Trump gives Massive Corporate Tax cut, Spent Primarily on Stock Buybacks, Now Companies need ANOTHER

I had and continue to have no problems with the corporate tax cuts.

I have a MAJOR problem with bailouts. Obviously it is going to happen so I hope stringent requirements are enforced.
For instance, if you paid no taxes you get nothing. You show negative luqidity you get nothing.
If you are not a VITAL business you get nothing.

Preferably they all get nothing but I'm well aware that won't happen.
Another example of liberals' ignorance about business. FYI, it is a very, very good thing when a company can buy back its own stock, because it reduces or eliminates the influence of shareholders and leaves more profit for the company to invest in new operations/offices/R&D and/or to distribute internally.

Liberals are always complaining about the cut-throat influence of shareholders, a complaint that many conservatives likewise voice. Well, the only way for a company to reduce or end shareholder influence is to buy back their stock. Shareholders often are the ones who pressure companies to cut benefits and to downsize even when it's not really necessary or even unwise. So you should be very glad that the Trump tax cuts have enabled so many companies to reduce or eliminate shareholder influence.
Yea right, nice reach, but nobody with any real business sense agrees with you.

You don't spend all your free cash flow on buybacks, then ask for a bailout when hard times arrive. I'm so glad the airlines spent 80-90% of their free cash flow on stock buybacks so they now need a government bailout? That's pure brilliance right there, I'm so thankful for that. AHAHAHAHA!!!!

And we wonder why people can't pay their debts.

This quote sums you up perfectly:
It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

  • Mark Twain
I had and continue to have no problems with the corporate tax cuts.

I have a MAJOR problem with bailouts. Obviously it is going to happen so I hope stringent requirements are enforced.
For instance, if you paid no taxes you get nothing. You show negative luqidity you get nothing.
If you are not a VITAL business you get nothing.

Preferably they all get nothing but I'm well aware that won't happen.
Exactly these people don't understand there is a difference when Apple, Google, or Berkshire Hathway have large buybacks, as they are well run companies with have large cash reserves. But these other companies, some of them borrow money to fund buybacks, and now need a bailout or they go under.
What makes stock buybacks "bad behavior"?...What makes it anyone's business what they do with money that they rightfully earned?
How, exactly, did those crony capitalists earn their tax cuts, socialism for the rich?

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