Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein's private Lolita Express jet 6 more times than was previously known, flight logs reveal

Nooooooh. Tell me it isn't true. Surely he was only delivering Christmas presents. He wouldn't be involved in a paedophilia would he? Of course not. Epstein taught Sunday school and was an alter boy.
You don't do much thinking, boy.
Not from what I've read.

Private jets:
That's because a loophole in the Transportation Security Administration's security regulations does not require any screening for those flying domestically on a privately-owned aircraft, no matter how large. This is from ABC news.

Commercial flights??
Only the airline and governments know the list of passengers on a flight. A lot of care goes into keeping that information away from other entities. This is from Quora.
Woke elites — increasingly the mainstream left of this country — do not want what we want. . . . What they want is to destroy us. . . . Not only will they use every power at their disposal to achieve their goal . . . by dominating every cultural, intellectual, and political institution . . .

this totalitarian cult of billionaires and bureaucrats, of privilege perpetuated by bullying, empowered by the most sophisticated surveillance and communications technologies in history, and limited only by the scruples of people who arrest rape victims’ fathers, declare math to be white supremacist, finance ethnic cleansing in Western China, and who partied, a mile high, on Epstein’s Lolita Express.
Woke elites — increasingly the mainstream left of this country — do not want what we want. . . . What they want is to destroy us. . . . Not only will they use every power at their disposal to achieve their goal . . . by dominating every cultural, intellectual, and political institution . . .

this totalitarian cult of billionaires and bureaucrats, of privilege perpetuated by bullying, empowered by the most sophisticated surveillance and communications technologies in history, and limited only by the scruples of people who arrest rape victims’ fathers, declare math to be white supremacist, finance ethnic cleansing in Western China, and who partied, a mile high, on Epstein’s Lolita Express.
well well well...this clinches the Republican nomination for Chris Christie in 2024

You realize the Daily Mail is accusing Trump of wrongdoing to cover for Prince Andrew's crimes.

The even listed Trump's ex-wife in the article as Marla Marples, misspelling her last name, which is Maples.

Why hasn't the other libtard media covered this?
Admiral Rockwell Tory

Private jets:
That's because a loophole in the Transportation Security Administration's security regulations does not require any screening for those flying domestically on a privately-owned aircraft, no matter how large. This is from ABC news.

Commercial flights??
Only the airline and governments know the list of passengers on a flight. A lot of care goes into keeping that information away from other entities. This is from Quora.
Admiral Rockwell Tory

Private jets:
That's because a loophole in the Transportation Security Administration's security regulations does not require any screening for those flying domestically on a privately-owned aircraft, no matter how large. This is from ABC news.

Commercial flights??
Only the airline and governments know the list of passengers on a flight. A lot of care goes into keeping that information away from other entities. This is from Quora.
That has NOTHING to do with what I said. The logs are required by the FAA and Epstein's plan was not a commercial flight, so the TSA is not involved in any way shape or form.
well well well...this clinches the Republican nomination for Chris Christie in 2024

So? Seems like you forgot to mention all of the times Bill Clinton did. But, no, Clinton can't possibly be a sexual predator. Oh, wait a minute ........................................................................
It’s been known for a long time that Trump flew from Florida to New York with other passengers. Never been shown that he went to the island. No pics of Trump on the island. Another big nothing burger.

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