Trump: Iran paid for missiles used to target US soldiers with money released by Obama

Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama
Trump is putting the blame squarely where it belongs

$150 billion was a godsend to the crazy mullahs in iran

and they have funded terrorism all over the world since
Guess so.....It was their money after all
Obama gave them back their money on the condition they abandoned their nuclear program

Trump let them keep the money and restart their nuclear program

Actually it wasn't their money at all. It was the money belonging to Iranian Freedom Lovers.

And President Trump has made it clear that nuclear weaponry by Iran will not be acceptable.

IMHO, the Iranian mullahs should renounce Evil and start negotiating
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama
Trump is putting the blame squarely where it belongs

$150 billion was a godsend to the crazy mullahs in iran

and they have funded terrorism all over the world since
Guess so.....It was their money after all
Obama gave them back their money on the condition they abandoned their nuclear program

Trump let them keep the money and restart their nuclear program

Actually it wasn't their money at all. It was the money belonging to Iranian Freedom Lovers.

And President Trump has made it clear that nuclear weaponry by Iran will not be acceptable.

IMHO, the Iranian mullahs should renounce Evil and start negotiating
And it rightfully belonged to terrorism victims who have sued the iranian theocracy
Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama
Trump is putting the blame squarely where it belongs

$150 billion was a godsend to the crazy mullahs in iran

and they have funded terrorism all over the world since
Guess so.....It was their money after all
Obama gave them back their money on the condition they abandoned their nuclear program

Trump let them keep the money and restart their nuclear program

Actually it wasn't their money at all. It was the money belonging to Iranian Freedom Lovers.

And President Trump has made it clear that nuclear weaponry by Iran will not be acceptable.

IMHO, the Iranian mullahs should renounce Evil and start negotiating
And it rightfully belonged to terrorism victims who have sued the iranian theocracy

It certainly belongs to terror victims before it belongs to the terror organizations.
Nothing was 'given' to Iran. It already was Iran's money.
And that money was frozen due to Iran's bellicose, lawless and violent behavior. To simply unfreeze Iran's money and hand it back to them on a silver tray (in specifically requested European denominations...the easier to buy weapons on the open market with) was unconscionable and an act of treachery from a president who couldn't do enough to help the mullahs of Iran.

So, theft is totally legal. Totally cool.
Got to bat for the bad guys
Lib 101

Yes, when you have no real argument, resort to labelling anyone critical of your position as a 'bad guy'. Loser speak. I get it.
The”bad guys” I referenced are Terrorists and not your simple ass self absorbed self.
Trump: Iran missiles fired at US were paid for with money released by Obama administration

President Trump took direct aim at former President Barack Obama on Wednesday, blaming the last administration for giving Iran money that he claimed was then used by Tehran to pay for missiles that were aimed at U.S. troops in Iraq.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” Trump said from the White House, referring to settlement money the U.S. paid to Iran in 2016...
The divider n chief, just can't help himself..... :(

I guess Trump's sanctions on IRAN from a year or two ago, didn't prevent them from buying weapons from Russia etc? Interesting...:rolleyes:
Trump screwed the pooch in Iran

Now he wants to blame Obama

How is whacking a terrorist, after the Iranian Mullahs whacked a contractor considered to be "bad behavior"?
Do you think the president of the united states can unilaterally, without consulting congress, run around the world and assassinate any or all, the different Nation's govt bad guys, without an imminent threat, and that is okay?
Trump often makes it sound like the United States cut a check to Iran as part of the Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). He also always uses too high an estimate, $150 billion, for the assets involved.

But this was always Iran’s money. Iran had billions of dollars frozen in foreign banks around the globe because of international sanctions over its nuclear program. The Treasury Department estimated that once Iran fulfilled other obligations, it would have about $55 billion left. The Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion.

As for the $1.8 billion (actually, $1.7 billion), this was related to the settlement of a decades-old claim between the two countries, not the Iran nuclear agreement. An initial payment of $400 million was handed over on Jan. 17, 2016, the day after Iran released four American detainees, including Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian.

All money is fungible, but Trump is stretching the factual evidence to blame the missiles on the deal negotiated by the Obama administration. Experts say such a claim is far-fetched and that actual intelligence tying Iran deal monies directly to the missiles is highly unlikely. The White House did not respond to a request for evidence.

“There’s no way to corroborate that,” said Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran policy analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “It’s such an obviously unprovable claim I’m surprised it wasn’t excised.”

The guy will just throw out a lie and these damn stinking Trump Humpers just eat it up.
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Trump is still obsessed with Barack Obama. For whatever combination of reasons, Trump has long been obsessed with President Barack Obama and comparisons anyone might make between the two men. Perhaps this is because Obama embodies just about every personal virtue in which Trump is lacking; more likely it’s the fact that Obama enjoys a level of respect and admiration at home and around the world that Trump knows he will never come close to achieving.

While other, less petty presidents would refrain at moments like this from taking bogus potshots at their predecessors, Trump simply cannot resist the opportunity to blame what happens on his watch on Obama. “The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” he said. “The very defective [Iran nuclear agreement] expires shortly anyway, and gives Iran a clear and quick path to nuclear breakout.” None of those things is true.
Trump: Iran missiles fired at US were paid for with money released by Obama administration

President Trump took direct aim at former President Barack Obama on Wednesday, blaming the last administration for giving Iran money that he claimed was then used by Tehran to pay for missiles that were aimed at U.S. troops in Iraq.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” Trump said from the White House, referring to settlement money the U.S. paid to Iran in 2016...
:auiqs.jpg:Trump cant even prove an eminent threat as of yet. His highest military brass is covering it up. Even Mike Lee was stunned. And you're going to believe this Trump lying pos? Where's the proof of that? It doesn't exist DA.

Nicolle Wallace astonished after GOP Senator breaks from Trump 'zombies,' criticizes Iran briefing This thread is hilarious.
Trump is still obsessed with Barack Obama. For whatever combination of reasons, Trump has long been obsessed with President Barack Obama and comparisons anyone might make between the two men. Perhaps this is because Obama embodies just about every personal virtue in which Trump is lacking; more likely it’s the fact that Obama enjoys a level of respect and admiration at home and around the world that Trump knows he will never come close to achieving.

While other, less petty presidents would refrain at moments like this from taking bogus potshots at their predecessors, Trump simply cannot resist the opportunity to blame what happens on his watch on Obama. “The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” he said. “The very defective [Iran nuclear agreement] expires shortly anyway, and gives Iran a clear and quick path to nuclear breakout.” None of those things is true.
Trump knows Obama isn't a pussy like he is, didn't sit around on his ass like Trump does lying every day, cared about this country where Trump could give two shits about it because hes too worried about his own pocket, and Trump's just a thug in a suit.
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does it matter? That we would release that money to a country that we know is a major sponsor of terrorism was a huge blunder by the last administration and shows how incredibly naive those people were.
Does it matter?

If missiles are a priority to Iran, they would find the money anyway
Trump is trying to shift the blame for his inept foreign policy to Obama

Yes, to anybody who is not a complete imbecile it absolutely matters

How does anyone know where the money was spent? It could just as easily be spent on feeding the hungry

Obama offered Iran a path back to solvency. Stop your military escalation, abandon your nuclear program and we will give you back your own money and reduce sanctions

Iran WAS complying with that deal as affirmed by not only Russia, China, UK, France, Germany......but also US inspectors

Trump botched the deal and has brought us to the brink of conflict

How is it President Trump's "fault" that Iran decided to abandon the deal they had with other nations?
WTF does that have to do with the price of apples? Trump abandoned the Iran deal, not Iran. Pretend you can carry on this debate above the IQ of a retard.
How can anyone believe a single word Trump says? I think he went over the 10,000 lie mark last month, but the long and short of it is that he is not to be trusted. Here is a simple test for a simple Con-dumb mind. Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.

Prove Obama paid for those missiles or STFU.

Nobody said Obama paid for them.

They said they were paid for with the money Obama released
How do you know how the missiles were paid for or that Iran would not have 12 missiles if not for that money?
He doesn't. He's just tossing out whatever to put it on someone else. "They said." :auiqs.jpg:This is a typical zombie Trump supporter out in the field grazing like a Sheep quoting something he read from whoever. They are brain dead. They are incapable of thinking for themselves.
Wow, Mac, he sure picked a piss poor way of going about it. Pull the rug out so Iran can now produce nukes in the open since no agreement or inspectors are now part of the program. This is definitely one of those times you can compare Trump's plan to screwing to save virginity.
Wow, Mac, he sure picked a piss poor way of going about it. Pull the rug out so Iran can now produce nukes in the open since no agreement or inspectors are now part of the program. This is definitely one of those times you can compare Trump's plan to screwing to save virginity.

Apparently you missed the part where President Trump told Iran that they cannot have nukes, period. This will not stand.

BTW, President Trump has also stated that he is open to negotiate a deal with the Mullahs.

Lastly, if the Iranian Regime were to develop nukes in 2020, that could make it more difficult in 2021, if America gets a leftist regime that wants to send them pallets of cash to their tarmac next year.
Trump: Iran missiles fired at US were paid for with money released by Obama administration

President Trump took direct aim at former President Barack Obama on Wednesday, blaming the last administration for giving Iran money that he claimed was then used by Tehran to pay for missiles that were aimed at U.S. troops in Iraq.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” Trump said from the White House, referring to settlement money the U.S. paid to Iran in 2016...
The divider n chief, just can't help himself..... :(

I guess Trump's sanctions on IRAN from a year or two ago, didn't prevent them from buying weapons from Russia etc? Interesting...:rolleyes:
Trump screwed the pooch in Iran

Now he wants to blame Obama

How is whacking a terrorist, after the Iranian Mullahs whacked a contractor considered to be "bad behavior"?
Do you think the president of the united states can unilaterally, without consulting congress, run around the world and assassinate any or all, the different Nation's govt bad guys, without an imminent threat, and that is okay?

There was an imminent threat. President Trump reported that Soleimani commanded the mission to whack the American contractor.

Someone, who BTW, is a lot more decent individual than old Qassem.
Does Trump have a receipt?

Does Trump have a receipt?
Won't see it til Obama opens his Presidential Library.

You can fit the Trump Presidential Library into a suitcase

Pic of barry's new library.....
Each book is above Trumps grade level
Guess what?

The money did not go for missiles
Iran had the missiles BEFORE the Disarmament Agreement
Why isn't Hussein Barack in jail yet?

If he is not a traitor, then NOBODY is!:mad-61:
Trump: Iran missiles fired at US were paid for with money released by Obama administration

President Trump took direct aim at former President Barack Obama on Wednesday, blaming the last administration for giving Iran money that he claimed was then used by Tehran to pay for missiles that were aimed at U.S. troops in Iraq.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” Trump said from the White House, referring to settlement money the U.S. paid to Iran in 2016...
Whose money was it?

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