYTHING but fire bullets at our troops!

Obama called our military civilian killers air raiders of villages! NEVER EVER would Trump demean our troops in such a manner!
And Obama furthermore has Kerry as SoS who has called our troops "terrorists"!

You people that think Obama's shit doesn't smell just have been up his backside so much you don't know any differently!

Obama is a traitor. He has welcomed a Deserter ..i.e. Bergdahl. He has defended murderers and criminals like Martin/Brown,etc. and called the
police stupid. He is obviously very pleased with the destruction of American businesses as he has called for 1,400 companies to go out of business.
He has called for higher utility rates. He has called we Christians as being on high horse for events that happened 1,000 years ago... and he defends
the very people that are calling for our destruction!
So give me Trump any day compared to this traitor of a president!
Although I understand the toungue-in-cheek intent of the OP, and I do find it pretty amusing, I also think that it's damned sad.

It's damned sad that almost 8 years after these weird rumors about Obama were started and now 7 years into his two-term presidency, where he was resoundingly elected AND re-elected, that clinically insane people like the Trumpians of the world still want to relitigate something that has long been debunked, over and over and over again. It is just fucking surreal.

I flew back to Ohio twice in the last 10 months due to the death of my brother-in-law, who was one helluva a good guy. My sister's neighbor is a birther. In February when I was there, we all decided to go to a gambling joint where one of my best friends ever was playing a jazz gig. My friend is very well off, a registered independent, no big fan of Obama and tends to vote more R than D. So, this neighor dude started drinking a lot and got to wanting to talk politics. During a break, my buddy walked up to us just as neighbor X was ranting about how Obama "ain't even a fuckin' American, he's a foreign born muslim cocksucker", yadayadayada. My buddy took one look at him, said "Oh, gawd, not this bullshit again", turned around and walked away and that was the end of that. So, I can imagine how many Independents might be feeling if they see this horseshit come up over and over and over again.

It's not a winning issue for any Republican and yet, like a moth to the light, they just keep coming back to it. Why do they do this? Well, because a huge amount of the GOP base, the hard-core voters who are going to vote in the primaries, really do believe this bullshit.

It's really pretty sad.
It is mostly hillary pushing birthirism. It is weird. Birtirism mostly rears its ugly head when Hillary sinks in the polls. And Trump, Hillary's stooge, who pushes it the hardest.
Trump as POTUS would probably be a nightmare...

But he does good service in a couple of ways...

1. he's helped America find its balls again, in talking about Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies

2. he's making the LibTards shit plaid with every passing week and month that he remains high in the polls
Although I understand the toungue-in-cheek intent of the OP, and I do find it pretty amusing, I also think that it's damned sad.

It's damned sad that almost 8 years after these weird rumors about Obama were started and now 7 years into his two-term presidency, where he was resoundingly elected AND re-elected, that clinically insane people like the Trumpians of the world still want to relitigate something that has long been debunked, over and over and over again. It is just fucking surreal.

I flew back to Ohio twice in the last 10 months due to the death of my brother-in-law, who was one helluva a good guy. My sister's neighbor is a birther. In February when I was there, we all decided to go to a gambling joint where one of my best friends ever was playing a jazz gig. My friend is very well off, a registered independent, no big fan of Obama and tends to vote more R than D. So, this neighor dude started drinking a lot and got to wanting to talk politics. During a break, my buddy walked up to us just as neighbor X was ranting about how Obama "ain't even a fuckin' American, he's a foreign born muslim cocksucker", yadayadayada. My buddy took one look at him, said "Oh, gawd, not this bullshit again", turned around and walked away and that was the end of that. So, I can imagine how many Independents might be feeling if they see this horseshit come up over and over and over again.

It's not a winning issue for any Republican and yet, like a moth to the light, they just keep coming back to it. Why do they do this? Well, because a huge amount of the GOP base, the hard-core voters who are going to vote in the primaries, really do believe this bullshit.

It's really pretty sad.
It is mostly hillary pushing birthirism. It is weird. Birtirism mostly rears its ugly head when Hillary sinks in the polls. And Trump, Hillary's stooge, who pushes it the hardest.

Although I understand the toungue-in-cheek intent of the OP, and I do find it pretty amusing, I also think that it's damned sad.

It's damned sad that almost 8 years after these weird rumors about Obama were started and now 7 years into his two-term presidency, where he was resoundingly elected AND re-elected, that clinically insane people like the Trumpians of the world still want to relitigate something that has long been debunked, over and over and over again. It is just fucking surreal.

I flew back to Ohio twice in the last 10 months due to the death of my brother-in-law, who was one helluva a good guy. My sister's neighbor is a birther. In February when I was there, we all decided to go to a gambling joint where one of my best friends ever was playing a jazz gig. My friend is very well off, a registered independent, no big fan of Obama and tends to vote more R than D. So, this neighor dude started drinking a lot and got to wanting to talk politics. During a break, my buddy walked up to us just as neighbor X was ranting about how Obama "ain't even a fuckin' American, he's a foreign born muslim cocksucker", yadayadayada. My buddy took one look at him, said "Oh, gawd, not this bullshit again", turned around and walked away and that was the end of that. So, I can imagine how many Independents might be feeling if they see this horseshit come up over and over and over again.

It's not a winning issue for any Republican and yet, like a moth to the light, they just keep coming back to it. Why do they do this? Well, because a huge amount of the GOP base, the hard-core voters who are going to vote in the primaries, really do believe this bullshit.

It's really pretty sad.
It is mostly hillary pushing birthirism. It is weird. Birtirism mostly rears its ugly head when Hillary sinks in the polls. And Trump, Hillary's stooge, who pushes it the hardest.

You can't get away from 1) trump is Hillarys stooge and 2) Hillary is the party responsible for birthism
Although I understand the toungue-in-cheek intent of the OP, and I do find it pretty amusing, I also think that it's damned sad.

It's damned sad that almost 8 years after these weird rumors about Obama were started and now 7 years into his two-term presidency, where he was resoundingly elected AND re-elected, that clinically insane people like the Trumpians of the world still want to relitigate something that has long been debunked, over and over and over again. It is just fucking surreal.

I flew back to Ohio twice in the last 10 months due to the death of my brother-in-law, who was one helluva a good guy. My sister's neighbor is a birther. In February when I was there, we all decided to go to a gambling joint where one of my best friends ever was playing a jazz gig. My friend is very well off, a registered independent, no big fan of Obama and tends to vote more R than D. So, this neighor dude started drinking a lot and got to wanting to talk politics. During a break, my buddy walked up to us just as neighbor X was ranting about how Obama "ain't even a fuckin' American, he's a foreign born muslim cocksucker", yadayadayada. My buddy took one look at him, said "Oh, gawd, not this bullshit again", turned around and walked away and that was the end of that. So, I can imagine how many Independents might be feeling if they see this horseshit come up over and over and over again.

It's not a winning issue for any Republican and yet, like a moth to the light, they just keep coming back to it. Why do they do this? Well, because a huge amount of the GOP base, the hard-core voters who are going to vote in the primaries, really do believe this bullshit.

It's really pretty sad.

That is exactly why Trump did not correct him.
Trump could not change that guys mind and he would have argued with Trump or anybody else over what he believes.
It would have taken up much time, so Trump did the right thing by saying what he did and just moved along to another question.
I think he did the right thing.
Trump nor anyone else can't control what others think.

T-Rump showed a lack of character by failing to defend the president. He was called out on that by Bush-3rd, Carson, Christie and Graham.

Why defend the President when he is against his policies?
If our President was not so against Christians and for Muslims people would not think that he is a Muslim.
What he has done;
Banning Christianity from the armed forces
Under Obama, Christians and conservatives are ‘extremists’
IRS demands Christian pro-lifers reveal the content of their prayers
Obamacare forcing Christian companies to provide abortion pill
Detaining Christians refugees and letting in Muslim refugees.
Just a small list of what this Administration has done to Christians.

Banning Christianity from the armed forces? I won't even ask for a link to such a stupid claim. You are an idiot.
There is no "derangement syndrome" just because people zealously follow, or complain about, what an individual says and does. "Derangement syndrome" applies when people obsessively and dogmatically misinterpret circumstances and situations in the worst possible light their imaginations can come up with; it is a persistent pattern of delusions that arise due to a person's deep and unshakeable devotion to hate an idividual. There were tons of Bush Derangement Syndrome idiots during the Bush administration. There are tons of Obama Derangement Syndrome idiots now. There is no Trump Derangement Syndrome I can see. And I doubt that any such thing would be possible. Trump makes himself look as bad as possible, all on his own. Nobody needs to imagine how anything he says or does could be twisted into something worse than it is, because Trump has already brought the worst possible interpretation into reality. Therefore TDS would not apply.

^^^^^^^^^^ has a very bad case of TDS....:rofl:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

No, you just have a very bad case of TDS. That is, Trump Dick Sucking.
So NOW NBC, are concerned about HYPERBOLE?????

“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

GUy, I have to assume you've never had the bad luck to actually try to get an insurance company to pay for a major medical procedure, or you wouldn't be talking about this sort of shit.

I had a two year struggle with Cigna to get them to pay for procedures, and in the end, still got stuck with $20,000 in medical bills they wouldn't pay.

I'm not sure why you defend a medical system that cost more than any other country spends and produces some of the worst results, but the fact is, you do.
Trump as POTUS would probably be a nightmare...

But he does good service in a couple of ways...

1. he's helped America find its balls again, in talking about Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies

2. he's making the LibTards shit plaid with every passing week and month that he remains high in the polls

Again, picturing your 1930 German Counterpart...

Hitler as Chancellor would probably be a nightmare...

But he does good service in a couple of ways...

1. he's helped Germany find its balls again, in talking about Jews and their Anchor Babies

2. he's making the Communists shit plaid with every passing week and month that he remains high in the polls
So NOW NBC, are concerned about HYPERBOLE?????

“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

GUy, I have to assume you've never had the bad luck to actually try to get an insurance company to pay for a major medical procedure, or you wouldn't be talking about this sort of shit.

I had a two year struggle with Cigna to get them to pay for procedures, and in the end, still got stuck with $20,000 in medical bills they wouldn't pay.

I'm not sure why you defend a medical system that cost more than any other country spends and produces some of the worst results, but the fact is, you do.

Yes I believe you . BUT YOU ARE THE EXCEPTION!!! YOU though aren't dealing with the FACTS!!!
According to the American Medical Association, 1.82 percent of commercial health insurance claims were denied in 2013.
That percentage may not sound like much, but with the AARP reporting at least 1.4 billion claims being filed each year. 98.18% of claims are paid!
5 Steps to Take if Your Health Insurance Claim is Denied

Yes I can understand you are only concerned about YOUR claims.

EVERYONE like you believe that like you what happens to you happens to everyone! IT doesn't!
The problem is ignorance. Lack of common sense on most people's part. Participating in activities that WE when we were growing up never had time
to do as we were working. Skateboarding. Skiing. Scuba diving. Mountain climbing. Running. Riding Motorcycles. All of these activities cause accidents.
Accidents file claims. And claims costs insurance companies money. So they raise premiums for idiots who participate in these stupid childish risky activities.

My point is very clear. Until YOU totally understand how health insurance works. How Lawyers costs $850 billion a year in unnecessary health claims.
How hospitals BECAUSE of EMTALA charge $10 for an aspirin and pass it on to the insurance companies because they take Medicare and they must then
see the uninsured. It becomes a snowballing affect.

If you really are an honest intellectually curious person maybe you should instead of moaning about the singular event in your life and recognize it
doesn't happen to the majority of people. Because if it did...there would BE NO HEALTH INSURANCE companies! Do you understand that?
YOU are the exception. NOT the rule because if YOU WERE the rule there would be NO insurance! Do you understand???
Trump as POTUS would probably be a nightmare...

But he does good service in a couple of ways...

1. he's helped America find its balls again, in talking about Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies

2. he's making the LibTards shit plaid with every passing week and month that he remains high in the polls

Again, picturing your 1930 German Counterpart...

Hitler as Chancellor would probably be a nightmare...

But he does good service in a couple of ways...

1. he's helped Germany find its balls again, in talking about Jews and their Anchor Babies

2. he's making the Communists shit plaid with every passing week and month that he remains high in the polls
Awwwwwww... did itty-bitty Donald offend your itty bitty delicate sensibilities again? Tough. And funny. Excellent.
TDS is in full bloom. Heads are exploding.


Yes I believe you . BUT YOU ARE THE EXCEPTION!!! YOU though aren't dealing with the FACTS!!!
According to the American Medical Association, 1.82 percent of commercial health insurance claims were denied in 2013.
That percentage may not sound like much, but with the AARP reporting at least 1.4 billion claims being filed each year. 98.18% of claims are paid!
5 Steps to Take if Your Health Insurance Claim is Denied

Yes I can understand you are only concerned about YOUR claims.

That's a great example of mendacity taking the form of statistics.

98% of those claims, as you say, are for routine stuff like prescriptions and regular checkups.

It's when you start trying to make BIG claims for major conditions, the Insurance companies really, really start fucking with you. Or they did before the ACA fixed the problem.

I should point out that Cigna did eventually pay some of my claims, but they also "convinced" my employer I was one of the employees that needed to go when they downsized people in 2008.

Again, we spend 17% of our GDP on Health Care while most other countries spend 8-11%.

We have the lowest life expectancy in the Industrialized World.
We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world.
We had 46 million with no insurance and 25 million with inadequate insurance before the ACA.
62% of bankruptcies are due to medical issues. 75% of those involved people who had insurance when the problem started.

But Insurance company CEO's regularly pay themselves NINE FIGURE SALARIES.

And you come on here every day and defend this fucked-up evil system. I'm not sure if it's because you are stupid or evil. Or both.
YUP it is DAMN sad that idiots like you NEVER read Obama's autobiography where he out right told you fools that he was going to be lying to you... as it was a tactic, a trick he used!

More fromTerrorism
Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!
Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

still, most people deny he is a muslime even when he admits he is one, "my muslime faith..."
Trump about defending O'Husseinbama; "I don't think so".., and no one but a brain dead maggot would defend that lying fucking :asshole:
Yes I believe you . BUT YOU ARE THE EXCEPTION!!! YOU though aren't dealing with the FACTS!!!
According to the American Medical Association, 1.82 percent of commercial health insurance claims were denied in 2013.
That percentage may not sound like much, but with the AARP reporting at least 1.4 billion claims being filed each year. 98.18% of claims are paid!
5 Steps to Take if Your Health Insurance Claim is Denied

Yes I can understand you are only concerned about YOUR claims.

That's a great example of mendacity taking the form of statistics.

98% of those claims, as you say, are for routine stuff like prescriptions and regular checkups.

It's when you start trying to make BIG claims for major conditions, the Insurance companies really, really start fucking with you. Or they did before the ACA fixed the problem.

I should point out that Cigna did eventually pay some of my claims, but they also "convinced" my employer I was one of the employees that needed to go when they downsized people in 2008.

Again, we spend 17% of our GDP on Health Care while most other countries spend 8-11%.

We have the lowest life expectancy in the Industrialized World.
We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world.
We had 46 million with no insurance and 25 million with inadequate insurance before the ACA.
62% of bankruptcies are due to medical issues. 75% of those involved people who had insurance when the problem started.

But Insurance company CEO's regularly pay themselves NINE FIGURE SALARIES.

And you come on here every day and defend this fucked-up evil system. I'm not sure if it's because you are stupid or evil. Or both.

First of all NOT ONE of your comments is sourced or linked! So YOU are an ignorant uninformed idiot!
SEE everything I state is sourced so deal with the FACTS DUMMY!!!

A) You said "46 million with no insurance" before ACA!
Even Obama admitted 10 million were illegals not eligible so he AFTER he LIED said there were 36 million!
1) 10 million Obama counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census:
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
2) Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.
There have never been 46 million UNINSURED AMERICANS but less then 4 million!

OH but you are so misinformed as well as really really dumb!!!
I know one hell of lot more about health insurance then you ever will know!
AND see you become honest when I pointed out they paid 98.1% of the claims as you agreed THEY paid "some" of your claims?
Did you lie on the application when it asked if you were a smoker? Did you lie when you said you weren't OBESE?

The Health Benefit Ratio (alias Medical Loss Ratio): WellPoint’s payments for health benefits in 2008 equal the sum of what it calls “health benefits” ($47,742.4 million) and the “cost of drugs” ($468.5 million).
Together these health benefits came to $48,210.9 million. As a fraction of total premium revenue of $57,101.0 million in 2008, total health benefits amounted to 84.4 percent of premium revenue.

The average health insurance company with thorough state regulations have to get premiums approved.
MOST states have Medical Loss ratio monitoring and the AVERGE insurance company pays out like Wellpoint over 80% of premiums in claims!

ANOTHER GIGANTIC ASS wipe LIE "But Insurance company CEO's regularly pay themselves NINE FIGURE SALARIES."
Prove you dummy where all insurance CEOs are paid $100 million a year in salaries? Prove it you idiot!

Where you dumb f...k on the below list is ONE of them making over $100 MILLION a year???
Top-paid healthcare CEOs see their compensation pay grow faster than profits
Do you ignorant idiot see ONE of the top 5 CEOs of Insurance making over $100 MILLION?????

Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 11.06.27 AM.png

Finally you lying sack of up Obama's butt!!!
Prove with documents this statement:
"I should point out that Cigna did eventually pay some of my claims, but they also "convinced" my employer I was one of the employees that needed to go when they downsized people in 2008. "

If you weren't so f...king Obese, smoked like a fiend, and weren't so sloppy in your work and the only thing you knew was to pull a handle on a drill punch,
maybe you'd be working today!
You have to note with Tea Baggers and many cons and neocons there seems to be many 'derangement syndromes' floating around in that cohort.

"Jade Helm you have a phone call on line 3". "Jade Helm? call, line 3". And he never answered but many are still sitting by their phones in Texas waiting for his call.
According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?

The rest of the Republican candidates don't want to confront T-chump about his faux pas because they are all afraid of him. Every time one of them takes T-chump on his un-Presidential behavior, the "element" that cheers T-chump on just gets bigger, and they're all afraid they're going to end up in the "also ran" category. They're all hoping that another candidate will take it upon themselves to tell T-chump that he is totally out of line and therefore be the one taking the beating in the polls, so could say they're all "chicken".

The "element" thinks it is okay because they are not your typical sensible Americans. Anyone who still makes the claim that Obama was not born in the US is definitely not the "brightest crayon" in the box.

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