Trump Leading in Independent loling - poll

The important question is who has better hair, Trump or Romney?
Im sure it will be quite civil.

Like when Repubs went after McCain in S. Carolina?

Exactly! I was for Obama, but if he went after McCain the way Bush did I wouldn't have voted for him.
I actually voted for McCain in that primary, I liked him then, still like him, just think he has forgotten who he is since he ran for President. I also think that he really didn't want to run with Palin. I would have had a lot more respect for him if he had run with any other republican. His advisers told him to go after the women who wanted Hilary. The only problem is, the women who liked Hilary would never like Palin.
When you run for repub pres, you have to pander to their base. Look at bucs90, for example, of whom the potential repub candidate has to pander to.
How come Repubs put up such dumb candidates?
Bush jr, Quayle, Palin, now Trump?

I agree. Its the Tea Party influence. They have moved the Republican Party even further to the right. Obama will win the next Presidential election unless the Republican Primaries produce a clear and credible opponent. Perhaps Mike Huckabee or Mitt Romney would be the only candidates the wider American public would accept? But, then again, they may be past their sell-by-dates by now.

You lefties don't understand. 2012 isn't about which candidate the public will accept.

It isn't gonna be about accepting a candidate. It's gonna be about rejecting a president. 2012 is a referendum on Obama. The GOP candidate won't matter that much as long as he's not a complete fuck up. Enough people want Obama out that they'll vote for Turd Sandwhich if necessary.

Typical rightie-base voter. whatever happened to Bu$h II's credo "Don't change horses in mid-stream"? Was he lying then? LOLOL
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