Trump has awakened the western world to the crookedness of liberals !

Some truth to that

The democrats are simply very dishonest and immoral people

In some ways being liberal can be less dishonest

But liberalism will destroy nations and progress

A nation must not allow children with lower logic freedom to be around harm

That's why liberalism will always fall

There's liberalism; and then there's liberalism.

We are actually a VERY liberal Country.

dimocraps are NOT liberals. They are radicals.
Democrats are out right crooks.

But liberalism will never survive because adults can have different logic abilities and because of that should not vote

Liberalism will bring crooks elected by the lower logic types
Some truth to that

The democrats are simply very dishonest and immoral people

In some ways being liberal can be less dishonest

But liberalism will destroy nations and progress

A nation must not allow children with lower logic freedom to be around harm

That's why liberalism will always fall

There's liberalism; and then there's liberalism.

We are actually a VERY liberal Country.

dimocraps are NOT liberals. They are radicals.

That is why I use the term Progressive now which s just code speak for Communism, or at least Socialism. The "Liberals" have gone full blown radical Progressive. Their backers are causing this shift. Even Pelosi got blindsided, and she is a Far Leftist.
the real problem with liberalism/leftism/socialism is that it is so damned attractive to "educated" types with no real-world experience (also known as "wisdom"). It is so fucking LOGICAL and OBVIOUS, that if only The Rich would give up a little of their excess wealth and give it to The Poor, the world would be such a better place. They fill their pointy little heads with these crap ideas, then in order to "serve mankind" they go into Government.

Then, with no real world experience, they make policy for everyone actually living in the Real World, while they sit in their damned taxpayer-funded sinecures, looking down their figurative noses at the Common People who are too "stupid" to understand their wisdom.

But the fact is that MOST PEOPLE, whether you are talking about the U.S., Western Europe, Israel, know that it's all crap. But the cards are stacked against the majority of people. The "Elites" make the rules, control the Press, own the Universities.

Every once in a while, however, someone like Trump comes along who refuses to life by the rules and forces his way into the game, and THe People love him. Don't be surprised.

"It is so fucking LOGICAL and OBVIOUS, that if only The Rich would give up a little of their excess wealth and give it to The Poor, the world would be such a better place."

Fundamental difference in how we see "wealth"

the rich ARE rich because they make the rules and control the government.

Imagine 101 conservatives on a boat
The boat starts to sink (someone blames hillary or obama...the rest agree....)
All 101 people start swimming to a close by UNOWNED island.

the first guy gets there and (being a conservative capitalist) says;"i was here first now it is ALL MINE!"

the remainder of the 100 people all manage to arrive.

NUMBER 1 says..."I was here first. The island is mine. You can all stay here as long as you do what I tell you. Otherwise you are trespassing and

TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT! (because all is precious)"

The other conservatives, completely understanding this type of thinking, all agree.

So NUMBER 1 has everyone else do all the work, build him a big house, grow and collect his food, do his laundry and dishes....everything!

While he sits around the pool.

Get it?

the rich don't really EARN that wealth.
They rig the system so that they GET that wealth.

When it comes to "the economy" I do NOT want everyone to be paid the same. I OPPOSE janitors and bartenders "earning" the same as doctors or rocket scientists.

I have NO PROBLEM with DOCTORS earning MUCH MORE than janitors.

I have NO PROBLEM with the CEO of a corporation earning MORE than a janitor of that company.

The problem is that while some people "earn" billions other people are paid LESS than what it takes to live a decent life. (however you choose to define that)

So there is a GAP

RICH PEOPLE---------------------------------------PL----------------poor people

resulting in MANY people living at or below Poverty Level(PL).

I would like to see a GAP like

RICH PEOPLE-------------------------------------poor people.....PL

Where the rich can still be rich, lots of people can earn much more than lots of other people, but NOBODY has to work 2 jobs just to feed their kids.

THEN America will be great.


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Looks like trump has another strong helper

Salvini of Italy who is Calle the Trump of Europe

He is gathering the conservatives of Europe to change Europe away from the liberals

With trump all of the western democraties will stop their unwise from voting in crooks and liberalism by making a high logic test for voters which will drastically cut out most of the women's vote

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