trump is trying to get back on Facebook and Instagram


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.


The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

MFing PROGS couldn't be anymore intellectually dishonest. Talking to you OP. You're a coward as well, or at best gullible & unwise.

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.
Get better soon. :itsok:

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.
He should just join every social media platform there is, and every announcement uploaded to each.

That is, when he is ready to come back into the spotlight. For now he seems content with allowing the nation to witness the shit show that is the Xiden Regime.

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

....and dems are afraid.

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

FU. Trump has every right to be on FB and Twitter like anyone else. These forums are for people to COMMUNICATE and share ideas and opinions, not just the ones you dick-sucking commie fascists like or approve of. :fu:

FUNNY how all of you asshats are so FOR banning Trump for standing up for what he believes and opposing what he sees as a very crooked and illegal fraud election, yet WHEN THE VERY SAME THING HAPPENS TO ONE OF YOU HERE and a mod bans you for a month or whatever for some rule violation, you all come back WITHOUT FAIL whining and crying and denouncing USMB as being unfair, prejudiced and evil. :auiqs.jpg:

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

MFing PROGS couldn't be anymore intellectually dishonest. Talking to you OP. You're a coward as well, or at best gullible & unwise.
You sound Miserable! I am so sorry.....:abgg2q.jpg:

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

FU. Trump has every right to be on FB and Twitter like anyone else. These forums are for people to COMMUNICATE and share ideas and opinions, not just the ones you dick-sucking commie fascists like or approve of. :fu:

FUNNY how all of you asshats are so FOR banning Trump for standing up for what he believes and opposing what he sees as a very crooked and illegal fraud election, yet WHEN THE VERY SAME THING HAPPENS TO ONE OF YOU HERE and a mod bans you for a month or whatever for some rule violation, you all come back WITHOUT FAIL whining and crying and denouncing USMB as being unfair, prejudiced and evil. :auiqs.jpg:

Do they let you use facebook and twitter in prison?

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

FU. Trump has every right to be on FB and Twitter like anyone else. These forums are for people to COMMUNICATE and share ideas and opinions, not just the ones you dick-sucking commie fascists like or approve of. :fu:

FUNNY how all of you asshats are so FOR banning Trump for standing up for what he believes and opposing what he sees as a very crooked and illegal fraud election, yet WHEN THE VERY SAME THING HAPPENS TO ONE OF YOU HERE and a mod bans you for a month or whatever for some rule violation, you all come back WITHOUT FAIL whining and crying and denouncing USMB as being unfair, prejudiced and evil. :auiqs.jpg:

Do they let you use facebook and twitter in prison?
Never "In Person"....only in a orange hallowed hologram....
I wonder how Trump will re-form his brand of ISIS without social media to help direct his terror cells.

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.

FU. Trump has every right to be on FB and Twitter like anyone else. These forums are for people to COMMUNICATE and share ideas and opinions, not just the ones you dick-sucking commie fascists like or approve of. :fu:

FUNNY how all of you asshats are so FOR banning Trump for standing up for what he believes and opposing what he sees as a very crooked and illegal fraud election, yet WHEN THE VERY SAME THING HAPPENS TO ONE OF YOU HERE and a mod bans you for a month or whatever for some rule violation, you all come back WITHOUT FAIL whining and crying and denouncing USMB as being unfair, prejudiced and evil. :auiqs.jpg:
Fuck that. Last time we met him have a bullhorn he tried to overthrow the government.
FU. Trump has every right to be on FB and Twitter like anyone else. These forums are for people to COMMUNICATE and share ideas and opinions, not just the ones you dick-sucking commie fascists like or approve of.


A couple of thoughts

First, with poster 'toobfreak's' complaint about Trump's "right" (let's for sake of simplicity and good manners sidestep the 'fuck you's' and 'dick sucking commie fascist' temper tantrums):
  • Don Trump's 'right' to Twitter and Facebook is subservient to the property rights and prerogatives of the owners of Twitter & Facebook. I mean by that, those platforms are private platforms, and as such, the 1st Amendment doesn't apply.

  • Accordingly, the only 'right' Don Trump thus posses there is the 'right' (and responsibility) to adhere to the owners wishes,
    And you know what?
    He failed to exercise that right. Live up to that responsibility.
It's a 'consequences'-thingy, poster 'toobfreak'.
I'm sure you agree.
I'm sure you agree.

I do NOT agree, Chillclothe. Banning Trump for no other reason than some invisible, arbitrary "rule violation" that only ever seems to apply to conservatives is flat out DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, FASCISM, and OPPRESSION of free speech. It is silencing political opposition to effect political gain---- the very thing the Democrats spent 60 million dollars trying to claim Russians did in 2016.

So take your pathetic personal attacks against me and your alligator tears about how private companies can do anything they want, treat people any way they want, suppress whomever they want, make different rules for different groups as they want, and shove 'em up the ol' PIPE. FB and Twitter are in effect UTILITIES: They are monopolies. I can get electricity and gas from ONE company, likewise, I can only Tweet on Twitter. If I don't Tweet, I'm effectively cut off from humanity.

Big Tech needs regulated under strict federal guidelines. That the Left has managed to do this to and treat a PRESIDENT this way calling his posts fake news and "disinformation" without a SHRED of evidence to back it up all the while letting the Ayatollah of Iran and others post freely under the great lie that Trump is somehow this dangerous, racist "Pied Piper" of an army of unhinged white supremacists about to take over the country is the most heinous, subversive black political lie ever perpetrated upon the nation by the now unbelievable unhinged leftwing government-run media.

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.
I miss Trump. Instead we now have idiot puppet. I blame retarded voters, like you.
FU. Trump has every right to be on FB and Twitter like anyone else. These forums are for people to COMMUNICATE and share ideas and opinions, not just the ones you dick-sucking commie fascists like or approve of.


A couple of thoughts

First, with poster 'toobfreak's' complaint about Trump's "right" (let's for sake of simplicity and good manners sidestep the 'fuck you's' and 'dick sucking commie fascist' temper tantrums):
  • Don Trump's 'right' to Twitter and Facebook is subservient to the property rights and prerogatives of the owners of Twitter & Facebook. I mean by that, those platforms are private platforms, and as such, the 1st Amendment doesn't apply.

  • Accordingly, the only 'right' Don Trump thus posses there is the 'right' (and responsibility) to adhere to the owners wishes,
    And you know what?
    He failed to exercise that right. Live up to that responsibility.
It's a 'consequences'-thingy, poster 'toobfreak'.
I'm sure you agree.
Like all douchebag libs, you are wrong.

The idiot wants to call his mob back together. I hardly ever go to either, so I don't care. But I know lots of people are enjoying the peace and quiet of a social media since the Orange Mouth has been banned.
In the meantime, Facebook has a commercial specifically targeted to sexual perverts.

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