Trump Ends NASA's Muslim Outreach Program---Authorizes $19.5 Billion For Manned Exploration To Mars

Barack Obama: Nasa must try to make Muslims 'feel good'

Obama’s Cognitive Dissonance About Mars
Obama's Cognitive Dissonance About Mars - The Atlantic
The Atlantic › 2016/10 › obama-nasa-mars
Oct 13, 2016 - But Mars mania doesn't correspond with Mars money. In the last few years, Obama's budget proposals for NASA have included cuts to the space agency's Mars exploration projects.

Earlier this year, President Obama sought $18.5 billion for NASA in his FY 2016 budget request, and the US House proposed a budget with a similar top-level amount. The Senate budget for NASA totaled $18.3 billion. The big difference was in allocation; generally, the president asked for substantially more funding for earth science and for commercial crews to ensure that Boeing or SpaceX would be ready to fly astronauts to the International Space Station by the end of 2017. Congress cut funding for both of those ventures. For example, while the president sought $1.95 billion for earth science, both the House and Senate shaved about $500 million off that number.

So DickheadDonald not only copied Obama, he spent more money doing it.

another prime example of RussianWingers not knowing what they want.

Their hypocrisy has morphed waaaaaaay past mind boggling .... BIGLY.
Star Date, 7777.7

Computer, activate holodeck program seven ..


Mars, here I come !

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