Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~

a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Really? MY OH MY! Were they stealth helicopters with a stealth contract? Exactly where can I read of this alleged agreement?

I'm thinking you're confused like the uninformed Orange Clown and you've mixed up/made up that horseshit with the sale of $593M (~1/2 Billion $) for a dozen A-29 Super Tucano light attack AIRPLANES to Nigeria. That would be FIXED WING AIRCRAFT!
Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US
yea, the article said helicopters. My apologies.
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!

So which one of the 57 States is going to get the contract to build them?
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Really? MY OH MY! Were they stealth helicopters with a stealth contract? Exactly where can I read of this alleged agreement?

I'm thinking you're confused like the uninformed Orange Clown and you've mixed up/made up that horseshit with the sale of $593M (~1/2 Billion $) for a dozen A-29 Super Tucano light attack AIRPLANES to Nigeria. That would be FIXED WING AIRCRAFT!
Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US
yea, the article said helicopters. My apologies.
Not so fast Hot Shot! Here is what you wrote to me initially AGAIN!
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
No such deal was made. You lied through your teeth! The article you cited says this about your bullshit deal with the US;
The Nigerian Senate has read a letter from President Muhammadu Buhari seeking approval to purchase six Tucano helicopters worth $496,374,470 (151, 394, 421, 035 Naira) from the US.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
According to your "source" this was a deal for 6 helicopters they mistakenly called Tucano's. Six helicopters are not going to run a half billion bucks. The article was a mess of errors! But you sought its cover for your LIE!

As already noted, the A-29 Super Tucano is a fixed wing aircraft! But your claim that a deal was made by the US with Nigeria for 6 helicopters last week is pure BULLSHIT! Your trying to cover your lie by claiming a typo in the article and it just don't fly. The deal for the Super Tucano's was OK'ed last year by the State Dept, not last fucking week, fool! BUSTED!
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Really? MY OH MY! Were they stealth helicopters with a stealth contract? Exactly where can I read of this alleged agreement?

I'm thinking you're confused like the uninformed Orange Clown and you've mixed up/made up that horseshit with the sale of $593M (~1/2 Billion $) for a dozen A-29 Super Tucano light attack AIRPLANES to Nigeria. That would be FIXED WING AIRCRAFT!
Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US
yea, the article said helicopters. My apologies.
Not so fast Hot Shot! Here is what you wrote to me initially AGAIN!
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
No such deal was made. You lied through your teeth! The article you cited says this about your bullshit deal with the US;
The Nigerian Senate has read a letter from President Muhammadu Buhari seeking approval to purchase six Tucano helicopters worth $496,374,470 (151, 394, 421, 035 Naira) from the US.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
According to your "source" this was a deal for 6 helicopters they mistakenly called Tucano's. Six helicopters are not going to run a half billion bucks. The article was a mess of errors! But you sought its cover for your LIE!

As already noted, the A-29 Super Tucano is a fixed wing aircraft! But your claim that a deal was made by the US with Nigeria for 6 helicopters last week is pure BULLSHIT! Your trying to cover your lie by claiming a typo in the article and it just don't fly. The deal for the Super Tucano's was OK'ed last year by the State Dept, not last fucking week, fool! BUSTED!
I admitted i messed up. Holy fucking shit, you spazzoid
The article was from last week and it said the expenditure was already done.
Calm down, freak :lol:
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!

He never called the Super Tucano a helicopter. I know your brain is a burnt cinder from drugs, but even you should have noticed his reference to helicopters were the ones they bought from Russia. And now he's approved buying some from us. Ask a mod if they'll put your OP in the Rubber Room where it belongs.
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!

1. He denies calling them shithole countries.

2. They are shithole countries, and the Nigerian President knows it.

3. He confused two planes for two helicopters? Wow. Who gives a fuck?
The dumb ass yesterday bragged about US helicopter sales to Nigeria when speaking with the Nigerian President in the Rose Garden. He also waxed poetic about how very beautiful a country Nigeria was as he flapped his jaws.

First, wasn't it just a few months ago the Idiot-in-Chief was talking about how all the African countries were "Shithole"? Also, obviously the Clown hadn't checked the serial numbers on those "helicopters" he claimed we sold Nigeria. The two Mi-25M helicopters were sold to Nigeria by Russia. Perhaps the Clown-in-Chief has established such close ties with Russia that he feels as though our two countries are now one?

Trump's further remarks to a reporter in the Rose Garden regarding the release of two Super Tucano A-29 light attack AIRPLANES the US sold Nigeria, the Head Clown of the WH said;

" “Real soon,” Trump told her. “Part of the problem is you weren’t allowed to buy helicopters in our country and now you are. I worked that out so that now you can buy the helicopters that you want.

“They weren’t allowed to buy the helicopters for various reasons, which frankly weren’t good reasons. Now they get them, and they get them very quickly, and they are the best helicopters in the world,” Trump said."

~~ Trump gaffes on attack aircraft sale to Nigeria ~~

What a pathetic uninformed, foolish ass!
How many Billions of Dollars do you have????? Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaahhhhhaaaaaa. get back to me when you finally break 1 million...

Ouch! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
These liberal Trump hate threads are hilarious. They fume and grit their teeth until they are about to burst then start a Trump hate thread. :auiqs.jpg:
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Really? MY OH MY! Were they stealth helicopters with a stealth contract? Exactly where can I read of this alleged agreement?

I'm thinking you're confused like the uninformed Orange Clown and you've mixed up/made up that horseshit with the sale of $593M (~1/2 Billion $) for a dozen A-29 Super Tucano light attack AIRPLANES to Nigeria. That would be FIXED WING AIRCRAFT!
Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US
yea, the article said helicopters. My apologies.
Not so fast Hot Shot! Here is what you wrote to me initially AGAIN!
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
No such deal was made. You lied through your teeth! The article you cited says this about your bullshit deal with the US;
The Nigerian Senate has read a letter from President Muhammadu Buhari seeking approval to purchase six Tucano helicopters worth $496,374,470 (151, 394, 421, 035 Naira) from the US.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
According to your "source" this was a deal for 6 helicopters they mistakenly called Tucano's. Six helicopters are not going to run a half billion bucks. The article was a mess of errors! But you sought its cover for your LIE!

As already noted, the A-29 Super Tucano is a fixed wing aircraft! But your claim that a deal was made by the US with Nigeria for 6 helicopters last week is pure BULLSHIT! Your trying to cover your lie by claiming a typo in the article and it just don't fly. The deal for the Super Tucano's was OK'ed last year by the State Dept, not last fucking week, fool! BUSTED!
I admitted i messed up. Holy fucking shit, you spazzoid
The article was from last week and it said the expenditure was already done.
Calm down, freak :lol:
The article was from last week and it said the expenditure was already done.
Bullshit, you lying shit! Here is what the article actually said;
Meanwhile, members of the House of Representatives did not mince words on Tuesday when they said President Muhammadu Buhari committed an “impeachable offence” by authorising the purchase of $462million jets for the military without appropriation by the National Assembly.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
Plus all you claimed was that the article mistakenly said helicopters but not a fucking thing else about your initial assertion;
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Context is everything you lying shit! Your entire statement was an outright lie, shit-for-brains! The agreement was not for 6 helicopters but 12 aircraft! The deal was confirmed last December by the State Department not last week! Also, you claimed the expenditure was completed when it actually said, "...President Muhammadu Buhari committed an “impeachable offence” by authorising the purchase of $462million jets for the military without appropriation by the National Assembly." (IBID)

Obviously, the payment wasn't exactly settled as of a week ago! Facts are true obstacles to you and your ilk, HUH!
Trump is going down in history as the best President in modern times and there is nothing these stupid hateful pink pussy hat Moon Bats can do about it except howl at the sky.
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Really? MY OH MY! Were they stealth helicopters with a stealth contract? Exactly where can I read of this alleged agreement?

I'm thinking you're confused like the uninformed Orange Clown and you've mixed up/made up that horseshit with the sale of $593M (~1/2 Billion $) for a dozen A-29 Super Tucano light attack AIRPLANES to Nigeria. That would be FIXED WING AIRCRAFT!
Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US
yea, the article said helicopters. My apologies.
Not so fast Hot Shot! Here is what you wrote to me initially AGAIN!
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
No such deal was made. You lied through your teeth! The article you cited says this about your bullshit deal with the US;
The Nigerian Senate has read a letter from President Muhammadu Buhari seeking approval to purchase six Tucano helicopters worth $496,374,470 (151, 394, 421, 035 Naira) from the US.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
According to your "source" this was a deal for 6 helicopters they mistakenly called Tucano's. Six helicopters are not going to run a half billion bucks. The article was a mess of errors! But you sought its cover for your LIE!

As already noted, the A-29 Super Tucano is a fixed wing aircraft! But your claim that a deal was made by the US with Nigeria for 6 helicopters last week is pure BULLSHIT! Your trying to cover your lie by claiming a typo in the article and it just don't fly. The deal for the Super Tucano's was OK'ed last year by the State Dept, not last fucking week, fool! BUSTED!
I admitted i messed up. Holy fucking shit, you spazzoid
The article was from last week and it said the expenditure was already done.
Calm down, freak :lol:
The article was from last week and it said the expenditure was already done.
Bullshit, you lying shit! Here is what the article actually said;
Meanwhile, members of the House of Representatives did not mince words on Tuesday when they said President Muhammadu Buhari committed an “impeachable offence” by authorising the purchase of $462million jets for the military without appropriation by the National Assembly.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
Plus all you claimed was that the article mistakenly said helicopters but not a fucking thing else about your initial assertion;
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Context is everything you lying shit! Your entire statement was an outright lie, shit-for-brains! The agreement was not for 6 helicopters but 12 aircraft! The deal was confirmed last December by the State Department not last week! Also, you claimed the expenditure was completed when it actually said, "...President Muhammadu Buhari committed an “impeachable offence” by authorising the purchase of $462million jets for the military without appropriation by the National Assembly." (IBID)

Obviously, the payment wasn't exactly settled as of a week ago! Facts are true obstacles to you and your ilk, HUH!
Good gawd, i hope you cant buy guns
Really? MY OH MY! Were they stealth helicopters with a stealth contract? Exactly where can I read of this alleged agreement?

I'm thinking you're confused like the uninformed Orange Clown and you've mixed up/made up that horseshit with the sale of $593M (~1/2 Billion $) for a dozen A-29 Super Tucano light attack AIRPLANES to Nigeria. That would be FIXED WING AIRCRAFT!
Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US
yea, the article said helicopters. My apologies.
Not so fast Hot Shot! Here is what you wrote to me initially AGAIN!
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
No such deal was made. You lied through your teeth! The article you cited says this about your bullshit deal with the US;
The Nigerian Senate has read a letter from President Muhammadu Buhari seeking approval to purchase six Tucano helicopters worth $496,374,470 (151, 394, 421, 035 Naira) from the US.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
According to your "source" this was a deal for 6 helicopters they mistakenly called Tucano's. Six helicopters are not going to run a half billion bucks. The article was a mess of errors! But you sought its cover for your LIE!

As already noted, the A-29 Super Tucano is a fixed wing aircraft! But your claim that a deal was made by the US with Nigeria for 6 helicopters last week is pure BULLSHIT! Your trying to cover your lie by claiming a typo in the article and it just don't fly. The deal for the Super Tucano's was OK'ed last year by the State Dept, not last fucking week, fool! BUSTED!
I admitted i messed up. Holy fucking shit, you spazzoid
The article was from last week and it said the expenditure was already done.
Calm down, freak :lol:
The article was from last week and it said the expenditure was already done.
Bullshit, you lying shit! Here is what the article actually said;
Meanwhile, members of the House of Representatives did not mince words on Tuesday when they said President Muhammadu Buhari committed an “impeachable offence” by authorising the purchase of $462million jets for the military without appropriation by the National Assembly.
~~ Buhari writes Senate for approval to buy helicopters from US ~~
Plus all you claimed was that the article mistakenly said helicopters but not a fucking thing else about your initial assertion;
a week ago we reached a deal with them so they could buy 6 helicopters worth half a billion bucks
Context is everything you lying shit! Your entire statement was an outright lie, shit-for-brains! The agreement was not for 6 helicopters but 12 aircraft! The deal was confirmed last December by the State Department not last week! Also, you claimed the expenditure was completed when it actually said, "...President Muhammadu Buhari committed an “impeachable offence” by authorising the purchase of $462million jets for the military without appropriation by the National Assembly." (IBID)

Obviously, the payment wasn't exactly settled as of a week ago! Facts are true obstacles to you and your ilk, HUH!
Good gawd, i hope you cant buy guns
That you can't respond to the substance of my last post speaks volumes to its validity.

Some simple means to clear up your constant confusion (read that as obfuscation). Analyze the relevant data objectively, get your shit together by placing relevant facts together in a coherent manner then, start to write with the data arranged in that same logical order and most important, do not fucking lie or even shade the truth, you stupid mother fucker!

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