Trump Gets Criminal Referral For Lying On 2017 Disclosure Statement


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Desert Southwest
The Trump appointed ethics Pobah has referred Trump to the DOJ for criminal prosecution for lying on disclosure forms regarding the payments to who and when re: the Stormy Daniels case for differing disclosure information on the 2017 & 2018 disclosure forms. Looks like you screwed the pouch Mr. Clown!

Read more details here:
Analysis | A new way the Stormy Daniels payment might have broken a law

What word in the link stands out?


Just more wishful naval examinations from the left....

It's not a navel exam...

Just their standard perspective.

More Trump Derangement Syndrome from the left.

Liberals didn't give a hoot about Bill Clinton's documented perjury in testimony in a sexual harassment lawsuit and in the Whitewater case, but, oh wow, they're all in a tizzy over the idea that Trump might have fibbed on a disclosure form about a payment to obtain a non-disclosure agreement.
I knew a fellow who has since passed and he was worth a whole shitload of money, not Billions mind you just several, multiple and a bunch of millions... He had 3 accountants that had staffs just dedicated to his money... Just imagine what a Billionaire has to endure to account for every last dime...

Haters are going to hate... You need to get a life...
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And the article says "might have"
What word in the link stands out?

"Walter Schaub, a former director of the Office of Government Ethics, tweeted that Apol's letter “is tantamount to a criminal referral. OGE has effectively reported the president to DOJ for potentially committing a crime.”
Analysis | A new way the Stormy Daniels payment might have broken a law ~~
It's not a navel exam...

Just their standard perspective.

Use TP instead of your mouth, use Q Tips for your ears and there is no place for you to hide!
What planet are you on kiddy
Is that all? Fucking lame Ruskie!
Liberals didn't give a hoot about Bill Clinton's documented perjury in testimony in a sexual harassment lawsuit and in the Whitewater case....
This Indie doesn't give a rats ass about what a Liar did well over 20 years ago, I live in the present and do care that a sitting president blatantly lies and now, with documented evidence, that he subject to a 1 year sentence and $50,000 fine for lying to the US government on that disclosure form. If that is OK with you, it just might indicate that you're as morally corrupt as that Liar-in-chief you're defending!

FYI, that is an impeachable offence all by itself! Now you can go back to your adulation of the Orange Clown!
This Indie doesn't give a rats ass about what a Liar did well over 20 years ago, I live in the present and do care that a sitting president blatantly lies and now, with documented evidence, that he subject to a 1 year sentence and $50,000 fine for lying to the US government on that disclosure form. If that is OK with you, it just might indicate that you're as morally corrupt as that Liar-in-chief you're defending!

FYI, that is an impeachable offence all by itself! Now you can go back to your adulation of the Orange Clown!

Yeah that would be great...impeach a president with nearly 50 % job Approval...
This is nonsense...this can not be proven...and won't be...give it a rest already...After Trump leaves office the NY district can have at him...if they continue this beyond the Mueller investigation the dems will pay in the midterms and in 2020....
And the article says "might have"
What word in the link stands out?

"Walter Schaub, a former director of the Office of Government Ethics, tweeted that Apol's letter “is tantamount to a criminal referral. OGE has effectively reported the president to DOJ for potentially committing a crime.”
Analysis | A new way the Stormy Daniels payment might have broken a law ~~
It's not a navel exam...

Just their standard perspective.

Use TP instead of your mouth, use Q Tips for your ears and there is no place for you to hide!
What planet are you on kiddy
Is that all? Fucking lame Ruskie!
Liberals didn't give a hoot about Bill Clinton's documented perjury in testimony in a sexual harassment lawsuit and in the Whitewater case....
This Indie doesn't give a rats ass about what a Liar did well over 20 years ago, I live in the present and do care that a sitting president blatantly lies and now, with documented evidence, that he subject to a 1 year sentence and $50,000 fine for lying to the US government on that disclosure form. If that is OK with you, it just might indicate that you're as morally corrupt as that Liar-in-chief you're defending!

FYI, that is an impeachable offence all by itself! Now you can go back to your adulation of the Orange Clown!
Oh the outrage... You going to hold Obama, Clinton, Comey, and the rest of the democrat liars to the same standard?
There will be no indictment.

The recommendation will be sent to the House Judiciary Committee, which will act on it next spring.
This Indie doesn't give a rats ass about what a Liar did well over 20 years ago, I live in the present and do care that a sitting president blatantly lies and now, with documented evidence, that he subject to a 1 year sentence and $50,000 fine for lying to the US government on that disclosure form. If that is OK with you, it just might indicate that you're as morally corrupt as that Liar-in-chief you're defending!

FYI, that is an impeachable offence all by itself! Now you can go back to your adulation of the Orange Clown!

Yeah that would be great...impeach a president with nearly 50 % job Approval...
This is nonsense...this can not be proven...and won't be...give it a rest already...After Trump leaves office the NY district can have at him...if they continue this beyond the Mueller investigation the dems will pay in the midterms and in 2020....
Yeah that would be great...impeach a president with nearly 50 % job Approval...
That bogus approval figure is ONLY from an outdated Rassmusen poll. the Current 538 average stands at 42.1% APPROVE and 52.4% DISAPPROVE. His numbers have been underwater since the day he was elected. = DEBUNKED BULLSHIT!
This is nonsense...this can not be proven...and won't be...give it a rest already
The 2017 and 2018 disclosure statements are a matter of record already, which is why the Off. of Gov Ethics (OGE) boss, who was appointed by Trump, made the criminal referral to DOJ. because trump didn't want to disclose the damning information in 2017 when he was claiming he never made any payment to avoid culpability in the Stormy Daniels matter. = DEBUNKED BULLSHIT!
...if they continue this beyond the Mueller investigation the dems will pay in the midterms and in 2020....
This has not a damn thing to do with Mueller...YET, FOOL! It is between the OGE and the DOJ right now! You didn't bother to read the fucking article did you, Dummy! = DEBUNKED BULLSHIT!

Ta, Ta!
That bogus approval figure is ONLY from an outdated Rassmusen poll. the Current 538 average stands at 42.1% APPROVE and 52.4% DISAPPROVE. His numbers have been underwater since the day he was elected. = DEBUNKED BULLSHIT!
Rasmussen was the closest to getting the GE correct so I'll stick with them but even a president with 42% approval...are the dems going to want to piss off 42% of the electorate? I don't think so...So you can give that up...His numbers will need to be pushed down to 30 or less for the dems to even think seriously about impeachment...and I don't see that happening...
The 2017 and 2018 disclosure statements are a matter of record already, which is why the Off. of Gov Ethics (OGE) boss, who was appointed by Trump, made the criminal referral to DOJ. because trump didn't want to disclose the damning information in 2017 when he was claiming he never made any payment to avoid culpability in the Stormy Daniels matter. = DEBUNKED BULLSHIT!

Nonsense...any document offered to the government by the president can be redacted with explanation...not hard to do...its happened many times...
This has not a damn thing to do with Mueller...YET, FOOL! It is between the OGE and the DOJ right now! You didn't bother to read the fucking article did you, Dummy! = DEBUNKED BULLSHIT!

Ta, Ta!
Well then if it stays in the hands of the feds and charges are brought pardons will follow...Ta Ta...Dummy! nice try short horn...

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