Trump erupts: Macron said that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the US

Was it not the US that saved their asses in WWII.

When the Muslims start to take over and Russia attacks, these words will be remembered.
Stupid comment. The French are an ally that have saved us once or twice as well. The GOP would have been wise and correct to check trump right out of the gate like their constitutionally decreed duty states. It's the job of Congress to so that when the president is as unprofessional and unstable as trump. Thankfully the american people woke up and realized at least they had to split congress so a democratic house would do the job. What a fkin joke the GOP is to let this circus go on for 2+ years.
when Macron launched his presidential campaign and brand new political party, political barons in Paris dismissed it as a quaint distraction by an upstart ingenu. nothing in french history suggested it was possible to start a party from a scratch just one year before the election...and win. BUT HE DID! BUT HE DID! BUT HE DID WIN!
when Macron launched his presidential campaign and brand new political party, political barons in Paris dismissed it as a quaint distraction by an upstart ingenu. nothing in french history suggested it was possible to start a party from a scratch just one year before the election...and win. BUT HE DID! BUT HE DID! BUT HE DID WIN!
Macron happened into the proverbial perfect storm. The next President of France was certain to be Mr. Fillon, the slightly-right candidate. History doesn't repeat itself, but there are strange coincidences. In a recent French Presidential election, the sure winner was torpedoed by a 'scandale' and everything changed. This last election was also lost by the winner due to a scandal.
Et, voila, M. Macron, bon pour le service!
His rivals were totally unequal to the task of running for the office, let alone occupy it. The French have some confidence in expert technocrats and thought this bright young fellow might work out. There wasn't much to lose.
Macron did not so much win an election as pick up one up that had been dropped.
its much more nuanced than globalist v nationalist. Trump speaks every year at Davos, yet he claims to be this nationalist hero. ha. HA. HAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Winston Churchill's grandson calls Trump 'pathetic' and 'not fit' after skipping WWI cemetery visit

Winston Churchill's Grandson Calls Trump 'Pathetic' and 'Not Fit' After Skipping WWI Cemetery Visit
British MP Nicholas Soames adds that Trump is 'not fit to represent his great country,' after U.S. president skips a WWI memorial in France due to rain

British Conservative MP Nicholas Soames, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's grandson, ripped U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday for canceling a planned visit to a World War I commemoration event in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames wrote on Twitter.

Soames added Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."
Britian smeared Churchill during his lifetime. Then further besmirched his memory by jailing a man for quoting Churchill.

Paul Weston arrested for quoting Winston Churchill's words on Islam | Daily Mail Online

So grandson is a leftist windbag. It's nothing important.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!!!

Trump is a far worse charlatan than the Wizard of Oz. The whole world has seen the con man for who he is and that includes the American people. Trump just suffered the worse Mid-Terms loss in Presidential history. An election he fought for vigorously and despite Trump's name not being on the ballot, he told Americans this election was all about him, and they took him at his word.

Russian trolls posting daily what a great President Trump is and what a wonderful job he's doing, are not going to save him. Republicans are now turning on him like rats deserting the sinking ship that the Trump Administration and its toxic policies have become.

Nobody believes you little troll.
First ever sensible French riots: "Macron has insisted that fuel prices have to rise in line with green initiatives made necessary by the Paris Climate Change agreement."
Someone said "riots"? In France? Now? There are no "riots". There are a few demonstrations.
Someone said "riots"? In France? Now? There are no "riots". There are a few demonstrations.

"Europe has to pay their fair share for Military Protection. The European Union, for many years, has taken advantage of us on Trade, and then they don’t live up to their Military commitment through NATO. Things must change fast!" - President Trump
Trump also bellowed: "The large and violent French protests don’t take into account how badly the United States has been treated on Trade by the European Union or on fair and reasonable payments for our GREAT military protection. Both of these topics must be remedied soon."
Trump also bellowed: "The large and violent French protests don’t take into account how badly the United States has been treated on Trade by the European Union or on fair and reasonable payments for our GREAT military protection. Both of these topics must be remedied soon."
The President is quite right. Macron, the most unpopular leader in modern French history attempted to raise his poll ratings with some anti American rants while the President was in France and deserves whatever insults the President throws at him for that cheap trick.
Sorry bout that,

  1. These riots will fuel the end of France.
  2. Fuel,......
  3. The French are headed for the drain and guess who will pop up from the drain to claim the country?
Its time to bring our troops back home...not only from Europe but from Korea as well...enough the very least we should be discussing it....the entrenched politicians in DC and the media don't even want to do that!!!!! Trump is Darn right....we are borrowing on our kids and grand kids future for what?...
Someone said "riots"? In France? Now? There are no "riots". There are a few demonstrations.

Rightist agents provocateurs.
The news in France and elsewhere shows these hooligans displaying their right-wing sentiments. Here's one: French 'gilets jaunes' protests turn violent on the streets of Paris
The ignorant will continue to rant.

Errr, yeah, I see some people claiming that it was the "far right". I don't see anything really supporting that idea.

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