Trump is CREATING a deep state.

You hit the button. Exactly.

And ... President Trump expectingly seems to remain unmoved ...
As embedded Progressive Liberals squeal feverishly regarding their understandable dismissal.

Onlookers try to hold back their tears or hysterical laughter ...
As those outed attempt to act tough ... With their tattered, dogeared copies of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals ...
Clasped firmly against their chests.

Blind, deaf, mute high school senior Amanda Wright wins spelling bee in a much more interesting story.
Flim at 11.

Nope. I am not concerned with Biden now but Trump now. Yes, he won, by a narrow margin with the exception of the states.

It's to him now not Biden.

Nope. I am not concerned with Biden now but Trump now. Yes, he won, by a narrow margin with the exception of the states.

It's to him now not Biden.
bite me has been in politics for 50 years.
When President Trump came into power in 2016 the deep state fought him and his policies every step of the way.
Deep state undermined him.
If you want to talk deep state we have to talk about corn pop.
Do you want to know why tater head pardoned his corrupt family and the corrupt jan 6 committee.
Because he is protecting the deep state.
Now that The American People have wised up 312>226 they see who is deep state.
Your low info, censorship cult is dwindling.
Much like your intelect.
You are discussing Biden, alt right, to try to hide coming Trump errors

'whataboutism' is transparent
bite me has been in politics for 50 years.
When President Trump came into power in 2016 the deep state fought him and his policies every step of the way.
Deep state undermined him.
If you want to talk deep state we have to talk about corn pop.
Do you want to know why tater head pardoned his corrupt family and the corrupt jan 6 committee.
Because he is protecting the deep state.
Now that The American People have wised up 312>226 they see who is deep state.
Your low info, censorship cult is dwindling.
Much like your intelect.
Got it. You support the THUG. Not surprising.
'whataboutism' is transparent

Which works both ways and dovetails amazingly with the Thread's Title and OP.

But ... In similar news President Trump declined an offer for an interview ...
So, we were forced to canvas the area surround the FBI's DC Field Office just trying to get a feel for any activity.
We came across an agent ... 20 year veteran in the force, but newly assigned to the Office ... At a local U-Haul Outlet ...
Loading boxes, tape and assorted other packing items in a van.
Curious about his mission we casually asked how things were going, and he was happy to reply ...

"Oh, things are moving kind of fast and I'm looking at long hours ahead. There was a grumbling from the staff at Quantico
regarding repainting a wall or two, but it doesn't look like a daycare center there anymore, and a bit more professional.

I'm loading up these supplies now, but I bet you couldn't guess what they are for. All these boxes are so we can pack some
rather questionable reading materials in the executive restrooms and throughout the common areas. But don't worry, we're not going to burn them; we'll probably just ship them out to the Field Office in LA. From there, they'll probably be passed out to some seedy nightclubs remodeling after the recent fires to be use as impromptu wallpaper. Just helping out where we can."

In other news ...
Legendary groundhog and mediocre weather forecaster, Punxsutawney Phil came out victorious in his Civil Lawsuit today.
The case Phil's lawyers presented against the City Council dealt specifically with a breach of contract
concerning Phil's agreed upon conjugal visits during the 364 days a year that he is not required to work.

The hearing lasted a brief 30 minutes ...
Filled mostly with some rather colorful but stern words from the Presiding Judge to City Council Members.
It was obvious to see that Phil and his Legal Team were pleased with the results ...
But equally obvious we weren't going to get an interview as quickly as he hustled out the door and headed back home.

Sorry folks ... Due to concerns for our possible younger audience, and requests for privacy from our furry friend ...
There won't be a Film at 11.

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Got it. You support the THUG. Not surprising.
So you can't respond with anything.
Got it. You support the the deep state.
I can't believe you rejects voted for tater head and cackles.
I find you to be shallow and pedantic 🙄
I remember a time when you guys and girls scoffed at Trump's idea there was a "Deep State."

Now the shoe is on the other hand, and it's not so fun, is it? :laughing0301:
Indeed.considering who the poster is,every patriotic American against the Dems here can agree his nose just grew miles long after that post. :rofl: The paid shills for the Dems are in desperation mode.:abgg2q.jpg:

Yeah that is indeed comedy gold that bulldog and all the Dems on here all these years said there was no such thing as a deep state,but now with trump in,there is all of a sudden a deep state that exists.hypocrisy at its best.:abgg2q.jpg: These America haters are digging at the bottom of the barrel not even remembering what they posted in the past.comedy gold.:rofl:


What I do not understand is what these TDS fucks are getting from their pearl clutching.


We were all lied to. The brainwashed lefties do not care…cuz COVID CULT!

It is cognitive dissonance. They are too embarrassed to admit they are dumb fucks who bought the lies.

Masks stop the spread.
Vax stop infection and spread.
It came from bat soup.

You people are stupid as fuck.

The understatement of the year.they indeed are too embarrassed to come forward and admit they are dumbfucks posting the most insane garbage on the planet.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:
Deep state is when you weaponize the d.o.j., make up charges and illegally try to imprison your political enemies.
jack smith, fanni willis, leticia James are deep state. alvin bragg ring a bell?
The collusion delusion a.k.a. (russia, russia, russia) = deep state.
Shutting down businesses, firing people because they don't take an experimental shot.
Anymore brain busters.
:thankusmile: You are using too much logic,common sense and facts fir Tom,bulldog and the Dems to comprehend I’m afraid.:rofl:
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OK, then tell us all about the “deep state”.

What is it?

Who is it?

What are its aims?

Oh, and try, try to present something that resembles a fact, instead of empty meaningless labels and tropes.
Maybe you should address your question to the OP as he is the one that referenced it in his thread. LOL
Very few people?
bite me (the president) instigated the lawfare against now President Trump.
It all came from the big guy and The American People rejected it resoundingly 312>226.
It's nice that you admitted to the deep state (cornpop) treasonous lawfare against President Trump though.
Your post is very emotionally driven, void of any real facts and you are lashing out childishly. It seems to me that you are more triggered than anything.
Your coin flip analogy is extremely elementary.
Again, The American People have spoken resoundingly, and all the swing states voted for President Trump. Once The American People saw the repugnant lawfare and censorship from you leftists they voted against it overwhelmingly.
They will continue to vote against it in the future.
Nobody wants the leftists censorship, lawfare, and indoctrination.
Your hate cult is getting smaller and smaller.
Wake Up before it is to late.
You indeed trigged him so much he got angry and tried to dismiss it as fake news after throwing the chair against the wall being checkmated with facts. :rofl:
If he continues like this, I doubt he's going to make it to the end of the year. He'll likely be indicted, and thrown in jail, where he belongs. These right-wing Republicans are out of their minds. When they attacked the Capitol building on January 6th, 2020, they actually thought that by doing that, they were somehow going to get Trump back in office. These people are nuts and stupid.
Sure whatever you say bsnot truth :rofl:
JGalt indeed,the last gop president we had before trump not a stuffed shirt beaurcrst you got to go all the way back to Calvin coolidge.
So you can't respond with anything.
Got it. You support the the deep state.
I can't believe you rejects voted for tater head and cackles.
I find you to be shallow and pedantic 🙄
You can't defend the truth, my boy. Your leader is a thug. A felon. Absolutely.
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