Trump Moving USDA from DC to Where Food is Grown and Deep State is Furious

"Devastate the agencies"?

Since when did they start believing that the devastation of their agencies mattered in contrast to serving the American people as supposed to?
How are the USDA suits going to do their jobs where food is produced without a Starbucks on every corner?
"Devastate the agencies"?

Since when did they start believing that the devastation of their agencies mattered in contrast to serving the American people as supposed to?
That's because all the USDA does these days is hand out food stamps.
"Devastate the agencies"?

Since when did they start believing that the devastation of their agencies mattered in contrast to serving the American people as supposed to?
That's because all the USDA does these days is hand out food stamps.

Going from feeding the zombie horde to accomplishing productive endeavors will be a rough "devastating" change indeed.
And live amongst the common folk in "flyover country"?

The horror!
Moving bureaucrats out of D.C. won't make them any less bureaucratic.
If we have a USDA at all...

It should be engaged in front-line agricultural pursuits...


Veterinary medicine for farm animals...

Other matters concerned primarily with actual food production...

And that's really about it...

Everything else that it currently does can be shifted to other more symmetrical agencies like Health...


While we're at it...

Time to split Health and Human Services into...

1. US Department of Health...

2. US Department of Human Services...

Just to keep the missions and budgets straight...

An emergent US Department of Human Services would help us get a better handle on the true cost of Welfare...


As to moving USDA Researchers out into the field...

Great idea...

Time to get their a$$e$ out in the bush where they belong, and...

If they piss and moan about it too much...

There are plenty of eager-beaver young-bloods in research just dying to get their chance to get their own foot in the door...
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Deep States response to the swamp draining:
"Employees, congressional Democrats and a bipartisan coalition of former USDA leaders" have warned that the move "would devastate the two agencies," per the Post. ERS and NIFA have both recently unionized and some "union officials have promised to fight the move."

Trump to Move USDA Personnel From D.C. to Where Food Grows

Your thread title is a bit misleading. Trump is moving two small agencies within the USDA to KC.

That aside, it is a great move. Closer to their customers and cheaper for the government. They should be thankful they will not have to waste 10 to 20 hours a week commuting to work and back.

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"....would devastate the two agencies."

And the downside would be?
Deep States response to the swamp draining:
"Employees, congressional Democrats and a bipartisan coalition of former USDA leaders" have warned that the move "would devastate the two agencies," per the Post. ERS and NIFA have both recently unionized and some "union officials have promised to fight the move."

Trump to Move USDA Personnel From D.C. to Where Food Grows
Why isn’t the Pentagon in Afghanistan?

It's not in America ya dumbshit.

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