Trump: I Will File Ineligibility Charges Against Cruz If He Doesnt Apologize By Saturdays Election

it's difficult for Trump to run on merit so he uses smear tactics. That's why he can't muster an approval rating any higher than 25-35%. There's a good possibility Cruz, Rubio, and Bush can win enough delegates to force a brokered convention.
Highly doubtful. They must like him enough to continue voting for him in LARGE numbers. They must also be polling the establishment backers when it comes to his approval rating since its not matching up with his poll numbers.

1,237 delegates needed for nomination · 2,472 available

Trump consistantly polls around 30% .. he needs 50% for the nomination
Are you counting ho his numbers will go up once Carson/Kasich drop out after South Carolina? More than likely Bush out after Super Tuesday
Trump is starting to become threatening to split and run as a 3rd party, showing he really doesn't give a damn about the GOP or the country (as doing so would probably slit the vote and let either Jail Bird or Bernie Alynski win the Presidency.
I think he using that warning to his advantage. He's warning the RNC, if you screw me over, look out, I can screw you out of the WH entirely. And the RNC sees him as a loose cannon. It puts them between a rock and a hard place. Not to mention that people don't like the RNC pulling the strings of their bought and paid for candidates.
Democrats are seeing the same thing with Sanders. The people are tired of the DNC "owning" their nominee. The Dem voters should rebel against those superdelegates that take the choice of the candidate out of their hands and into the hands of the loyal DNC.
it's difficult for Trump to run on merit so he uses smear tactics. That's why he can't muster an approval rating any higher than 25-35%. There's a good possibility Cruz, Rubio, and Bush can win enough delegates to force a brokered convention.
Highly doubtful. They must like him enough to continue voting for him in LARGE numbers. They must also be polling the establishment backers when it comes to his approval rating since its not matching up with his poll numbers.

1,237 delegates needed for nomination · 2,472 available

Trump consistantly polls around 30% .. he needs 50% for the nomination
Trump wins pluralities. Most of the states have a winner-take-all system, though some have a 50% threshold for the winner to take all.
it's difficult for Trump to run on merit so he uses smear tactics. That's why he can't muster an approval rating any higher than 25-35%. There's a good possibility Cruz, Rubio, and Bush can win enough delegates to force a brokered convention.
Highly doubtful. They must like him enough to continue voting for him in LARGE numbers. They must also be polling the establishment backers when it comes to his approval rating since its not matching up with his poll numbers.

1,237 delegates needed for nomination · 2,472 available

Trump consistantly polls around 30% .. he needs 50% for the nomination
He needs 37% when everything is considered.

Even if he captures every single delegate awarded to candidates who win a plurality of the votes in a state, he would still need to win approximately37 percentof the remaining delegates to capture the nomination — under the various and often complex rules that each state uses to allocate these delegates.

Currently, the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Trump leading the GOP field with about30 percentof the vote, so his current polls likely do not give him enough support to capture the nomination outright.

How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination
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it's difficult for Trump to run on merit so he uses smear tactics. That's why he can't muster an approval rating any higher than 25-35%. There's a good possibility Cruz, Rubio, and Bush can win enough delegates to force a brokered convention.
Highly doubtful. They must like him enough to continue voting for him in LARGE numbers. They must also be polling the establishment backers when it comes to his approval rating since its not matching up with his poll numbers.

1,237 delegates needed for nomination · 2,472 available

Trump consistantly polls around 30% .. he needs 50% for the nomination
In a crowded field, it is not unusual for someone to poll at under 50%. Lets say for instance that Bloomberg and Biden jumped in the race tomorrow, would a 30% showing for Hillary mean anything substantial?


it's difficult for Trump to run on merit so he uses smear tactics. That's why he can't muster an approval rating any higher than 25-35%. There's a good possibility Cruz, Rubio, and Bush can win enough delegates to force a brokered convention.
Highly doubtful. They must like him enough to continue voting for him in LARGE numbers. They must also be polling the establishment backers when it comes to his approval rating since its not matching up with his poll numbers.

1,237 delegates needed for nomination · 2,472 available

Trump consistantly polls around 30% .. he needs 50% for the nomination
He needs 37% when everything is considered.

Even if he captures every single delegate awarded to candidates who win a plurality of the votes in a state, he would still need to win approximately37 percentof the remaining delegates to capture the nomination — under the various and often complex rules that each state uses to allocate these delegates.

Currently, the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Trump leading the GOP field with about30 percentof the vote, so his current polls likely do not give him enough support to capture the nomination outright.

How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination
If the GOP goes against the will of the voters, they will cease to exist as a party.

Why do the middle class of this country continue to debate Republicans when none have your best interest?

Middle class folks......Quit being stupid!
Trump sent a team of the best private investigators in the world to Hawaii and prove Obama had a fake BC.

never heard another word about it.

Trump had better get a reality check. He can't sue everybody that he disagrees with, just because he's rich. If Cruz is lying in his ads, create ads that will expose him. He's the biggest liar around? Has he forgotten Hillary?
or you?
it's difficult for Trump to run on merit so he uses smear tactics. That's why he can't muster an approval rating any higher than 25-35%. There's a good possibility Cruz, Rubio, and Bush can win enough delegates to force a brokered convention.
Highly doubtful. They must like him enough to continue voting for him in LARGE numbers. They must also be polling the establishment backers when it comes to his approval rating since its not matching up with his poll numbers.

1,237 delegates needed for nomination · 2,472 available

Trump consistantly polls around 30% .. he needs 50% for the nomination
He needs 37% when everything is considered.

Even if he captures every single delegate awarded to candidates who win a plurality of the votes in a state, he would still need to win approximately37 percentof the remaining delegates to capture the nomination — under the various and often complex rules that each state uses to allocate these delegates.

Currently, the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Trump leading the GOP field with about30 percentof the vote, so his current polls likely do not give him enough support to capture the nomination outright.

How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination
If the GOP goes against the will of the voters, they will cease to exist as a party.


If the GOP goes against the will of the voters, they will cease to exist as a party.


Don't for forget the GOP secret weapon.....The old white guy baby boomers (+) that enjoy screwing-over their kids and Grand Kids.
Trump posted on Twitter, "Now, he’ll apologize. But I don’t want the apology after the election. I want it before.And if he doesn’t I am going to bring a lawsuit because in my opinion based on what I’ve learned over the last few days from very top lawyers."

Goodness! Trump learned from "very top lawyers"! That sounds ominous...

"I have the bestest law minds in the world."

I'm more alarmed about a grown man using "very top" and being taken seriously than what his attorneys may do.

I told you guys that once he lost Iowa, it was all over. This is part of it. Nobody is afraid of the bully with a bloody nose so there is going to be no apology and all you have are idle threats.
Trump is The Biggest Whiner.
thats what happens when you have always had things your way......if the guy becomes president you watch the tears flow when he gets shot down by congress or the courts....
Ah you are in for a surprise. :) Strong leaders don't let insignificant things like congresses get in the way of progress.

honestly? ... surely you can't believe that. If you do, you support dictators running our coutry.

Repeat after me ... Saddam H. Trump

You haven't read many of Odium's posts have you........

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