Trump diverting money we were going to spend on defending Europe to help pay for wall. MAGA!


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

That useless boondoggle wall that Mexico is going to pay for. By the time Trump is gone this country will be in such poor shape it will take decades to repair.

“Once again, the Trump administration is putting domestic political considerations ahead of national security, and Trump is trampling on Congress’ power of the purse in the process,” they added. “The American people deserve better, but they will only get it when congressional Republicans join us and stand up to this out-of-control president.”
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

Great news! Thanks for the post.
Mexico will be looking forward to finally seeing that wall get built.
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

This is just the Pentagon re-shifting money within it's allocation by both Houses of Congress for construction from Oconus overseas projects back to Conus projects to make up for money stolen by trump for his wall. The construction projects for rebuilding Pensacola Naval Air station partially destroyed by the Hurricane Ivan still had not been rebuilt when I was down there last summer, as the base sustained damage to 90% of it's buildings. I am aware of schools that were needed, budgeted and scheduled and being built on other bases when trump took the money for his wall and are still not built, along with a host of construction projects needed, planned and budgeted here in the continental United states, that went on hold are still needed. Trump didn't pull the money out of his ass. These were important military construction projects for the United States Army, Air Force and Navy across the country and are still needed. I doubt this re-allocation by the Pentagon will become a slush fund for the wall, as I have read further down this thread. Cannot imagine him fucking the military again this soon after fucking the military the first time to fund his wall, Mexico refused to pay for on his campaign promise.
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

Didnt Drumpf say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall? Drumpf is a fucking liar.
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

Only part of NATO is the defense of Europe. We use NATO to project influence and use those bases for our operations. If we back out of NATO some other country will pick up the influence and operation.
We can still make Mexicans pay for the wall by taxing tickets to soccer games.
Or you can just admit Drumpf and your silly ass if full of shit. I cant believe you mother fuckers were stupid enough to believe that claim. :laughing0301:
I don't care who pays for the wall. I'd love to make libs pay for it by taxing welfare payments.
There are more conservatives on welfare so you'll only be hurting yourself. You poor dumb bastards even vote against your own self interest. :)
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

I live in Europe and wholeheartedly agree.
Of course the conman in the White House would rip off the taxpayers. This is what he does. And this benefits Russia, the land that he loves and pledges his allegiance to. Putin will be very pleased with him.
Of course the conman in the White House would rip off the taxpayers. This is what he does. And this benefits Russia, the land that he loves and pledges his allegiance to. Putin will be very pleased with him.
You don't want Trump to protect Americans by building the wall?
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.


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