Trump likely won the 2020 election after all

Not surprisingly, that number corresponds nearly exactly with the number senile and/or treasonous Americans.

Half the population is below average in intelligence, and that's where the Trump cult comes from.
So even Biden think he stole the election now?
Yep, we all knew it. Trump actually won resoundingly but was cheated by the deep state full of marxist, totalitarian pigs. Don’t forget that six battleground states stopped counting in the middle of the night when Trump was well ahead, only to start counting again hours later after troves of Biden ballots were evidently manufactured to put him ahead. This has never happened before in history.

The discussion must end until somebody comes up with a substantial compilation of ACTUAL FRAUDULENT VOTES. Until that time, the best path is to STFU.

In my feeble opinion, in the jurisdictions where significant fraud is suspected, some brave souls should come up with a couple hundred randomly selected actual votes, then contact the purported voters to ascertain whether they exist, whether they were legally registered, and whether they cast their ballots legally. If there was significant fraud, this would uncover it.

But in all of those districts the Movers and Shakers are all Leftists, so this will never be permitted to happen. The other problem is that the fraud was choreographed by an army of Leftist lawyers, so it is unlikely that fraud would be easy to detect.
No offense to the OP or anything, but how is this news as it's nothing that we didn't already know.
The discussion must end until somebody comes up with a substantial compilation of ACTUAL FRAUDULENT VOTES. Until that time, the best path is to STFU.

In my feeble opinion, in the jurisdictions where significant fraud is suspected, some brave souls should come up with a couple hundred randomly selected actual votes, then contact the purported voters to ascertain whether they exist, whether they were legally registered, and whether they cast their ballots legally. If there was significant fraud, this would uncover it.
Many audits have been done.

Your fascist cult won't accept them, because you're sore-loser toddlers throwing tantrums, in an attempt to destroy democracy.

So, we could do more audits, and they'd show no fraud, and you'd just throw more tantrums. Please don't embarrass yourself by denying that.

But in all of those districts the Movers and Shakers are all Leftists, so this will never be permitted to happen.
You seem to enjoy crying about losing, so we're doing you a favor by whupping you.
We all saw it. We all know that the reason no sane nation allows extensive mail-in voting is the massive ability of fraud.

Democrats stole the 2020 election. 'Muh, democracy'.

After extensive analysis using raw survey data coupled with mail-in vote totals, we concluded that mail-in voter fraud almost certainly changed the 2020 election outcome in all six crucial swing states.

In late 2023, the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports conducted a simple survey to gauge the degree of voter fraud in the 2020 election. We asked 1,085 voters who participated in the 2020 election about their voting behaviors three years prior. To our surprise, the results showed that at least one in five mail-in voters admitted to committing ballot fraud in the 2020 election.​
Our findings caused quite a stir in the media, especially among those who suspected the 2020 election was not completely secure due to the dubious changes to voting rules state officials unconstitutionally imposed under the cover of COVID-19.​
Shortly after the poll was released, former President Trump called it “the most important poll released in the last 20 years” and “the biggest story of the year.”​
Eventually, we began to wonder if we could apply the poll results to publicly available election data to determine whether mail-in voter fraud impacted the outcome of the election. This was no easy task.​
After extensive analysis using the raw survey data provided by Rasmussen coupled with state-based and other reputable sources documenting mail-in vote totals, we concluded that mail-in voter fraud almost certainly changed the 2020 election outcome in all six of the crucial swing states.​
This is all laid out in great detail in the Heartland Institute’s latest policy study, aptly titled “Who Really Won the 2020 Election?” (Spoiler alert: not Joe Biden.)​
Here are just a few of the main takeaways:​
Upon further analysis of the Rasmussen survey data, we found that more than one in four mail-in voters (28.2%, to be precise) admitted to committing at least one kind of election fraud in the 2020 election.
Under multiple scenarios, with differing rates of mail-in voter fraud taken into account, our results indicate that Trump would have won the Electoral College in the 2020 election had fraudulent mail-in ballots not been counted.​
Even if the level of fraud detected in the Heartland/Rasmussen survey substantially overstated mail-in voter fraud by multiple orders of magnitude, Trump would likely still have won the 2020 election.​

I personally have no evidence that proves the dems stole the 2020 Presidential Election.

However, it would not surprise me that a couple of decades in the future, historians will agree it was rigged.
Yep, we all knew it. Trump actually won resoundingly
There's another new thread on this crybaby conspiracy yammering, dumbass.

I will say, when the Trump cult gets ordered to bleat a dumb propaganda point, they all leap to obey, not even checking that another cultists may have beaten them to it. They're such obedient sheep.

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