Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Desert Southwest
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!
The presidential dementia is becoming more obvious to everyone.
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!
How many Billions of Dollars do you have????? Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaahhhhhaaaaaa. get back to me when you finally break 1 million...
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!

Thanks for bringing yet a other Trump trade victory to our attention. Yes, the God Emperor is the best president USA has ever had the honor to experience.

As for the rest of the post? What a snore...
The dumb ass Idiot-in-Chief the Clown the Clown-in-Chief the Head Clown!

Make up your mind! Circus on the brain.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"?

You haven't even that much right. That was totally disproven long ago that Trump had used the word cesspool I think, and one of the key democrats ran out of the meeting straight to the press telling everyone that Trump was calling all these countries "shitholes." They couldn't print it fast enough in order to goad idiots like you, knowing it would resonate with people like you for months.
Trump is an idiot ask his staff members - foreign affairs to him means screwing around on his wife in another country.
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!
It’s not just a ‘gaff’ – it’s yet another example of how lazy and ill prepared Trump is.
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!
He's not an idiot. He's a narcissist.
"I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want."

There were valid reasons why the planes weren't sold before, and why Nigeria needs them. And it's very possible there still won't be a sale. None of that had anything to do with Trump (or Obama). But Trump has to see himself as the issue.

He's not stupid nor ill educated. It's just that facts only exist in the moment. Or stated alternatively, the truth is the grandeur of Trump, and all facts must bear out that truth.

That's why Putin may actually have compromised the guy. Everyone knows, unless they too are reinventing facts, that Russia owns Trump's casino enterprise. Without their capital, he'd not get loans. His sons said that. But Trump is hardly the first potus to have a shady financial side. LBJ for example. JFK was sort of "cleansed" because his father was the criminal.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
Trump is an idiot ask his staff members -

Which ones have you spoken with so far?

watch the news.

You're on the news, too?

yes, and man of the year too. I'm a billionaire playboy when my wife isnt looking.
Your wife doesn't constantly tell you that you are the center of the universe. Poor you, and envy President Trump and his magnificantness
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!
it's still a shithole
did he say it wasn't??
so what's your point about it being a shithole?
Trump is an idiot ask his staff members -

Which ones have you spoken with so far?

watch the news.

You're on the news, too?

yes, and man of the year too. I'm a billionaire playboy when my wife isnt looking.
Your wife doesn't constantly tell you that you are the center of the universe. Poor you, and envy President Trump and his magnificantness


a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Really? MY OH MY! Were they stealth helicopters with a stealth contract? Exactly where can I read of this alleged agreement?

I'm thinking you're confused like the uninformed Orange Clown and you've mixed up/made up that horseshit with the sale of $593M (~1/2 Billion $) for a dozen A-29 Super Tucano light attack AIRPLANES to Nigeria. That would be FIXED WING AIRCRAFT!
Trump is an idiot ask his staff members -

Which ones have you spoken with so far?

watch the news.

You're on the news, too?

yes, and man of the year too. I'm a billionaire playboy when my wife isnt looking.

In other words you really don't know jack about the original statement you made that Trump was an idiot according to his own staff.
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!
He's not an idiot. He's a narcissis

"I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want."

There were valid reasons why the planes weren't sold before, and why Nigeria needs them. And it's very possible there still won't be a sale. None of that had anything to do with Trump (or Obama). But Trump has to see himself as the issue.

He's not stupid nor ill educated. It's just that facts only exist in the moment. Or stated alternatively, the truth is the grandeur of Trump, and all facts must bear out that truth.

That's why Putin may actually have compromised the guy. Everyone knows, unless they too are reinventing facts, that Russia owns Trump's casino enterprise. Without their capital, he'd not get loans. His sons said that. But Trump is hardly the first potus to have a shady financial side. LBJ for example. JFK was sort of "cleansed" because his father was the criminal.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
He's not an idiot. He's a narcissist.
He's both and much, much more! I didn't want to seem redundant in my LACK of praise.
There were valid reasons why the planes weren't sold before, and why Nigeria needs them.
100 dead refugees in a relocation camp perhaps and Obama's recalcitrance in selling arms to Nigeria after that incident with another-in-your-face childish response by the Idiot Narcissist-in-Chief re: an Obama position? I read up on the background before I posted the OP for background.
He's not stupid nor ill educated.
Stupid is as Stupid does regardless of a token degree from Wharton. I cannot be convinced Trump is rational or has an IQ over 98. He's nothing but a self centered and self absorbed spoiled ASS! I make no excuses for the Orange Asswipe. At least Nixon had some intelligence.

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