Trump is now confiscating supplies from hospitals after telling hospitals to get supplies themselves!

The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

Tell us how many MDs and nurses you know across the US that can confirm this.
I know several thousand from my Facebook group and this is total bullshit.
Thank you. China is spreading false information and liberals eat it up like the Gerbers baby food they still have in the cupboard.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Hostpitals for Washington D.C. Democrats would be well taken care of.
I know for a FACT supplies are being moved as needed. I suppose if Trump were like O'bummer he'd sit home smoking dope hoping everything turns out A-OK.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Trying to talk sense to a liberal is a waste of time...might as well go smash you nut sack between to bricks.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?
Shifting needs because Obama left the United States short on emergency supplies of everything.Im from Louisiana and YES those FEMA trailers were put on market for highest bidder because health codes will not allow them to be reused. Now, post some links, or shut the fuck up.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?

The government doesn't sell shit for a profit. Most of the supplies came from other countries and even some were brought in on the Partiots jet. Some even from Russia.

I know it pains you to no end that Trump is kicking ass on this problem, but for fuck sake if Hillaryous was in charge they'd have to go hunt her up like they did after Bengazi.

What boggles the mind is why in hell don't you clowns start being part of the solution instead of being part of the problem?
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?

The government doesn't sell shit for a profit. Most of the supplies came from other countries and even some were brought in on the Partiots jet. Some even from Russia.

I know it pains you to no end that Trump is kicking ass on this problem, but for fuck sake if Hillaryous was in charge they'd have to go hunt her up like they did after Bengazi.

What boggles the mind is why in hell don't you clowns start being part of the solution instead of being part of the problem?
They may have been donated by foreign countries, hauled on "Partiots" jet ( although I do not know who what a "Partiot" is), but the entered the for profit supply chain at the direction of the President and his staff. Giving away bottled water looks good for the cameras, saving the lives of healthcare workers and patients behind the wall of hospital away from cameras, not so much, especially if the wholesaler they chose needs to make a profit on the Federal Emergency. He is doing a shit job, you imbecile.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?

Emergency or not someone has to pay for the medical supplies...manufactures are already working overtime to get try and keep up with demand and now you want them to give out the supplies for free...

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

Likely fake news...but isn't this what progressives yearn for?

It's redistributing the wealth...taking from those who have an abundance and giving to those in need. Guess it looks better on paper than in practice.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?

The government doesn't sell shit for a profit. Most of the supplies came from other countries and even some were brought in on the Partiots jet. Some even from Russia.

I know it pains you to no end that Trump is kicking ass on this problem, but for fuck sake if Hillaryous was in charge they'd have to go hunt her up like they did after Bengazi.

What boggles the mind is why in hell don't you clowns start being part of the solution instead of being part of the problem?
They may have been donated by foreign countries, hauled on "Partiots" jet ( although I do not know who what a "Partiot" is), but the entered the for profit supply chain at the direction of the President and his staff. Giving away bottled water looks good for the cameras, saving the lives of healthcare workers and patients behind the wall of hospital away from cameras, not so much, especially if the wholesaler they chose needs to make a profit on the Federal Emergency. He is doing a shit job, you imbecile.

One thing we've found out over the last two months, there's no cure for Kung Flu and there's no cure for TDS.

You're already chronic with one so I'd go back under your rock if I was you.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?

Emergency or not someone has to pay for the medical supplies...manufactures are already working overtime to get try and keep up with demand and now you want them to give out the supplies for free...
What happened to the 2 trillion dollars of tax payer funding passed by both houses of congress? Not spending a penny to help buy supplies for the tax payers? Oh yea, they allotted $1200 for individuals, enough said, benefit to tax payers handled. Let them mask with dollar bills. And they call this Govment, as mark twain said.
Trump is now injecting people with Corona
Just as likely and just as believable to lib loons
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.
I watched a live report Friday, where Pence and that Navy guy were announcing to reporters at the White House that the government was loading pallets of N95 masks for immediate shipment to the hospitals in need in New York. When asked what state warehouse or hospitals were getting the masks, our daring duo of the executive branch were forced to disclose that they were being shipped to a commercial supply warehouse in New York for sale to the highest bidder. They then explained, the government was not here to change the normal routes of commerce and supply during this emergency. Like a dumb ass, I had first thought they were coming through in a national emergency to help the stricken, but nope. Anyone could buy them, even foreign governments.

Well, what you didn't understand was the federal government didn't buy the masks they were sent from other sources. I know it's hard for libtardos to understand how this works but rest assured if you Socialists were running the joint they'd throw you under the bus so the elite can get their supplies.
Pence and the dude in Navy day wear said "we" and were quite proud of what they had accomplished, until the reporter pulled it out of them. No telling where they confiscated those supplies to send to the wholesaler for emergency profits. When we have a hurricane, the emergency generators FEMA sends and the FEMA truckloads of bottled water and the FEMA trailers are not put on the market to the highest bidder through a wholesaler. In an emergency that the Federal government is forced to take seriously, it is done different.
Now reading multiple reports of emergency shipments being hijacked for hospital ordering their own emergency supplies. What do states and hospitals have to do, hire armed guards for their emergency supplies at the same time they place their order?

The government doesn't sell shit for a profit. Most of the supplies came from other countries and even some were brought in on the Partiots jet. Some even from Russia.

I know it pains you to no end that Trump is kicking ass on this problem, but for fuck sake if Hillaryous was in charge they'd have to go hunt her up like they did after Bengazi.

What boggles the mind is why in hell don't you clowns start being part of the solution instead of being part of the problem?
They may have been donated by foreign countries, hauled on "Partiots" jet ( although I do not know who what a "Partiot" is), but the entered the for profit supply chain at the direction of the President and his staff. Giving away bottled water looks good for the cameras, saving the lives of healthcare workers and patients behind the wall of hospital away from cameras, not so much, especially if the wholesaler they chose needs to make a profit on the Federal Emergency. He is doing a shit job, you imbecile.
They may have been donated by foreign countries, hauled on "Partiots" jet ( although I do not know who what a "Partiot" is),

:abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg::p:D
second guessing someone else's split second decisions in hindsight is coward's work

the OP is a coward, my friends!
feelings dont count, lives do.

Trump doesnt give a shit about your feelings, neither do I or any other Americans
States asked for more equipment than they needed. Those hospital ships were hardly used. Trump stated he is taking back unused beds and ventilators and placing them into national emergency storage.

States are responsible for their health needs and those supplies are not their property. Fake news.

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