Trump Names Stephanie Grisham as Next White House Press Secretary — Who Slammed the “Rabid Press...

Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Gee that's a bad thing? The average education level of the typical soldier in WWII was eighth grade and look what they accomplished. You smug prick

Some of the smartest people who ever lived only had a HS education. The two dirtiest secrets in education is that reading a book for a $60,000 university somehow makes you smarter than simply buying it and reading it yourself. The other great lie is that more schooling makes you smarter. It certainly exposes you to more hardcore liberal indoctrination (with the ridicule that if you disagree with them, you'll be scorned as an obvious idiot).

Nearly all of our world's leaders are college educated.
Nearly all of our world's problems are caused by our Leaders.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either.

Does your doctor have more than a High School education?
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.

You ramble much....maybe TDS causes that too

As we get closer to the 2020 election and the imminent reelection of Donald Trump to another staggering Democrat defeat, the Left are making increasingly stressed out noises of utter frustration and contempt now, really in disbelief it is happening to them, much like a condemned man struggling against the hangman's noose.

They are really getting petulant now, realizing that Trump is like the rope around their neck and struggle as they might, the more they kick about, they only make the noose get tighter and tighter...


Won't be long now. Soon by next year, all that will be left of the Democratic leadership will be a muffled gurgling noise...
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.

Another persons that has never had a real job, done nothing but tell lies for other people her whole adult life.

What a gig, stand in front of people and regurgitate talking points and make as much as the SecDef and Sec of State.

Good on her.

Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Glad to see 'Tha Donald' had sense enuff to hire someone with at least a high school education.

That has to be an upgrade, for Trump.

Well, she must have graduated from marriage, unless she had her two kids out of wedlock.

Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Gee that's a bad thing? The average education level of the typical soldier in WWII was eighth grade and look what they accomplished. You smug prick

The the typical soldier in WWII was not getting paid as much as the Sec of Defense or the Sec of State.

Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Well, she must have graduated from marriage, unless she had her two kids out of wedlock.

No mention of a previous marriage in her bio. But that is pretty normal these days and I am not going to judge for for that.

Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Gee that's a bad thing? The average education level of the typical soldier in WWII was eighth grade and look what they accomplished. You smug prick

I hope you don't believe that the typical high school curriculum for the average WWII military guy was anything like it was for Grisham; night & day.

Nothing the same butthurt tds.
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Gee that's a bad thing? The average education level of the typical soldier in WWII was eighth grade and look what they accomplished. You smug prick

Some of the smartest people who ever lived only had a HS education. The two dirtiest secrets in education is that reading a book for a $60,000 university somehow makes you smarter than simply buying it and reading it yourself. The other great lie is that more schooling makes you smarter. It certainly exposes you to more hardcore liberal indoctrination (with the ridicule that if you disagree with them, you'll be scorned as an obvious idiot).

Nearly all of our world's leaders are college educated.
Nearly all of our world's problems are caused by our Leaders.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either.

Does your doctor have more than a High School education?

Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

IQ By Profession.png

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.

You're a bitch so it takes one to know one?

She was the deputy press secy under Spicer so how is she not qualified? What special talents are you looking for? Tattle tale.

There seems to be only one qualification for Pres Sec. Defend the POTUS at all cost, nothing else matters. Truth, honesty, facts, etc are all secondary to the primary function.

She worked on Romney's campaign in 2012 and was the communications director for the 1st Lady. Why is she not qualified to answer questions?

who said she was not qualified? it is the only job she has ever had, she should be qualified by now

The person I was responding to. Caddo Tattle Tale Kid
but when it is your beloved Repubs those same types of people are idols to you.

What makes you think I like the Republicans? I hate the GOP. The only thing they got going for them is that they can give me usually a slightly less bad and incrementally more palatable choice than the democrats...
Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

you are such a rube, that list is total BS. How did they measure the IQs? Did they all take IQ test?

But I guess I should like your list since my major comes in 2nd!

Good, then you should have no trouble telling me what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals?
but when it is your beloved Repubs those same types of people are idols to you.

What makes you think I like the Republicans? I hate the GOP. The only thing they got going for them is that they can give me usually a slightly less bad and incrementally more palatable choice than the democrats...

this is the first time I have seen you say anything close to negative about them.
Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

you are such a rube, that list is total BS. How did they measure the IQs? Did they all take IQ test?

But I guess I should like your list since my major comes in 2nd!

Good, then you should have no trouble telling me what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals?

I am a statistician, not a mathematician.
but when it is your beloved Repubs those same types of people are idols to you.

What makes you think I like the Republicans? I hate the GOP. The only thing they got going for them is that they can give me usually a slightly less bad and incrementally more palatable choice than the democrats...

this is the first time I have seen you say anything close to negative about them.

Then you do indeed miss a lot of my posts. I bet you didn't catch me ripping Trump the other day either.
Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

you are such a rube, that list is total BS. How did they measure the IQs? Did they all take IQ test?

But I guess I should like your list since my major comes in 2nd!

Good, then you should have no trouble telling me what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals?

I am a statistician, not a mathematician.

Good, then is a vinculum a sign of grouping and why?
but when it is your beloved Repubs those same types of people are idols to you.

What makes you think I like the Republicans? I hate the GOP. The only thing they got going for them is that they can give me usually a slightly less bad and incrementally more palatable choice than the democrats...

this is the first time I have seen you say anything close to negative about them.

Then you do indeed miss a lot of my posts. I bet you didn't catch me ripping Trump the other day either.

nope, never seen you do anything other than kiss his ass
I hope she treats the press as they deserve to be treated. I hope that after years of seeing the fine, beautiful and elegant first lady savaged in the press over and over Stephanie Grisham has built up a thirst for revenge and a mouth capable of dishing it out.
Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

you are such a rube, that list is total BS. How did they measure the IQs? Did they all take IQ test?

But I guess I should like your list since my major comes in 2nd!

Good, then you should have no trouble telling me what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals?

I am a statistician, not a mathematician.

Funny how Libs are always telling me how smart they are, but when you press them, they stop short of ever telling you anything (except how dumb YOU are). I get the feeling you're not much of a mathematician OR statistician (which is a subset thereof). Pretty hard to do statistical mathematics without knowing, well, basic mathematics. So far I asked you two high school math questions and you failed both.
Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

you are such a rube, that list is total BS. How did they measure the IQs? Did they all take IQ test?

But I guess I should like your list since my major comes in 2nd!

Good, then you should have no trouble telling me what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals?

I am a statistician, not a mathematician.

Funny how Libs are always telling me how smart they are, but when you press them, they stop short of ever telling you anything (except how dumb YOU are). I get the feeling you're not much of a mathematician OR statistician (which is a subset thereof). Pretty hard to do statistical mathematics without knowing, well, basic mathematics. So far I asked you two high school math questions and you failed both.

Yes, you asked me two high school math questions, it has been 40 years since I was in high school math. I do not play "jump through the hoop" games for people on the internet. You googled a couple math terms and asked me what they meant, it is probably the first time you have seen them in your life

Like most things in life, statistics and analytics (which is what my Masters is in) are mostly automated. It might shock you to know that we no longer use slide rules or TI calculators. Nor do I hand write out equations on the black board (about the only time I would worry about a vinculum line).

Your feeling of if I am "much of" anything are meaningless to me. The only opinions that matter are the man that signs my paycheck and the clients that I deal with daily.
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Gee that's a bad thing? The average education level of the typical soldier in WWII was eighth grade and look what they accomplished. You smug prick

Some of the smartest people who ever lived only had a HS education. The two dirtiest secrets in education is that reading a book for a $60,000 university somehow makes you smarter than simply buying it and reading it yourself. The other great lie is that more schooling makes you smarter. It certainly exposes you to more hardcore liberal indoctrination (with the ridicule that if you disagree with them, you'll be scorned as an obvious idiot).

Nearly all of our world's leaders are college educated.
Nearly all of our world's problems are caused by our Leaders.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either.

when you have your next open heart surgery lemme know how that surgeon with the 12th grade education worked out for U.

One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Gee that's a bad thing? The average education level of the typical soldier in WWII was eighth grade and look what they accomplished. You smug prick

Some of the smartest people who ever lived only had a HS education. The two dirtiest secrets in education is that reading a book for a $60,000 university somehow makes you smarter than simply buying it and reading it yourself. The other great lie is that more schooling makes you smarter. It certainly exposes you to more hardcore liberal indoctrination (with the ridicule that if you disagree with them, you'll be scorned as an obvious idiot).

Nearly all of our world's leaders are college educated.
Nearly all of our world's problems are caused by our Leaders.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either.

Does your doctor have more than a High School education?

Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

View attachment 266404

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

LOFL, spoken like a true politician; you didn't answer the question. Running for POTUS in 2020; right?
Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

you are such a rube, that list is total BS. How did they measure the IQs? Did they all take IQ test?

But I guess I should like your list since my major comes in 2nd!

Good, then you should have no trouble telling me what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals?

I am a statistician, not a mathematician.
Then tell us us statistically how many times have you pulled stuff out of your ass and posted it?
Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ

you are such a rube, that list is total BS. How did they measure the IQs? Did they all take IQ test?

But I guess I should like your list since my major comes in 2nd!

Good, then you should have no trouble telling me what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals?

I am a statistician, not a mathematician.
Then tell us us statistically how many times have you pulled stuff out of your ass and posted it?


Which is about the same amount you morons have ever proven me wrong.

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