Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

Trump is waiting to be certain he can win in 2024. His fragile megalomaniacal ego could not handle a second loss. The laughter would haunt him to his grave.

So he needs the economy to crash, and crash hard. He needs the years 2023 and 2024 to be a catastrophe for America. This is what he is fervently wishing for.

Anything the Dems come up with which could help the economy will be portrayed as a communist plot.
Doubling the federal deficit in his first two years. Matching Obama's $8 trillion of debt in half the time. A far left protectionist trade war which cost Americans billions of dollars. Allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily. Corrupting the GOP into a cult of personality which no longer cares about conservatism, family values, balanced budgets, integrity, adultery, thievery, sexual predation. Making love with communist dictators.
Congress controls the purse strings and politicians spend or they don’t get elected…Welcome to the age of the American beggar.
The “trade war” was/is brilliant but it takes time to develop and yield a return
He didn’t “allow” anybody to die…that’s crazy TDS shit
Your beloved now dead GOP was going nowhere fast…comprised of nothing but nutless bitches they fucked themselves by allowing the party of disgusting filth to have their way with their asses via PC bullshit.
Trump OWNED all world leaders
Take note; your extreme TDS is off the charts KindaTard.

more like............


Latest Economic Report Shows Biden Leaving Trump In His Dust​

Gloria Christie
November 26, 2021

When it comes to jobs, President Joe Biden leaves Donald Trump in the dust. His weekly jobless claims recently plunged to 199,000. That is the lowest number in more than 50 years, according to The Washington Post. On the other hand, Trump was the first “post–World War II president to see employment fall during his presidency.” The last time that happened was when Herbert Hoover left office in 1933. We are talking in the middle of the Great Depression.

The ex-president rode in on the Obama-Biden team’s longest economic expansion in American history. Then, Trump screwed it all up by mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic.



Latest Economic Report Shows Biden Leaving Trump In His Dust

I just can't care about this. I don't want government to manage our economy. This is large reason why I can't vote D or R.
Yeeeeh, LIndsey!! Thanks for the good news. I must say, things are going well. He was so upset by getting scared Jan. 6, he spake ---------------------------------------------

Incautiously. Good to have him back.

I just can't care about this. I don't want government to manage our economy. This is large reason why I can't vote D or R.

okey dokey.... but people working is a good thing & the infrastructure bill will be employing people who don't have a college degree.

Latest Economic Report Shows Biden Leaving Trump In His Dust​

Gloria Christie
November 26, 2021

When it comes to jobs, President Joe Biden leaves Donald Trump in the dust. His weekly jobless claims recently plunged to 199,000. That is the lowest number in more than 50 years, according to The Washington Post. On the other hand, Trump was the first “post–World War II president to see employment fall during his presidency.” The last time that happened was when Herbert Hoover left office in 1933. We are talking in the middle of the Great Depression.

The ex-president rode in on the Obama-Biden team’s longest economic expansion in American history. Then, Trump screwed it all up by mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic.



Latest Economic Report Shows Biden Leaving Trump In His Dust


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Latest Economic Report Shows Biden Leaving Trump In His Dust​

Gloria Christie
November 26, 2021

When it comes to jobs, President Joe Biden leaves Donald Trump in the dust. His weekly jobless claims recently plunged to 199,000. That is the lowest number in more than 50 years, according to The Washington Post. On the other hand, Trump was the first “post–World War II president to see employment fall during his presidency.” The last time that happened was when Herbert Hoover left office in 1933. We are talking in the middle of the Great Depression.

The ex-president rode in on the Obama-Biden team’s longest economic expansion in American history. Then, Trump screwed it all up by mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic.



Latest Economic Report Shows Biden Leaving Trump In His Dust
As usual, your'e include the Democrat run COVID collapse.

All you have done is demonstrate how fundamentally dishonest you progs are.
okey dokey.... but people working is a good thing & the infrastructure bill will be employing people who don't have a college degree.
Yep. I don't want the government serving as my employment agency either.

That kind of power is, inevitably, used by those in power to reward their friends and punish their enemies.

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