Trump desecrates Arlington Cemetary and lies to veterans.

/——/ No you wouldn’t. And why is it bad just because it’s old? Nothing has changed. Prove it wrong if you can.
I kind of just told you. Give your employees more money so they can pay more taxes. If you don't want to pay 95% of the taxes stop making 90% of the money.

We have always had a progressive tax system. Are you a libertarian nut? A flat tax has never been tried, for good reason.
I kind of just told you. Give your employees more money so they can pay more taxes. If you don't want to pay 95% of the taxes stop making 90% of the money.

We have always had a progressive tax system. Are you a libertarian nut? A flat tax has never been tried, for good reason.
/—-/ Take your life savings, open a business, even a small one so we can see how much you pay your employees.
Trump never passes up an opportunity for self-promotion. His campaign took advantage of the anniversary of troop loss in Afghanistan by organizing a photo op at Arlington Cemetary with the lost soldier's families. Make no mistake. His PR people thought up and organized that ceremony specifically for publicity. There is nothing that self-promoting narcissist won't do for publicity.

I see you are jealous of the fact that Biden/Harris weren't even invited.
I'll take that as you saying women have the right to choose all the way up to birth, since you can't give us a week number where women no longer have the right to choose.
As I've always said, it's a decision for the woman and her doctor. The state has no business making that decision.
As I've always said, it's a decision for the woman and her doctor. The state has no business making that decision.
So, you're saying that a woman has the right to choose all of the way up to birth. But, how is it that a woman has the right to choose if a doctor can veto her decision?

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