Trump Eases Russian Sanctions

Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
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What is up with this? Three huge Russian companies?

What is Trump getting out of this.

He better make all the money he can now. Jan 3rd is rolling around. He has no idea the questions he will have to answer after years of sliding by traitorous Republicans.
Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
OMG! You didn't know?

Manafort was working for a Russian Stooge in the Ukraine. A stooge that had to cut and run once the people of Ukraine rose up and tossed him out.

How come Republicans don't seem to know anything going on passed that corn field?

Paul Manafort's work for Ukraine fit neatly with Putin's agenda
Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
OMG! You didn't know?

Manafort was working for a Russian Stooge in the Ukraine. A stooge that had to cut and run once the people of Ukraine rose up and tossed him out.

How come Republicans don't seem to know anything going on passed that corn field?

Paul Manafort's work for Ukraine fit neatly with Putin's agenda
Stratford’s fingerprints reflect Putin’s disinformation campaign, as in Internet Research Agency, funded by Putin’s rich friends.
It seems that USA Trump supporters eat that garbage.
Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Not bad, Stratford. It took you only 14 minutes to prepare your propaganda response. I’m sure you have plenty of boiler plate information ready to use from your Russian office!

Low oil prices are screwing the Russians........and the Ruble.........not to mention Iran which is close to financial collapse.
U.S. eases sanctions on aluminum firm tied to Russian oligarch

This would be the OVD that Manafort was hoping he could use his position with the Trump Admin to "become whole" with

The payoffs begin
Overdue, past time to end all the other damn fool “sanctions”.

Sergey Lavrov: Sanctions are illegal and undermine every principle of global trade and the principles upheld by UN resolutions, according to which unilateral measures of economic coercion are illegitimate.

I’m confident that such a gross abuse of the role of the US dollar as a world reserve currency will undermine that role. To be on the safe side, more and more countries, even the ones that are not affected by US sanctions, will gradually stop using the dollar and rely on more dependable partners with whom they can agree on using their currency.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following a meeting of Turkish ambassadors and permanent representatives at international organisations, Ankara, August 14, 2018
Trump's Energy Policy is killing the Russian economy. All his policies have not been pro Russia. Our energy, economic, trade, national defense, and his other policies are very much not in Russia's best interest. I guess Dems, and Liberals aren't smart enough to see that.
Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

It's amazing how pathetically ignorant they are.
Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

It's amazing how pathetically ignorant they are.
No wonder the majority of Americans are so ignorant about Russia and Ukraine: Media intentionally spreads lies about those 2 countries, it benefits Deep State and its dirty geopolitical goals.

Today, the major outlets are almost all owned by six conglomerates. They can easily hide the truth or spread all kinds of lies simultaneously. And that's basically what we have been witnessing lately.

The 6 Companies That Own (almost) All Media [Infographic] | WebpageFX


That’s why it’s so easy to spread fake news and to spin any kind of lies: once created they “suddenly” appear in all news outlets.
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Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

When do you want to break it to them that the Podesta Group (Hillary's most important bundler and his brother Clinton's campaign manager) worked for the same Ukrainians?
Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

It's amazing how pathetically ignorant they are.
Np wonder the majority of Americans are so ignorant about Russia and Ukraine: Media intentionally spreads lies about those 2 countries, it benefits Deep State and its dirty geopolitical goals.

Today, the major outlets are almost all owned by six conglomerates. They can easily hide the truth or spread all kinds of lies simultaneously. And that's basically what we have been witnessing lately.

The 6 Companies That Own (almost) All Media [Infographic] | WebpageFX

View attachment 235653

That’s why it’s so easy to spread fake news and to spin any kind of lies: once created they “suddenly” appear in all news outlets.

I bet dollars to donuts hardly anyone knows on this board that the Ukraine is under marshal law under that nazi the west handed the Ukraine to.
When do you want to break it to them that the Podesta Group (Hillary's most important bundler and his brother Clinton's campaign manager) worked for the same Ukrainians?

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.

Also when Trump was just a candidate Ukrainian officials were trashing and mocking him and doing their best to help Clinton to win.
Manafort has NOTING to do with Russia, he worked for Ukraine. When Trump was a candidate Ukrainian officials intentionally framed Manafort to hurt Trump.

Dimitri Simes:

For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
OMG! You didn't know?

Manafort was working for a Russian Stooge in the Ukraine. A stooge that had to cut and run once the people of Ukraine rose up and tossed him out.

How come Republicans don't seem to know anything going on passed that corn field?

Paul Manafort's work for Ukraine fit neatly with Putin's agenda
Stratford’s fingerprints reflect Putin’s disinformation campaign, as in Internet Research Agency, funded by Putin’s rich friends.
It seems that USA Trump supporters eat that garbage.
Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote
RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! I have bad news for you my friend; did you know that there is a secret Russian operative hiding under your bed 24/7 and when you leave for work in the morning, this Russian is secretly fucking your wife?

Even more horrifying news: did you know that every time you see one of those orange-and-blue Southwest 737s in the sky, the RUSSIANS secretly have contracts with them to carry secret surveillance equipment on their commercial jets, to secretly SCAN you with various high-tech devices? It's true. Russians have all sorts of military-intelligence collusion with American commercial carriers just to personally keep tabs on you. At night, when you see a neighbor's porch light on down the street, that's really a secretly scanning light that a Russian agent is using to survey you. Since you're such a highly intelligent, sane, stable individual, I thought I'd reveal these hidden Russian conspiracies to you. You're just oh-so-brilliant I'm sure you can handle all these new revelations about Russian collusion.

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