The Education Gap in Presidential Politics

Criticizing major field of study is a disparate matter from my noting the propensity for the best-educated states to vote one way and the least-educated another.
And as I said upthread, that’s to be expected: the liberal elites vote Democrat and the working class, most harmed by Dem policies, vote Republican.
Trump's being dumped by the American electorate after a single term that he completed with 34% public approval is certainly a cogent assessment.
We will see won’t we? People will be deciding whether they were better off under Trump than under Biden Harris
Criticizing major field of study is a disparate matter from my noting the propensity for the best-educated states to vote one way and the least-educated another.
Are you one of those people that think using "flowery" language will make you sound smarter than you are, Schmidlap? :)
Trump's being dumped by the American electorate after a single term that he completed with 34% public approval is certainly a cogent assessment.
Trump's performance compared to that of Biden/Harris was so superior this wouldn't be a contest except for how the Main Stream Media covers each candidate. ABC's coverage of Trump was 95% negative and their coverage of Harris has been 100% positive. The public is being bombarded with anti Harris propaganda. The question at this point is can a compliant media sway the public to vote for a god awful candidate or will this be a "kitchen table" election where people vote for the person they think will do better for the economy? If it's the latter than Trump wins. If it's the former we're in for another four years of what we've gotten for the last 3 1/2.
Trump's performance compared to that of Biden/Harris was so superior this wouldn't be a contest except for how the Main Stream Media covers each candidate. ABC's coverage of Trump was 95% negative and their coverage of Harris has been 100% positive. The public is being bombarded with anti Harris propaganda. The question at this point is can a compliant media sway the public to vote for a god awful candidate or will this be a "kitchen table" election where people vote for the person they think will do better for the economy? If it's the latter than Trump wins. If it's the former we're in for another four years of what we've gotten for the last 3 1/2.
Trump absconded with 34% public approval. The President's is currently 39.5%.
We will see won’t we? People will be deciding whether they were better off under Trump than under Biden Harris
If you believe that the electorate will be reconsidering the performance of Trump/Pence in November, I seriously doubt it.
Trump absconded with 34% public approval. The President's is currently 39.5%.
The fact that 39.5% of the public "approves" of the job that Joe Biden has done is less an indictment of Donald Trump, Schmidlap but rather an example of the low bar that has been set for Biden by the Main Stream Media! Barack Obama warned us not to underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up and Barry knew exactly what he was talking about! This administration has been a dumpster fire from beginning to end and now we're being offered four more years of the same thing.
The fact that 39.5% of the public "approves" of the job that Joe Biden has done is less an indictment of Donald Trump, Schmidlap but rather an example of the low bar that has been set for Biden by the Main Stream Media! Barack Obama warned us not to underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up and Barry knew exactly what he was talking about! This administration has been a dumpster fire from beginning to end and now we're being offered four more years of the same thing.
I'm nor indicting anyone. Both old geezers will have left crappy approval numbers - Trump 34% and Biden not much better.
I'm nor indicting anyone. Both old geezers will have left crappy approval numbers - Trump 34% and Biden not much better.
Let's be honest here, Schmidlap...Trump could cure cancer, bring peace to the world and get rid of our national debt and STILL 40% of the country would hate his guts and call him a failure!
Let's be honest here, Schmidlap...Trump could cure cancer, bring peace to the world and get rid of our national debt and STILL 40% of the country would hate his guts and call him a failure!
But Trump didn’t cure cancer….he tried to take away healthcare
He didn’t bring peace to the world…..he fractured our alliances and praised dictators
He didn’t end national debt…..he added $8 trillion to it
The fact that 39.5% of the public "approves" of the job that Joe Biden has done is less an indictment of Donald Trump, Schmidlap but rather an example of the low bar that has been set for Biden by the Main Stream Media! Barack Obama warned us not to underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up and Barry knew exactly what he was talking about! This administration has been a dumpster fire from beginning to end and now we're being offered four more years of the same thing.
At the end of his term, Trump managed to put up 34% approval. Whether you dare to compare that dismal public assessment to others is optional.

[Final Presidential Job Approval Ratings | The American Presidency Project]
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Let's be honest here, Schmidlap...Trump could cure cancer, bring peace to the world and get rid of our national debt and STILL 40% of the country would hate his guts and call him a failure!
I have no need to contrives such speculations.

On the other hand, in noting the blind subservience of his cult, the sexual abuser/business fraud/convicted felon himself brayed

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"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and
shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters!"
The last year of Trump's Presidency was dominated by the Pandemic, where he was in the perverse position of "leading the fight" to overcome its effect, while having essentially no power to affect public policy - which rested in the State Governors. (If you don't understand this point, send a letter to your HS and demand a rebate for your Civics class). Trump could open or close no schools, businesses, restaurants, day-care centers, or almost anything else. Only State Governors had that power.

Is it any wonder that whoever was President at the time would bear the brunt of the Public's anger, with the Leftist Media feeding it constantly?

(And of course, the first 2-1/2 years of his Presidency were dominated by totally-debunked "Russia collusion" hoax).

Getting back to the point of this thread, considering all Bachelor's Degrees as a single category is statistically the same as counting Killed and Injured as a single category; they are not. A substantial percentage of college degrees in this country are either totally lacking in academic rigor ("Education") or utterly worthless ("Ethnic Studies"), and are offered by colleges as a way of padding their student numbers with unqualified, uninterested young people whose main reason for going there is the avoidance of adult responsibilities. People with real college degrees (engineers, accountants, doctors, lawyers, business execs) are very supportive of Trump, but nobody carves out people with "real" college degrees, so the statistic does not exist.

It is analogous to another part of the spectrum where UNIONS support Harris, but UNION WORKERS (e.g., the Teamsters) support Trump by almost two to one.
Trump's being dumped by the American electorate after a single term that he completed with 34% public approval is certainly a cogent assessment.

Well the most educated people had themselves injected with multiple mRNA shots and are now getting clots, cancers, autoimmunes and God only knows what all else.

So there's that

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