Trump just went golfing again

Donald Trump went golfing again.
He has been called out as a hypocrite for criticizing Obama for playing too much Golf.
Related Washington Post thread: Analysis | Why President Trump’s frequent golfing is even more hypocritical than it seems

In this thread, we discuss the hypocrisy of golf-addict and lazy President Donald J. Trump.
The difference is President Trump does business on the golf course, for example, getting Rand Paul to agree to compromise on health reform while they played golf, but Obama played a lot of golf because the secret service agents always let him win. Trump is a mature businessman while Obama is an aging teenager.

I presume you are being sarcastic... I love everytime you try and paint the man child as somehow mature...

How mature was pussygrabbing? Twitter rants? Constant lies...

If he is so mature why does he need to lie so much...
Yes cultists...we know you can justify the hypocrisy. Can Trump?

Hypocrite Trump Is Playing Golf Today, After Years of Criticizing Obama For Golfing

Maybe if he did it when one of his ambassadors is getting killed he would get a pass?
Was dump golfing when the bombs killed all those children the other day ?
There would be no trump if there was no obama... karma is a bitch

Bullshit. Obama was popular at the end of his 2 terms, unlike Bush.

Republican rabid, reactionary, ignorant base first and foremost is responsible for Trump.
All of Trump's sins can be washed away by the redeeming powers of the Trumpeteers. He can golf every day, but he is doing important national business on the sixteenth green. President Obama golfs and it's only because the Secret Service lets him win.

Trump can quit the negotiations on repeal and replace after less than three weeks. Obama rammed the legislation through without careful debate. Trump is seen as a master dealmaker.

The NSA chief quits after less than a month. Trump called politicians stupid and those surrounding them inept and poor decision makers. Trump appointed Flynn.

Trump sends out irresponsible Tweets in the wee small hours. Tweets containing lies, concerning things that happened six months ago and today have no consequence, tweets about his old game show. Meanwhile, Syria continues to explode, North Korea is rattling sabres and the Russia scandal grows exponentially. And these missteps are easily excused by those loyal Trumpeteers.

What those last loyalists do not know, or refuse to know, is that they are a slender minority. A group still intoxicated by the star power of the huckster buffoon. A lost generation.
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Two years from now I could see Trump having Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner running the whole shebang with him just signing off on things. .

And that tells us more about your intelligence and grasp of reality than it tells us about Trump...
Donald Trump went golfing again.
He has been called out as a hypocrite for criticizing Obama for playing too much Golf.
Related Washington Post thread: Analysis | Why President Trump’s frequent golfing is even more hypocritical than it seems

In this thread, we discuss the hypocrisy of golf-addict and lazy President Donald J. Trump.
The difference is President Trump does business on the golf course, for example, getting Rand Paul to agree to compromise on health reform while they played golf, but Obama played a lot of golf because the secret service agents always let him win. Trump is a mature businessman while Obama is an aging teenager.

I presume you are being sarcastic... I love everytime you try and paint the man child as somehow mature...

How mature was pussygrabbing? Twitter rants? Constant lies...

If he is so mature why does he need to lie so much...
Karma is a bitch... we had eight years of an absolute control freak in obama.
Yes cultists...we know you can justify the hypocrisy. Can Trump?

Hypocrite Trump Is Playing Golf Today, After Years of Criticizing Obama For Golfing

Maybe if he did it when one of his ambassadors is getting killed he would get a pass?
Was dump golfing when the bombs killed all those children the other day ?
There would be no trump if there was no obama... karma is a bitch

Obama is Trump's Father???????
Yes cultists...we know you can justify the hypocrisy. Can Trump?

Hypocrite Trump Is Playing Golf Today, After Years of Criticizing Obama For Golfing

Maybe if he did it when one of his ambassadors is getting killed he would get a pass?
Was dump golfing when the bombs killed all those children the other day ?
There would be no trump if there was no obama... karma is a bitch
Rustic all you repubs are fos Obama scored records with our markets ,,75 straight months of job gains when the moron gwb a repub had 800000 lost in just his last month ,and a 4.7 unemployment rate AND your nitwits fillibustered 100's of times,, he also kept us away from another 9/11 What t f did you want ?? BLOOD ?
Just because liberals say Trump lies doesn't mean he does. After all, accusing obama of surveillance turned out to be true.
Two years from now I could see Trump having Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner running the whole shebang with him just signing off on things. .

And that tells us more about your intelligence and grasp of reality than it tells us about Trump...
The AH is sending his son in law to Iraq WTF does he know about Iraq? Maybe trump is trying to get him offed?
Yes cultists...we know you can justify the hypocrisy. Can Trump?

Hypocrite Trump Is Playing Golf Today, After Years of Criticizing Obama For Golfing

Maybe if he did it when one of his ambassadors is getting killed he would get a pass?
Was dump golfing when the bombs killed all those children the other day ?
There would be no trump if there was no obama... karma is a bitch

Bullshit. Obama was popular at the end of his 2 terms, unlike Bush.

Republican rabid, reactionary, ignorant base first and foremost is responsible for Trump.
Na, cause and effect… Karma is a bitch
Donald Trump went golfing again.
He has been called out as a hypocrite for criticizing Obama for playing too much Golf.
Related Washington Post thread: Analysis | Why President Trump’s frequent golfing is even more hypocritical than it seems

In this thread, we discuss the hypocrisy of golf-addict and lazy President Donald J. Trump.

I agree that it is hypocritical to call out Obama and then do it even more.

That does not surprise me with this guy.

However, the more he plays, the less he does and the better off we are.
I agree that it is hypocritical to call out Obama and then do it even more.

That does not surprise me with this guy.

However, the more he plays, the less he does and the better off we are.

Not only is Trump hypocritical about Obama and golf, but look at his hypocrisy on immunity. While he was criticizing Obama for playing golf he was criticizing Hillary staffers for requesting immunity to testify. Trump even said "if you're not guilty of something, why do you need immunity?"

Oh what a difference Michael Flynn made in Trumps attitude about immunity. Just like his hypocrisy on golf.
Trump has done more good for this country than any president since Reagan. He can play as much golf as he likes.

And that explains the fading popularity of the populism candidates in Europe, who patterned themselves after Donald Trump. Things looked pretty good for them after Trump's victory and then Trump took office and populism's momentum reversed itself.

I would think for Trumpsters, it's no laughing matter. And it is true.
About everyone was predicting a huge success for the populist movement in Europe prior to Trump assuming office., but it is now coming to a screeching halt. The populist lost in the Netherlands and other candidates a slipping fast. That wasn't the case before Trump took office, but things have changed once he took the ruling reins of the US.
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