He is making a mistake trying to pass government censorship against expressing dissent and criticism of Israel's assaults on Palistine,under the guise of hate speech. You can blame the half baked democrat banning conservatives criticism and dissent and insult ,in social media ,against the democrats and their sacred calves ,they pretend to be for.Now the brown shirts are reversing political censorship. As a free speech advocate .I am against both censorship promoted by the conservatives as shifty shallow liberals.I'm only against the physical actions and laws that are directed against civil liberties and rights caused by all conservatives and the half baked physical action and laws that are not enough for civil rights and liberties and rights fueling the conservatives. What's going to happen is that your going to havea lot of Democrats , republicans, and kkk together in prison for 50 year,probably killing each other.The only thing that should be banned is false cry wolf and if the speech is making threat to a life or threatening them with brutality or bullying against an innocent person. Dictator Trump is wrong.