Trump drops the hammer on Fauci after distrubing white house brieftings on doctors past

Well I consider one thing to be a positive sign- despite your Dear Leader support of Dr. Fauci, you rightwingnuts still attack him- which as far as I can tell is the first time your head has emerged from Trump's ass in 3 years.
I must admit...fauci does look like a tiny little nazi.
And tRump looks like a large oompah-loompah.

What's your point?
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What does a picture of a fit president have to do with the chubster currently in office, except as contrast to show how far we've fallen
Yes we fell hard during Obama's presidency.
View attachment 333110
LOL!!! One day MLK is a hero and the next he's a commie. Pick a lane!
Lol, Obama divided this country like no one ever has. That is his legacy.
What does a picture of a fit president have to do with the chubster currently in office, except as contrast to show how far we've fallen
Yes we fell hard during Obama's presidency.
View attachment 333110
LOL!!! One day MLK is a hero and the next he's a commie. Pick a lane!
Lol, Obama divided this country like no one ever has. That is his legacy.
That's your view, but hardly one that matches reality. :rolleyes-41:

Germ warfare researchers at the Pentagon’s shadowy advanced projects unit have developed a new coronavirus test that could spot infected patients before they become contagious, originally created to diagnose victims of bioweapons.


Oh the demonic parasites won't like this one bit. They set Trump up we told you guys watch out and not to think he's quitting the deep staet is tough to bring down lol.
They are always criminals-- lie , cheat, and steal never fails.
Ok, Russian troll farm

The only Russian collusion was with Hillary
What does a picture of a fit president have to do with the chubster currently in office, except as contrast to show how far we've fallen
Yes we fell hard during Obama's presidency.
View attachment 333110
LOL!!! One day MLK is a hero and the next he's a commie. Pick a lane!
Lol, Obama divided this country like no one ever has. That is his legacy.
That's your view, but hardly one that matches reality. :rolleyes-41:
Obama, this is not who we are. That could've been my son. The cops acted stupidly. Oh and if you disagreed with him, you were a racist. He also told all business owners, you didn't build that.

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