Trump leads NEWEST Q Poll, Carson fades in national poll (Jeb at 5%)

Trump is a Rino. If he is nominated, I will cast my vote for a third party.

Hillary by proxy, brilliant move, idiot

Redfish. Go move to somalia or a cave! Don't tell me or the hundreds of millions of other Americans that love to drive on paved roads and be within civilized society what the fuck we can do.
From the same poll:

American voters shift to Clinton as the Democrat gains ground against Republicans:
  • 47 - 41 percent over Trump, compared to 46 - 43 percent November 4;
Trump is a Rino. If he is nominated, I will cast my vote for a third party.

Hillary by proxy, brilliant move, idiot
A tie for who would be worst. Hillary the lier or Trump who will shred the constitution worse than Obama.

Where is trump threatening to shred the constitution? Because he won't defund and abolish the entirely of government probably makes you think that way. Go back into the woods!
Trump is a Rino. If he is nominated, I will cast my vote for a third party.

Hillary by proxy, brilliant move, idiot

Redfish. Go move to somalia or a cave! Don't tell me or the hundreds of millions of other Americans that love to drive on paved roads and be within civilized society what the fuck we can do.

vote for whoever you want, dingleberry.

just be aware that a vote for a third party candidate is almost always a vote for the liberal democrat. Clinton only won his first term because Perot took votes from Bush.

WTF does that have to do with paved roads? Are you on drugs?
From the same poll:

American voters shift to Clinton as the Democrat gains ground against Republicans:
  • 47 - 41 percent over Trump, compared to 46 - 43 percent November 4;

Clinton certainly has increased her lead!!!! Sanders is even stronger against Trump.

Oh please dems, run Bernie. you may have no choice since the hildebeast will be under indictment.
From the same poll:

American voters shift to Clinton as the Democrat gains ground against Republicans:
  • 47 - 41 percent over Trump, compared to 46 - 43 percent November 4;

Clinton certainly has increased her lead!!!! Sanders is even stronger against Trump.

Oh please dems, run Bernie. you may have no choice since the hildebeast will be under indictment.

Bernie shines against Republicans. There is simply no hope for Republicans this trip to the polls, you can spend the next eight years rebuilding your party that might help.
Since basically, the Republicans are showcasing that no one in their party seems to want to vote for the Republican elected officials, then maybe just the entire remarks about the Democrats should be noted.
On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has widened her lead to 30 points over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Clinton takes 60 percent support over Sanders at 30 percent, growing her lead from 53 to 35 in the previous poll. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley takes 2 percent in the poll and 6 percent remain undecided.

Still, a strong majority of voters overall, 60 percent, say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy, against 36 percent who say she is. Among Democrats, 73 percent say she’s honest and trustworthy, while only 7 percent of Republicans say that.

For Sanders, 59 percent overall say he’s honest and trustworthy and only 28 percent say he’s not. Among Democrats polled, 78 percent think he’s honest and trustworthy, while 39 percent of Republicans find him honest and trustworthy.

Clinton has a lead over all of the top GOP contenders, with Rubio doing the best in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up. Clinton edges Rubio 45 to 44. Rubio led Clinton by 5 points in the same poll from last month.

Clinton leads Trump by 6, Cruz by 5 and Carson by 3. Carson led Clinton by 10 points last month.

Sanders holds even wider leads over all of those same contenders with the exception of Rubio, who he leads by 1. Sanders has a 6-point lead over Carson, 8 points over Trump and 10 points over Cruz.

Mostly, Republicans don't find Clinton honest or trustworthy: And so she is the winner(?). Apparently anyone would buy a used car from this person(?)! More Republicans do find Sanders honest and trustworthy, who could become the nominee for Vice President--with the reminding kind of remarks about the emails. Mostly, that could be predictive of how the Republicans may also vote--for anyone. The lack of clear support for the known elected people may suggest that many none of the registered Republicans will be inclined to mark a ballot, particularly if Trump isn't at the top of their list.

Mostly, Sanders does have the wider leads over all the candidates, and it is Sanders who is regarded more to the left than Clinton.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So a minority of the minority party is solidly for Trump, with a likely "Dump Trump" movement likely to appeal to the 75% of the Republicans who will do the nominating and voting. That way, the other 25% may sit this one out. . . .too(?)!)
From the same poll:

American voters shift to Clinton as the Democrat gains ground against Republicans:
  • 47 - 41 percent over Trump, compared to 46 - 43 percent November 4;

Wonder what happens when Trump is the only Republican, as the Hildebeast is the ONLY socialist/DemocRAT?


New Poll Shows 60% of Americans Think Hillary Clinton is ... › Politics / World News
Nov 6, 2015 - The real interesting part of the latest Quinnipiac University National Poll, is not the fact that 60% of Americans think Hillary Clinton is dishonest, ...
Also in that poll
  • Trump does worse than the other Republican candidates versus Clinton
  • Rubio rises to 17%
Trump will not be President.

And when he is the only Republican candidate left?

New Poll Shows 60% of Americans Think Hillary Clinton is ...
Nov 4, 2015 - The real interesting part of the latest Quinnipiac University National Poll, is not the fact that 60% of Americans think Hillary Clinton is dishonest, ...
Trump is a Rino. If he is nominated, I will cast my vote for a third party.

Hillary by proxy, brilliant move, idiot
A tie for who would be worst. Hillary the lier or Trump who will shred the constitution worse than Obama.

face reality, a vote for any third party candidate is a vote for the hildebeast. Did you fools learn nothing from Perot?
No its not. If the republican candidate is not someone I like or agree with I won't vote for them. :) Did it 2 elections running so. Not that I care if a republican I hate loses.
Just keeps getting stronger as the FAGERALS and RINO'S TRY to make something out of every LITTLE THING Trump says.... so entertaining watching them PANIC!

The Hill ^ | 12/2/15 | Jonathan Easley
Donald Trump continues to hold a commanding national lead over the field of Republican contenders, as Ben Carson falls back into the pack, according to a new poll. A Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday finds Trump taking 27 percent support, a 10-point lead over the next closest contender. That's a slight increase for Trump, who stood at 24 percent in the same poll from last month. "It doesn't seem to matter what he says or who he offends, whether the facts are contested or the 'political correctness' is challenged, Donald Trump seems to be wearing Kevlar," said Tim Malloy, assistant...

Trump peaked in September. As other candidates weaken or drop out, Trump is not the beneficiary.
Yet somehow he went up 4% points in this poll vs the last one. Lol
Wonder what happens when Trump is the only Republican, as the Hildebeast is the ONLY socialist/DemocRAT?

Probably the same thing that all the polls that aren't Fox News show - Clinton crushes Trump.



And yet, she leads Trump in 22 of the 27 polls versus Trump, and tied in two others.

People would rather have the dishonest Hillary than the unstable Trump.

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