Trump ; Marje going through hell !! Not fair or nice.

She is such a coward. She cant remember any of her many statements calling for insurrection.
her lawyer is trying to bail her out and she is slagging CNN for repeating her statements.
Kemp is a Biden sellout who has no loyalty to the 74 million Little Trumpsters.

And that's the point.

He's a sure loser. The libs won't vote for him if he gets the nomination and neither will the Trumpsters.

He's uncompetitive, and his only reason for being in the race is to pave a way for Abrams.
Kemp has been loyal to Georgia. Abrams will do well even if she isn't elected governor.
Kemp has been loyal to Georgia. Abrams will do well even if she isn't elected governor.

The only way Abrams doesn't get elected is if Kemp isn't renominated.

I know if I was in Georgia, I wouldn't vote for Mr. Kemp.
I understand the law is to keep traitors out of govt.

I think that the dems are in rror if they are pushing this. She is a huge asset.

But i can understand the adults in the GOp wanting rid of her. She is getting in the way of their important policy initiatives.
They are scared of her. She talks like a Prog. She challenged AOC to a debate several times. AOC is scared to debate. AOC is shallow and if she is smarter it is because she learned some things by osmosis over the last few years. MTG has runs business is smart and uses the same spiel the media does on purpose. The swamp is ganging up on her.
They are scared of her. She talks like a Prog. She challenged AOC to a debate several times. AOC is scared to debate. AOC is shallow and if she is smarter it is because she learned some things by osmosis over the last few years. MTG has runs business is smart and uses the same spiel the media does on purpose. The swamp is ganging up on her.
MTG is trash.
  • Kemp is a Biden sellout who has no loyalty to the 74 million Little Trumpsters.
  • single out and launch a relentless attack on an attractive female republican.
Marjorie Taylor Greene's greatest strength is her 'meme-potential', and as a silhouette for SnarkySnipers.
We are gonna miss her when she is back flipping tractor tires in her ToughWimmin's Gym.

But a couple things more to comment on:

  • First PolishPrince's lamentation over those abandoned 74 million "Little Trumpsters".
    Well, being abandoned by the Governor of Georgia doesn't seem outlandish to my poor avatar. After all, Kemp got only about 2,000,000 to vote for him in 2018. So why should he feel loyalty to all those other 72 million.....who never showed up for him?

    BTW, if only half of PolishPrince's 74 million would've voted for Kemp.....well, he would've won Geogia with maybe a total near 36 million votes. Which woulda been an outstanding performance for an elected official.
    Most especially as there are only about 11 million people who live in the whole state!

  • And then, good poster Whitehall's lament about Marjorie Taylor Greene being an "an attractive female".
    Well, let's just let that one ferment for a bit.
    After all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
    Personally, my avatar thinks he detects echoes of an ancient lineage of feminine beauty in MJT.

  • Neanderthal-ish, some might say?



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Well we are told that Marje replied "I dont recall" over 50 times while answering under oath.
This is unlikely to give the cowardly slag a reputation for probity.
If she does beat the rap her feeble minded electorate should take this as a sign of her guilt.
Well we are told that Marje replied "I dont recall" over 50 times while answering under oath.
This is unlikely to give the cowardly slag a reputation for probity.
If she does beat the rap her feeble minded electorate should take this as a sign of her guilt.
They tried to hang her because they are scared of her.

This relating to her court appearance tomorrow. As usual the failed former Prez is blaming Gov Kemp and other republicans for this.

The wrong sort of republicans obviously.

I dont understand the issue here. Surely she only has to take the 5th to beat the rap on this ?

Its not like there is video of her trying to stop the democratic process and making bizarre and dishonest claims.

She just needs to keep her gob shut and she will be fine.
The trump Nazis, like their orange hero, don't know when to keep their mouths shut. "I don't know," and "I can't (or don't) remember," are acceptable responses when politicians are on the witness stand and testifying under oath.

Their cult leader, trump, has proven ethics are unimportant to the trump Nazis, and they are convinced laws do not apply to trump, his family members, or his devoted followers. (Most of the January 6th insurgents are receiving slaps on the wrist for their participation in the deadly coup attempt.) Those who planned and financed the Capitol attack will be treated as champions-of-the-noble-cause after the GOP's sweep of the 2022 Mid-term elections.

The trump Nazis, like their orange hero, don't know when to keep their mouths shut. "I don't know," and "I can't (or don't) remember," are acceptable responses when politicians are on the witness stand and testifying under oath.

Their cult leader, trump, has proven ethics are unimportant to the trump Nazis, and they are convinced laws do not apply to trump, his family members, or his devoted followers. (Most of the January 6th insurgents are receiving slaps on the wrist for their participation in the deadly coup attempt.) Those who planned and financed the Capitol attack will be treated as champions-of-the-noble-cause after the GOP's sweep of the 2022 Mid-term elections.

She looked like she was sitting on a razor blade. Her "I dont remember" defence is simply not credible.
Obviously she had an eye on the Insurrection Enquiry and was trying to find a way through the problem.
Inside i think she wanted a Jack Nicholsan moment.

"Truth ? You cant hande the truth"
She looked like she was sitting on a razor blade. Her "I dont remember" defence is simply not credible.
Obviously she had an eye on the Insurrection Enquiry and was trying to find a way through the problem.
Inside i think she wanted a Jack Nicholsan moment.

"Truth ? You cant hande the truth"
Marji cannot think on her feet that quickly. She is limited to stupid, bigoted, and racist remarks that play well to the trump Nazis. She simply fell back on Reagan's go-to response: (I don't remember," or an equivalent) when confronted with a question where telling the truth would be admitting guilt. (Invoking her the Fifth Amendment right, would also indicate her direct involvement in trump's failed insurrection.)

Marji cannot think on her feet that quickly. She is limited to stupid, bigoted, and racist remarks that play well to the trump Nazis. She simply fell back on Reagan's go-to response: (I don't remember," or an equivalent) when confronted with a question where telling the truth would be admitting guilt. (Invoking her the Fifth Amendment right, would also indicate her direct involvement in trump's failed insurrection.)

Yes. thats exactly what it looked like.
I've watched now several video clips of her "I don't recall" incantations.
Interesting stuff.

I hope when election season rolls around her opponent gets some good video-editors to string together a whole bunch of those "don't remember--don't recall"--Oh, wait"....moments.
THAT would be entertaining.

ps....I haven't checked the QAnon/MAGAHatter would be interesting to read how that HoneyBooBoo demographic responded to Marjorie's 'I don't recall' chanting.
Yes. thats exactly what it looked like.
Unfortunately, The Traitor Tots, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawthorn and Paul Gosar are examples of what the rank-and-file voters of the Republican Party want from their representatives and senators. This KKK Caucus possesses the same lack of knowledge the trump Nazis admire, since they, like the trump Nazis have no understanding of U.S. or world history, no nothing about the function of government and the Constitution, and are convinced of their own victimization by every person and group that disagrees with their convoluted belief system.

The Republicans' Southern Strategy has been a seven-decades-long brainwashing of the weak and pliable minds of multiple generations of low intelligent, white Americans. These millions of simple-minded folks have been taught that bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and misogyny are their virtues and what it means to be a loyal, patriotic American.

These so-called patriots began the final stage of ending democracy in this country when they gave themselves over to the conman trump and swallowed over 30,000 of his documented lies.

Having lost the popular vote in both 2016 and 2020, it's apparent the vast majority of the American people oppose the trump Nazis' and the Republican establishment's goal of turning this nation into an autocratic/fascist state. Sadly, the weak and pliable minds of those multiple generations of low intelligent, white Americans in the red states have eagerly aided the GOP, AND, the moderate Democrats in silencing large portions of that vast majority.

The November Mid-term Elections will see the trump Nazis add many more to the KKK Caucus in both chambers of Congress. January 3, 2023 will begin the last session of the United States' Congress, and will quickly move to install the trump Nazis' cult leader as führer.

It would appear Nikita Khrushchev was correct when he vowed the Soviet Union (Russia) would bury the U.S. If Putin doesn't cause a global nuclear exchange before 1/3/23, trump and his trump Nazis will be the only tools the Russians needed to succeed.


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