Trump Mentally Now In Critical Condition(?)! Who Created "Fire Comey" Decision--Twitter(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So if Trump had actually made the decision to fire Comey, then the most recent tweet about goblins and witches suggests mental incapability of office-holding. The matter of who was "on First(?)" at the time, was all over the reporting of only a few days ago.

"am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt" (June 16)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sanders people have now discovered baseball, even--getting even deranged about that(?)! The dead guy anyone would say was deranged. Anyone could also note. . . .)
Weird spin. He made the call but had advice, like all presidents do. The left has been driven irrelevant with their nonstop hysteria.
The New York Times people actually get paid to be pre-occupied by Washington, D. C. events. The Oval Office famously Trumped its own administration: Wondering who could be said to be on First, first(?)!
WASHINGTON — President Trump offered a new version of his decision to fire James B. Comey, saying on Thursday that he would have dismissed the F.B.I. director regardless of whether the attorney general and his deputy recommended it.

It was just the latest in a series of statements, some of them contradictory, to whiplash Washington over 48 hours that began with Mr. Comey’s firing on Tuesday evening. And it was unusually harsh: Mr. Trump castigated Mr. Comey as “a showboat” and “a grandstander,” suggesting that his issues with the F.B.I. director went beyond any previously stated concerns.

Mr. Trump said on Thursday that he had not relied solely on the advice from the Justice Department’s top two leaders in making his decision. And, for the first time, he explicitly referenced the F.B.I.’s investigation into his administration’s ties to Russia in defending Mr. Comey’s firing.

“And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story,’” Mr. Trump told Lester Holt of NBC News. “It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.”

Earlier, the White House had said that Mr. Trump acted only after Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, came to him and recommended that Mr. Comey be dismissed because of his handling of last year’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email. In his Tuesday letter terminating Mr. Comey, Mr. Trump said he had “accepted their recommendation.” And Vice President Mike Pence, talking to reporters, echoed his boss.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Strange White Eyes creates reports of even talking to himself(?)! Mentally, in his little chat, he actually failed to show who was advising him that the Democrats were creating some nature of ruse, for example?)
Trump called the Democrat hysteria a witch hunt. Does he really believe in witchcraft? Does he see goblins everywhere he goes. Investigate him.
Weird spin. He made the call but had advice, like all presidents do. The left has been driven irrelevant with their nonstop hysteria.
Trump did not fire Comey on the advice of Sesssions and Rosenstein.

He first decided to fire Comey over "this Russian thing", and then he directed Sessions to provide him cover.

Trump didn't even have the spine to fire Comey in person.

It's easy to fire someone on a game show. A lot harder to do it in real life to someone like Comey. So Trump hid behind the couch.

He's a chickenshit, and now he's put his own damned self under suspicion of obstructing justice.
After getting his mindless minions to spend the last week swearing that Trump wasn't under criminal investigation, Trump just tweeted that he was under criminal investigation.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt

That must sting, being left to twist in the wind by your DearLeader. No matter. Trumptards are used to humiliation. They apparently thrive on it. Whatever Trump's new talking point will be, they'll instantly parrot it, not caring at all that doing so will lead to more humiliation.
And now others also notice that "Derangement" applies to the White Administration, all persons therein employed and resident, and without exception.

Trump’s Derangement Deepens

McConnell, Ryan and Gingrich created this, noticed already by millions.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Democratic Pocahontas make better sense! Not about to save new White Eyes Yellow Hair!"

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