Trump Knocks it out of the Park in Rose Garden Press Conference

I'd kind of like any lib/dem out there, or anyone else for that matter, to explain to me why the Dems such as Schumer, Obama, Clinton, etc., voted FOR a wall in 2006 but now it's ineffective and immoral. And don't give me the bullshit about cost, you guys have NEVER given a rats ass about spending. True, the wall isn't the be-all and end-all that is guaranteed to stop all illegals from entering the country, but is and should be a part of the total solution.
It's payback for the Repubs' obstruction all those years with Obama. And the SC thing(s). And otherwise tit for tat nonsense. Has nothing to do with the Wall.

In other words party over country.
That's what it looks like to me. Damn the bunch of 'em. Republicans too. No one is getting off the hook, so don't try it.
I'd kind of like any lib/dem out there, or anyone else for that matter, to explain to me why the Dems such as Schumer, Obama, Clinton, etc., voted FOR a wall in 2006 but now it's ineffective and immoral. And don't give me the bullshit about cost, you guys have NEVER given a rats ass about spending. True, the wall isn't the be-all and end-all that is guaranteed to stop all illegals from entering the country, but is and should be a part of the total solution.
It's payback for the Repubs' obstruction all those years with Obama. And the SC thing(s). And otherwise tit for tat nonsense. Has nothing to do with the Wall.

Understood. Don't like it, but it is what it is, and when do we ever get to the point where this tit for tat nonsense stops. Never mind the argument over who started it or who is worse, this is why most surveys and polls I see say that gov't/politics is our worst problem these days. And I don't see that changing until we have a really bad situation such as a big war or great depression. And maybe not even then.
I only get to vote for two senators and one Representative, and how they act at times like this is really important to me, but that's the best I can do. That and the stray e-mail now and then.
Even 9/11, it only temporarily changed things for a short while, sadly.
I'd kind of like any lib/dem out there, or anyone else for that matter, to explain to me why the Dems such as Schumer, Obama, Clinton, etc., voted FOR a wall in 2006 but now it's ineffective and immoral. And don't give me the bullshit about cost, you guys have NEVER given a rats ass about spending. True, the wall isn't the be-all and end-all that is guaranteed to stop all illegals from entering the country, but is and should be a part of the total solution.
It's payback for the Repubs' obstruction all those years with Obama. And the SC thing(s). And otherwise tit for tat nonsense. Has nothing to do with the Wall.

Understood. Don't like it, but it is what it is, and when do we ever get to the point where this tit for tat nonsense stops. Never mind the argument over who started it or who is worse, this is why most surveys and polls I see say that gov't/politics is our worst problem these days. And I don't see that changing until we have a really bad situation such as a big war or great depression. And maybe not even then.
Pelosi and Schumer have proven that the Dems will throw the American Citizens under the bus for illegal aliens.
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"voted FOR a wall in 2006 but now it's ineffective and immoral."


maybe just MAYBE partisans are simplifying what was and wasn't voted for (or against). :eusa_clap:

Really? Like you're not a partisan? Let's look into a little bit of history here:

Bush signed the proposal into law in 2006, after it was passed by huge bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate. The law ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to construct about 700 miles of fencing along the southern border, and authorized the addition of lights and cameras and sensors to enhance security. The law explicitly required the wall to be constructed of “at least two layers of reinforced fencing.”

Two-thirds of the Republican-led House approved the bill, including 64 Democrats, and 80 of 100 senators approved the bill in the Senate.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006✎ EditSign required the construction of 700 miles of new border fence along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border. “The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for at least two layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras and sensors…” the act said.

It was to be modeled on the success of the border barriers in the San Diego sector of the U.S. border. The operative word was “secure”. Instead of this two-layer secure fence what has been built consists of flimsy pedestrian fencing or vehicle fencing consisting of posts people can slither through.

The two-tier fence in San Diego runs 14 miles along the border with Tijuana, Mexico. The first layer is a high steel fence, with an inner high anti-climb fence with a no-man’s land in between. It has been amazingly effective. According to a 2005 report by the Congressional Research Service, illegal alien apprehensions in the San Diego sector dropped from 202,000 in 1992 to 9,000 in 2004.

Cameras and sensors played a part, but the emphasis was on physical barriers and roads that were patrolled by real live border guards, not by robots. Then in 2006, the Democrats took back Congress and, in 2008, the White House.

They saw in unrestricted immigration a means to fundamentally transform the demographics of America and its political landscape. A wave of what some called “undocumented Democrats” would be allowed to flood across the border as ICE was told not to enforce the law. Former border state governor Janet Napolitano, who became DHS secretary, reportedly once said: “You show me a 50-foot fence and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder at the border,” The rest, as they say, is history.

But the consequences of unrestricted illegal immigration soon became too big to ignore and with a candidate willing to touch the new third rail of American politics, border security, a political movement chanting “build the wall” swept Trump into power.

If President Trump compromises the wall into nonexistence, he risks his campaign mantra “build the wall” becoming his “read my lips” ticket to a single term. In Yuma and San Diego fences and walls worked. So will Trump’s wall.

So tell me what was and wasn't voted for, hmm? And show me a link to back it up please. You guys are not afraid that Trump's wall won't work, you're afraid that it will, only too well.

That is exactly why they don't want it.

"You can't impeach a president when he's doing a great job." Don

I'm a Conservative. Knowing that, I consider my bias and try to see the other side. Thus, there is plenty Trump has said and tweeted that made me cringe.

But, he is owning the New York Pravda Media in the Press conference in the Rose Garden right now.

His arguments for Border Security make Scuhmer and Pelosi's excuses for NO Money for Border Security sound so foolish.

He's still on.....killing it!

Just my opinion.

Man. Are you ever gonna wake up with a nasty hangover!
He’s saying people that aren’t getting a paycheck are telling him great good job keep it up. Security is more important. We can do without.
The guy is totally freaking nuts. He has no understanding what it’s like to live from paycheck to paycheck. After all he did get over 400 million from his dad.

We all hear what we want to hear.

The ones of us who think we DO in fact have a National Emergency with regard to the Mexican and Central American Invasion hear that:

1) Asking someone to wait a few weeks for his paycheck is mild considering that some other National Emergencies have meant Drafting him and sending him to war, and

2) We know that Federal Workers are getting paid sufficiently to survive few weeks without a paycheck---too damn much in fact---and if they can't manage their money any better, then they should call their Democratic Congressman....and tell then we have a National Emergency on the Border---Do Something About it!

You think. That's the problem. You need to KNOW.

And if you KNEW, you'd KNOW that we don't have an emergency at our southern border.

It's a falsehood aimed at ginning up fear in morons.

"You can't impeach a president when he's doing a great job." Don

I'm a Conservative. Knowing that, I consider my bias and try to see the other side. Thus, there is plenty Trump has said and tweeted that made me cringe.

But, he is owning the New York Pravda Media in the Press conference in the Rose Garden right now.

His arguments for Border Security make Scuhmer and Pelosi's excuses for NO Money for Border Security sound so foolish.

He's still on.....killing it!

Just my opinion.

Trump is a serial lier and has done nothing but give money to the rich.The wall isn't going to happen and shouldn't happen congrats supporting a conman who doesn't care about you.
"we need people! we have to have...people!" - Eloquent Donald on the merits of legal immigration
"You can't impeach a president when he's doing a great job." Don
Nixon was re-elected in 1972 by a landslide.

And I mean a landslide.

49 states.

Tricky Dick was way more popular than Crooked Donald and look what happened to him.

So much for that theory.
Every day President Trump finds new and wonderful ways to twist liberal knickers.

Truly, a gift from God!

I second that! :clap::clap::clap:

President Trump is indeed a gift from GOD! May he be blessed and protected always!
Funny, lefttards aren't celebrating Pelosi's reascension today.
Shortest celebration in history. Thank you President Trump!
"You can't impeach a president when he's doing a great job." Don

I'm a Conservative. Knowing that, I consider my bias and try to see the other side. Thus, there is plenty Trump has said and tweeted that made me cringe.

But, he is owning the New York Pravda Media in the Press conference in the Rose Garden right now.

His arguments for Border Security make Scuhmer and Pelosi's excuses for NO Money for Border Security sound so foolish.

He's still on.....killing it!

Just my opinion.
You'r no conservative if you support this friggin least not a fiscal conservative

And that news conference was least to thinking humans

Nancy and the media say that walls don't work, but everyone else in the history of the world says they work great. Trump has actual Border Patrol Personnel saying walls work and we need one, and a Democrat's first response is that it is a stunt? How does a Democrat brain make that leap? Why is Nancy more believable than people who actually work at securing the border, and how in the name of Oreo Cookies, does having Border Agents wanting a wall equal a stunt. Amazing and sad.
"You can't impeach a president when he's doing a great job." Don

I'm a Conservative. Knowing that, I consider my bias and try to see the other side. Thus, there is plenty Trump has said and tweeted that made me cringe.

But, he is owning the New York Pravda Media in the Press conference in the Rose Garden right now.

His arguments for Border Security make Scuhmer and Pelosi's excuses for NO Money for Border Security sound so foolish.

He's still on.....killing it!

Just my opinion.

Trump is a serial lier and has done nothing but give money to the rich.The wall isn't going to happen and shouldn't happen congrats supporting a conman who doesn't care about you.
"You can't impeach a president when he's doing a great job." Don

I'm a Conservative. Knowing that, I consider my bias and try to see the other side. Thus, there is plenty Trump has said and tweeted that made me cringe.

But, he is owning the New York Pravda Media in the Press conference in the Rose Garden right now.

His arguments for Border Security make Scuhmer and Pelosi's excuses for NO Money for Border Security sound so foolish.

He's still on.....killing it!

Just my opinion.

Trump is a serial lier and has done nothing but give money to the rich.The wall isn't going to happen and shouldn't happen congrats supporting a conman who doesn't care about you.

"You can't impeach a president when he's doing a great job." Don
Nixon was re-elected in 1972 by a landslide.

And I mean a landslide.

49 states.

Tricky Dick was way more popular than Crooked Donald and look what happened to him.

So much for that theory.
Even the vichy Repubs will not impeach Trump like they did Nixon. They know the Progressive Socialists always gets something in return even in worst ways possible of how many are in office. If Nixon was a Progressive Socialist, he would have served out his full two terms. Many people do not trust you anymore. But the infected are many. There are many who spout their macho ways but wait for that check to be delivered every month. and frankly that is human nature.

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