Trump family insults the military again... and the military guys pretend it didn't happen, again?

True, but Eric Trump retweeted the post and added "And we will do it again." So he was, in effect, repeating the statement that the Trumps have given up "everything" to help save America. That said, I agree that the liberal and Never Trump hollering over this innocent post is dubious and cynical.

And, the retweet wasn't the topic, the OP lied, it just that simple.

That said altering a quote within the quote box is a posting violation. If you do it again to one of my posts you will be reported.

iku It absolutely is in their mind…Their veils are coming off…in another thread today a tard opined about jailing the “rest of us”… It’s going to be real interesting in the next 6 months.
I know, then you call them out and they run and hide. Very cowardice, if you ask me.
I know, then you call them out and they run and hide. Very cowardice, if you ask me.

He is talking about me and there ain't a cowardice bone in my body. Been standing up to bullies my entire life and I won't stop now.
  • Funny
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John Kelly confirms Trump privately disparaged U.S. service members and veterans​

Trump called fallen soldiers "suckers” and "losers" during his presidency, according to a 2020 report in The Atlantic.

Former Trump White House chief of staff John Kelly is blasting his onetime boss over disparaging remarks he says the then-president repeatedly made about service members and veterans and for what he called Trump's untruthfulness about his positions on various groups as well as on abortion.

"John Kelly has totally clowned himself with these debunked stories he’s made up because he didn’t serve his President well while working as Chief of Staff."



Perhaps you should learn to fucking read, no one from the Trump family posted that. It appears to be one persons opinion, NOT NAMED TRUMP. So shove your ignorant commie propaganda, no one with any intelligence is buying it.


Mods, time to send this POS thread to the Badlands.

"The family that gave up everything to Save America Thank You!"

Apparently, like many US veterans who died in wars, or those who lost limbs, who ended up committing suicide or suffered from mental issues, the Trump family has scarified EVERYTHING for the US.

I mean, talk about telling military people to "fuck off"

I mean, talk about telling military people to "fuck off"

A paranoid idiot might see it that way. Are you a paranoid idiot?

"The family that gave up everything to Save America Thank You!"

Apparently, like many US veterans who died in wars, or those who lost limbs, who ended up committing suicide or suffered from mental issues, the Trump family has scarified EVERYTHING for the US.

I mean, talk about telling military people to "fuck off"

How can people who say they support the troops support Donald Trump?

Today’s Congress, the 118th, has the second-lowest percentage of members with military service. The lowest rate? The one right before it, the 117th.
We’ve now had three successive presidents who never served on active duty. The closest was Joe Biden, whose late son did. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has the dubious distinction of being seen as a draft dodger.

At first, Trump claimed he was never drafted in the lottery held during the Vietnam War. But had his number come up, he said, “I would have proudly served.”
Except he wouldn’t have, even if his number had come up. He did what members of many wealthy, influential families did to get out of military service. He got medical deferments — five altogether.
He didn’t reveal that at first, but when reporters found out, he pivoted and said it had to do with bone spurs in his heels, an odd thing given he was active in college sports, playing baseball, tennis and squash.
Trump’s relationship with the military has ranged from tenuous to terrible. The denigration of war heroes, prisoners of war, Gold Star families and former military staffers is easy to recall. But a deeper examination reveals a complete cluelessness about civilian-military relations.
  • He used the military to advance his political agenda, such as deploying troops to quell demonstrations he disliked.
  • At times he referred to “my generals,” as if they were there solely for his benefit.
  • He was surprised to learn the military is apolitical

Despite touting his love for the military during campaign rallies, he steered budget cuts at Veterans Affairs and placed non-veteran business cronies in charge of its operations. Folks within the VA called them “the Mar-a-Lago crowd,” who used their ties to Trump for personal gain while ignoring government rules and processes intended to help veterans.

In November 2018, for the centennial of the end of World War I, Trump rejected a scheduled visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris. This is hallowed ground, where more than 1,800 Marines lost their lives in the Battle of Belleau Wood. It is a powerful part of Marine Corps lore.
“Why should I go to that cemetery?” said Trump, according to four staffers on hand that day. “It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation during that trip, Trump referred to those 1,800-plus Marines as “suckers” for getting killed.

Earlier that year, Trump announced plans for a military parade in Washington featuring all five branches of the armed forces and massive displays of military might, like those embraced by authoritarian regimes. But he told his staff not to include wounded veterans.
“Nobody wants to see that,” Trump said.
Donald Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly told CNN that on Memorial Day 2017, while the two men stood before a tombstone in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, where soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq are buried, Trump turned to Kelly and said, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

The tombstone they stood before? Kelly’s son, a 29-year-old Marine officer killed in Afghanistan.
What’s in it for them? How about protecting your right to be a callous scumbag?
Even if you weren’t a fan of the military, even if you had contempt for the military, I can’t imagine a single human being, let alone a single Trump voter, saying something so heartless at a moment like that or thinking it’s OK for someone else to say it.
How could anyone say that to the father of a fallen Marine on Memorial Day at the gravesite in the cemetery where he’s buried?
“Trump can’t imagine anyone else’s pain,” a friend of Kelly’s and a retired four-star general would later explain. “He can’t fathom the idea of doing something for someone other than himself.”


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