Trump Enjoys The Best Week Ever


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Trump Enjoys The Best Week Ever
Trump Enjoys The Best Week Ever

In the past week, President Donald Trump has enjoyed an incredible stretch of good news. In fact, it has been his best week since he entered the presidential race in 2015. The highlight of the week was former Special Counsel’s Robert Mueller embarrassing performance during two congressional hearings.....

.....This was also a great week for the president in his quest to secure our Southern Border. In 2016, the top campaign promise of then-candidate Donald Trump was to “build the wall”.....
......On Friday, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court gave the President a tremendous boost with their decision to allow the administration to use a portion of the authorized funds, $2.5 billion from the Defense Department, to construct sections of the border wall.......

In his political career, President Trump has enjoyed both successes and setbacks; however, the events of this week were truly remarkable. With good news from the congressional hearings, the economic reports and the Supreme Court, the president’s chances for re-election have improved dramatically. The opposition’s main argument for defeating President Trump was exposed as a total delusion. Their policies have been revealed as radical pipe dreams, while the president’s policies are consistently showing positive results for the American people. By week’s end, the president is stronger politically, which is great news for the United States of America as his re-election is essential for the future security and stability of our nation

ME: I must agree: The House hearing flopped, SCOTUS decided his way, plus the fun benefit of him calling out that piece of shit Cummings for the pig he is. A great week for America.

Then there was this too:

Well since most of the illegals are from Guatemala I suppose they can do something about it.


The Trump administration has instituted a number of new policies that make it nearly impossible to seek asylum through border crossings, including a

By the numbers: Migration to the US-Mexico border

Between October 1, 2017, and August 31, the U.S. government arrested 42,757 Guatemalans who came to the U.S. with family members—the highest number of migrants with families from any one country. As this article goes to press, a caravan of roughly 7,300 people, all of whom are reportedly from Central America, is traveling through southern Mexico with the aim of reaching the U.S.-Mexico border. Many say they are fleeing unsustainable conditions in their home countries.


In August, Guatemala’s president Jimmy Morales announced the expulsion of the U.N.-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala. The commission has been instrumental in holding Guatemalan politicians to account for their crimes. Several news outlets reported that at Morales’ announcement, army vehicles that had been donated by the U.S. were deployed—a clear sign of intimidation, as some noted. The day after Morales announced his decision, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared his appreciation for Guatemala’s “security” efforts.

Why Are So Many Guatemalans Migrating to the U.S.?

-------------------------------------------It's no secret than Morales and Tramp and Netanyahu have been in talks for awhile. Morales is a crook just like tramp and bibl. He is an evangelical close to some evangelicals here, and close to Israel.
Then there was this too:

Well since most of the illegals are from Guatemala I suppose they can do something about it.

View attachment 271542

The Trump administration has instituted a number of new policies that make it nearly impossible to seek asylum through border crossings, including a

By the numbers: Migration to the US-Mexico border

Between October 1, 2017, and August 31, the U.S. government arrested 42,757 Guatemalans who came to the U.S. with family members—the highest number of migrants with families from any one country. As this article goes to press, a caravan of roughly 7,300 people, all of whom are reportedly from Central America, is traveling through southern Mexico with the aim of reaching the U.S.-Mexico border. Many say they are fleeing unsustainable conditions in their home countries.


In August, Guatemala’s president Jimmy Morales announced the expulsion of the U.N.-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala. The commission has been instrumental in holding Guatemalan politicians to account for their crimes. Several news outlets reported that at Morales’ announcement, army vehicles that had been donated by the U.S. were deployed—a clear sign of intimidation, as some noted. The day after Morales announced his decision, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared his appreciation for Guatemala’s “security” efforts.

Why Are So Many Guatemalans Migrating to the U.S.?

-------------------------------------------It's no secret than Morales and Tramp and Netanyahu have been in talks for awhile. Morales is a crook just like tramp and bibl. He is an evangelical close to some evangelicals here, and close to Israel.

I have no idea what Israel has to do with it, but It's clear from the President's remarks above that we have agreed to invest heavily in Guatemala's economy and to make it very easy for Guatemalans to come here on H2 visas for agricultural work. In return, they are going to hold back all their citizens who are fleeing gangs and violence in Guatemala itself. A country persecuting its own people can't grant them asylum from persecution. The trick here is that the gangs that run Guatemala are not the "official" government so the US can conveniently ignore what is going on there. Let them die. That's our motto now, I guess.

I GET IT that we have an issue with immigration. I GET IT that Trump is trying to get a handle on it. I have no problem with stopping illegal immigration. But if we had increased the number of agricultural visas so people could work here legally, would so many need to be sneaking over the border? If we are a humanitarian nation, might it have been a good idea to increase our legal immigration quotas for these folks and let them in legally and as tax payers with a path to citizenship?

It's the vilifying and the knee jerk reactions that keep getting in the way of me being comfortable with what Trump is trying to do.
Well since most of the illegals are from Guatemala I suppose they can do something about it.

That's the idea

Trump signs immigration pact with Guatemala c...
On Friday President Trump signed what’s described as a “safe third country” agreement with Guatemala, which requires immigrants who pass through Guatemala on their way to the U.S., to seek asylum in Guatemala instead of at the U.S. border. And there was also a Supreme Court ruling regarding the president's promised border wall. Paula Reid reports from the White House.Jul 27, 2019

Trump signs immigration pact with Guatemala changing asylum rules
Then there was this too:

Well since most of the illegals are from Guatemala I suppose they can do something about it.

View attachment 271542

The Trump administration has instituted a number of new policies that make it nearly impossible to seek asylum through border crossings, including a

By the numbers: Migration to the US-Mexico border

Between October 1, 2017, and August 31, the U.S. government arrested 42,757 Guatemalans who came to the U.S. with family members—the highest number of migrants with families from any one country. As this article goes to press, a caravan of roughly 7,300 people, all of whom are reportedly from Central America, is traveling through southern Mexico with the aim of reaching the U.S.-Mexico border. Many say they are fleeing unsustainable conditions in their home countries.


In August, Guatemala’s president Jimmy Morales announced the expulsion of the U.N.-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala. The commission has been instrumental in holding Guatemalan politicians to account for their crimes. Several news outlets reported that at Morales’ announcement, army vehicles that had been donated by the U.S. were deployed—a clear sign of intimidation, as some noted. The day after Morales announced his decision, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared his appreciation for Guatemala’s “security” efforts.

Why Are So Many Guatemalans Migrating to the U.S.?

-------------------------------------------It's no secret than Morales and Tramp and Netanyahu have been in talks for awhile. Morales is a crook just like tramp and bibl. He is an evangelical close to some evangelicals here, and close to Israel.

I have no idea what Israel has to do with it, but It's clear from the President's remarks above that we have agreed to invest heavily in Guatemala's economy and to make it very easy for Guatemalans to come here on H2 visas for agricultural work. In return, they are going to hold back all their citizens who are fleeing gangs and violence in Guatemala itself. A country persecuting its own people can't grant them asylum from persecution. The trick here is that the gangs that run Guatemala are not the "official" government so the US can conveniently ignore what is going on there. Let them die. That's our motto now, I guess.

I GET IT that we have an issue with immigration. I GET IT that Trump is trying to get a handle on it. I have no problem with stopping illegal immigration. But if we had increased the number of agricultural visas so people could work here legally, would so many need to be sneaking over the border? If we are a humanitarian nation, might it have been a good idea to increase our legal immigration quotas for these folks and let them in legally and as tax payers with a path to citizenship?

It's the vilifying and the knee jerk reactions that keep getting in the way of me being comfortable with what Trump is trying to do.

Lets just say Israel is all over Central America, esp in Guatemala. Guatemala wants Belize and Israel is helping to get it. When Jews and Evangelicals are involved there is trouble.

Why do you think Guatemala was letting everyone go to the US border, to get Tramp's money for the wall. A lot of help the security forces from Israel are doing.

article from 2014:

Israeli influence and involvement are very prominent in Guatemala, and include civil infrastructure, water purification solutions and modern agriculture technologies. But it is especially felt in the field of security. Many Israelis coming from elite combat units in Israel, and with a significant security background, realized that their experience is a great added value in Guatemala. As a third world country struggling with significant challenges of personal security and public safety, many Israeli security companies were established to help combat these problems.

Israel-Guatemala, a surprisingly close friendship
Lets just say Israel is all over Central America......

Let's not.
It is

The clergy of Belize should stay out of this Israel controversy. In Belize, the Israelis are not acting as children of God. In Belize, the Israelis are functioning as friends of Guatemala. The special training for Belize’s police officers is to help ensure that Belizeans opposed to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) arbitration do not get out of control in the streets of Belize leading up to April 2019. That is how we have to see it.

Again, why has Israel come halfway across the world to involve itself in the affairs of tiny Belize? We submit that it is because of the bountiful Belize natural resources after which Israel’s beloved Guatemala so lusts. It is not because the Israelis seek to save our dark Belizean souls. Did the Israelis seek to save the dark souls of the Indigenous people of Guatemala during the civil war there between 1960 and 1996? No, the Israelis were arming and training the Guatemalan military to slaughter Indigenous Guatemalans. This is an indisputable fact.
Belize or Israel: country or God?
Trump Enjoys The Best Week Ever
Trump Enjoys The Best Week Ever

In the past week, President Donald Trump has enjoyed an incredible stretch of good news. In fact, it has been his best week since he entered the presidential race in 2015. The highlight of the week was former Special Counsel’s Robert Mueller embarrassing performance during two congressional hearings.....

.....This was also a great week for the president in his quest to secure our Southern Border. In 2016, the top campaign promise of then-candidate Donald Trump was to “build the wall”.....
......On Friday, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court gave the President a tremendous boost with their decision to allow the administration to use a portion of the authorized funds, $2.5 billion from the Defense Department, to construct sections of the border wall.......

In his political career, President Trump has enjoyed both successes and setbacks; however, the events of this week were truly remarkable. With good news from the congressional hearings, the economic reports and the Supreme Court, the president’s chances for re-election have improved dramatically. The opposition’s main argument for defeating President Trump was exposed as a total delusion. Their policies have been revealed as radical pipe dreams, while the president’s policies are consistently showing positive results for the American people. By week’s end, the president is stronger politically, which is great news for the United States of America as his re-election is essential for the future security and stability of our nation

ME: I must agree: The House hearing flopped, SCOTUS decided his way, plus the fun benefit of him calling out that piece of shit Cummings for the pig he is. A great week for America.


Maybe the week of Democrats making total asses out of themselves on stage was better than this week.
Trump has had a great 2 1/2 years but unless he totally dominates everything, like he did this past week, he gets no credit from the crooked media. Anyone with eyes can see that Trump has been a great President. At the same time, Democrats are embarrassing themselves regularly. Stick with a winner.
Trump Enjoys The Best Week Ever
Trump Enjoys The Best Week Ever

In the past week, President Donald Trump has enjoyed an incredible stretch of good news. In fact, it has been his best week since he entered the presidential race in 2015. The highlight of the week was former Special Counsel’s Robert Mueller embarrassing performance during two congressional hearings.....

.....This was also a great week for the president in his quest to secure our Southern Border. In 2016, the top campaign promise of then-candidate Donald Trump was to “build the wall”.....
......On Friday, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court gave the President a tremendous boost with their decision to allow the administration to use a portion of the authorized funds, $2.5 billion from the Defense Department, to construct sections of the border wall.......

In his political career, President Trump has enjoyed both successes and setbacks; however, the events of this week were truly remarkable. With good news from the congressional hearings, the economic reports and the Supreme Court, the president’s chances for re-election have improved dramatically. The opposition’s main argument for defeating President Trump was exposed as a total delusion. Their policies have been revealed as radical pipe dreams, while the president’s policies are consistently showing positive results for the American people. By week’s end, the president is stronger politically, which is great news for the United States of America as his re-election is essential for the future security and stability of our nation

ME: I must agree: The House hearing flopped, SCOTUS decided his way, plus the fun benefit of him calling out that piece of shit Cummings for the pig he is. A great week for America.


And he promised to cure AIDS and Childhood cancer...very soon!

Do not forget that! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Oh and he signed a massive spending bill that will add more than a trillion dollars to our national that his own people helped not forget about that either!
Trump has had a great 2 1/2 years but unless he totally dominates everything, like he did this past week, he gets no credit from the crooked media. Anyone with eyes can see that Trump has been a great President. At the same time, Democrats are embarrassing themselves regularly. Stick with a winner.

We must trust that a majority of Americans know better like you and me do.
Free from this Mueller/Russia BS Trump will have more time to spend destroying the Democrats.

And signing massive spending bills! He seems to like doing that as much as he does attacking the Dems
Don’t forget buddies from right wing base going around committing mass murder!
Don’t forget buddies from right wing base going around committing mass murder!
Its more likely a Liberal who did the shooting.

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.
False flag - Wikipedia

Smollett tried to blame Trump supporters for a fake crime. He got busted.
911 call in Jussie Smollett case: ‘They put a noose around his neck’
During the 2016 elections Democrats vandalized their own offices and tried to blame it on Republicans. They got busted.

Then of course there are the crimes that they don't even bother to cover up, such as Leftwing Antifa committing violence in the streets, and Bernie Sanders supporters shooting GOP Congressmen.
James T. Hodgkinson: Bernie Sanders supporter, strongly anti-Trump - CNN

These scum have no respect for life. They murder babies by the truckload.

So who is responsible for these two shooting sprees that just happened? I'll bet my money that Leftists are. They are losing the election, and this is their way of changing the discussion. They murder children daily, so this is peanuts to them. They have no morals.

El Paso Walmart witness says that the shooter was dressed in all black and carrying a long rifle.
Mass Shooting Kills 20 at El Paso Walmart: Gunman ‘Started Shooting Everyone, Aisle by Aisle,’ Witness Says

Dressed in all black. Now who does that sound like? Antifa.

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