Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's economic proposed policies

Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's proposed economic policies.
WSJ said Trump's economic policies would hurt the economy as much as a Bernie Sanders economic plan.
The conservative publication owned by the Murdoch family is a bedrock of conservative fiscal policies.
Who is saying how great the Trump economic policy would be besides Donald Trump

Trumpy knows how to cheat on his taxes and how to falsify business records. Trumpy knows how to bankrupt a company. He did it six times. Trumpy knows how to sell useless shit to dumb people. He sells shoes and Bibles to his fans.
You just totally changed your narrative, Elmer! First you were claiming Trump's tax cuts caused revenue to go down and then when that was shown to totally false you switched to talking about debt which is completely different. If your revenue has increased and your debt also increases it's obvious that the issue is with spending. Tax cuts don't cause spending to increase! In this case debt increases because politicians are spending way too much money. Sorry but that's not on Trump...the House is the body that decides where the money is going to be spent.
OK, the new subject is the total budget. The big picture. Revenue is part of the big picture
The goal is to have a balanced budget. Trump's budget for 2017, 2018 and 2019 had the greatest loss of any President ever. The most UNBALANCED BUDGET OF ANY PRESIDENT,
Wall Street loves slave labor and corrupt police states, same as Democrats do. No news here.
A good question is, who is more corrupt, politicians or the media? Or is it the globalists and slaver lovers in the banks and financial institution that own the politicians and media. These are the things that are destroying the American middle class and the American worker, and it all comes down to greed. We have ceded all our government power to big money interests. That's why when Trump came along with plans to give the American worker and the middle class a better shot at prosperity, the rich liberals and globalists resisted with hatred and violence. Their attitude is "who the hell is Trump to take money from the rich and give it to the needy." So, when you get an opinion from a rich, global elitist, WSJ, you need to know that it's only the greedy rich, protecting its billions-trillions from the needy. And the bad guys always turn out to be Democrats or neocons. MAGA

Wall Street bankrupts everything it touches. All it sells is debt.
Debt is not the same as revenues, Elmer. The Trump tax cuts didn't cause the amount of revenues to decline despite your claims that they did
Trump was in charge of costs, also. He shouldn't have authorized the high costs unless he had enough taxes to cover the higher costs. That is not fiscally smart.
OK, the new subject is the total budget. The big picture. Revenue is part of the big picture
The goal is to have a balanced budget. Trump's budget for 2017, 2018 and 2019 had the greatest loss of any President ever. The most UNBALANCED BUDGET OF ANY PRESIDENT,
Gee, Elmer...what could have possibly been going on to make that happen? A global pandemic? Duh?
2017 and 2018 - no COVID
I'll put Trump's economy up against Joe and Kamala's any time you want, Elmer. The average American was far better off then than they are now and they know it. Having those two idiots in office has cost the average family over $40,000 more to buy the same things they got for less when Trump was in office!
You think the President is only judged on revenue. That thinking will end up in bankruptcy for any organization.
Fiscal policy is a combination of revenues and costs. The goal is to have more revenues than costs. Fiscal policy is not judged on revenue by it's self, or costs by themselves. A budget is judged on revenue less costs. Like every family and organization.
Except for man without a plan who only judges based on amount of revenue. A fiscal dunce.
But you are whining about taxes when they have nothing to do with the debt. Spending does.

Tax revenues went up. Only other component to debt and deficits is spending. That means spending is the problem.
OK, the new subject is the total budget. The big picture. Revenue is part of the big picture
The goal is to have a balanced budget. Trump's budget for 2017, 2018 and 2019 had the greatest loss of any President ever. The most UNBALANCED BUDGET OF ANY PRESIDENT,
Now post deficits under Tater and Knee Pads.
Trump was in charge of costs, also. He shouldn't have authorized the high costs unless he had enough taxes to cover the higher costs. That is not fiscally smart.
Where does spending originate? The House. Who controlled the House when we ran huge deficits in 2019 and 2020?

Nazi Piglosi.
2017 and 2018 - no COVID

2017 $665 billion
2018 $774 billion.

Those numbers are less than half of what Tater and Knee Pads are running up today. Why are you not complaining about them, hack?
Trumpy knows how to cheat on his taxes and how to falsify business records. Trumpy knows how to bankrupt a company. He did it six times. Trumpy knows how to sell useless shit to dumb people. He sells shoes and Bibles to his fans.
Trump has had over 500 incorporated businesses, Arlette and 6 of them have failed and had to file bankruptcy! That's a success rate that's frankly off the charts GOOD! The Trump family has had the IRS and the liberal media going over their taxes with a microscope for years now and they haven't found anything that would qualify as "cheating" on their taxes! The Biden family on the other hand has cheated on their taxes for decades and were given a pass on that by the Merrick Garland DOJ! Are you REALLY sure you want to play this game?
But you are whining about taxes when they have nothing to do with the debt. Spending does.

Tax revenues went up. Only other component to debt and deficits is spending. That means spending is the problem.
You cannot be so stupid to believe "taxes have nothing to do with the debt."
The debt is when costs are higher than revenue. To balance a budgget, you have to cut spending OR RAISE TAXES TO GENERATE MORE INCOME.
It is like a family says what we make for a living has nothing to do with our debt. Yes it dooes. You don't spend more than you make. What you make determines how much you can spend.
Where does spending originate? The House. Who controlled the House when we ran huge deficits in 2019 and 2020?

Nazi Piglosi.
Your stupidity is baffling. The only way a budget goes into effect is if the President signs it. The President can sign it or VETO it
You cannot be so stupid to believe "taxes have nothing to do with the debt."
The debt is when costs are higher than revenue. To balance a budgget, you have to cut spending OR RAISE TAXES TO GENERATE MORE INCOME.
It is like a family says what we make for a living has nothing to do with our debt. Yes it dooes. You don't spend more than you make. What you make determines how much you can spend.
spending causes debt, not revenues, Simp.

2017 $665 billion
2018 $774 billion.

Those numbers are less than half of what Tater and Knee Pads are running up today. Why are you not complaining about them, hack?
The Democrats should be cutting more costs. It would be at the expense of serviices to citizens but it has to be done. But Trump is no better than Democrats on budgeting.
  • President Trump approved $8.4 trillion of new ten-year borrowing during his full term in office, or $4.8 trillion excluding the CARES Act and other COVID relief.
  • President Biden, in his first three years and five months in office, approved $4.3 trillion of new ten-year borrowing, or $2.2 trillion excluding the American Rescue Plan.
  • President Trump approved $8.8 trillion of gross new borrowing and $443 billion of deficit reduction during his full presidential term.
  • President Biden has so far approved $6.2 trillion of gross new borrowing and $1.9 trillion of deficit reduction.
I never claimed otherwise, moron.
But you said "Where does spending originate? The House. Who controlled the House when we ran huge deficits in 2019 and 2020?"
That is blaming congress for the debt. The President has the last say.

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