Trump Names Stephanie Grisham as Next White House Press Secretary — Who Slammed the “Rabid Press...

Just weird how nobody will jump on command for you.

Poor little lonely statist.

Still another attempted deflection? If you were surrounded by all these smart eggheads as you claim, you'd think you could turn to ONE of them who could tell you what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals!


But no, you'll resort to name calling, deflections, and 10,000 words over 25 posts trying to avoid the issue!

We had less trouble getting Obama's birth records!

Keep begging. I am sure if you beg enough I will feel more pity for you than I do now!

So desperate for attention..

Another libtard deflection that he can't do the basic math necessary for the vocation claimed caught once again in a lie with pants around ankles trying to deflect to totally different issues because he admits not being able to do basic arithmetic.

Who couldn't see that one coming?

keep begging little buddy! I am sure it will work out sooner or later.

Will it? You mean you stopped just to post that to USMB on your way to work at that great statistics job you say you have where you can't even analyze 2+2? I'm flattered!

Here, try this. Since you are in still in High school, email you Language Arts teacher and ask them the difference between "can't" and "won't". Then make a note card, take a picture of it and keep it with your other high school notes you use on this forum.

I will be waiting for your results.
I was so hoping for Alex Jones...but he's not blonde and probably would not have let donnie grab his pussy........................but then again, maybe they could have shared InfoWars child porn.
Probably better than Larry Sinclair sucking off Barry in the back seats of Chicago limos...

how long have you been having these sexual fantasies about Obama? Do you often think of Obama in a sexual way?

Notice how the every post from the Goofy Gator begins from an invalid premise which he then expects you to respond to even though no rational or meaningful response to the question is possible? And if you ignore it, he spins it into an admission of his false premise, and if you answer it, he will turn it 90° into a new invalid premise and deflection.

Meantime, while always asking questions of others, the Gator never has any direct answer to any question of him. It only leads to more deflections and false questions, like his claiming I'm his "buddy" or that I was "begging" him because he was caught in yet one more lie.

I only point it out because it is an old debate trick to try to win discussions through endless obfuscation of the original topic.
Still another attempted deflection? If you were surrounded by all these smart eggheads as you claim, you'd think you could turn to ONE of them who could tell you what the reciprocal of the cube root of x equals!


But no, you'll resort to name calling, deflections, and 10,000 words over 25 posts trying to avoid the issue!

We had less trouble getting Obama's birth records!

Keep begging. I am sure if you beg enough I will feel more pity for you than I do now!

So desperate for attention..

Another libtard deflection that he can't do the basic math necessary for the vocation claimed caught once again in a lie with pants around ankles trying to deflect to totally different issues because he admits not being able to do basic arithmetic.

Who couldn't see that one coming?

keep begging little buddy! I am sure it will work out sooner or later.

Will it? You mean you stopped just to post that to USMB on your way to work at that great statistics job you say you have where you can't even analyze 2+2? I'm flattered!

Here, try this. Since you are in still in High school, email you Language Arts teacher and ask them the difference between "can't" and "won't". Then make a note card, take a picture of it and keep it with your other high school notes you use on this forum.

I will be waiting for your results.

See what I mean? Now the rube claims I'm still in high school! What, did you miss your bus to work? Here is a guy claiming one of the highest IQs in the country in a profession of statistical analytics talking shit at 6AM on a political board? 3AM on the western seaboard. What hours do you work, rube, 10 to 3? And you obviously CAN'T. Anyone who could would have answered an easy and basic question long ago rather than 45 posts and 10,000 words later telling us how he "won't." CAN'T is obvious. Won't must be proven.
See what I mean? Now the rube claims I'm still in high school! What, did you miss your bus to work?

Based upon the emotional and intellectual level of your postings and the fact you brag about your high school notes, it is a safe assumption you are still in high school. That you are not has to be proven...

Here is a guy claiming one of the highest IQs in the country in a profession of statistical analytics talking shit at 6AM on a political board? 3AM on the western seaboard. What hours do you work, rube, 10 to 3?

I never said a thing about my IQ. I made a joke about a stupid list you posted.

I work 6-3 most days unless there is something I need to attend later in the afternoon.

I am up at 4:30, make coffee check DraftKings results, check emails, respond to students, read some news stories and respond to post on here. Same basic routine every day, even weekends.

I love the irony of you trying to insult me for posting so responding to my post at the same time of the day! Once again irony is lost on the ignorant.

Sent from my iPhone using
See what I mean? Now the rube claims I'm still in high school! What, did you miss your bus to work?

Based upon the emotional and intellectual level of your postings and the fact you brag about your high school notes,
I never said a word about any "high school notes." Gee, you really are a drooling idiot. Apparently you are in far more need of notes than I am if you cannot even do basic math, yet claim to be in one of the top math professions in the country. And you obviously don't read my messages much less enough of my content to be a judge of anything but how people reply to YOU.

I never said a thing about my IQ. I made a joke about a stupid list you posted.
Sure you did. First you criticized a list I posted from a website that gave average IQ by profession even though you offered no evidence for why any of it was wrong, then you went on to point out that you worked in the 2nd highest profession on that list, mathematics, with an average IQ of 130. So what are you saying now, that your IQ actually falls towards the bottom of your profession?

I love the irony of you trying to insult me for posting so responding to my post at the same time of the day!
You are the one claiming working in an active career! When I was working, I had better things to do at that time of the morning. If you actually followed my posts, you'd know that I stopped working in March due to health issues. And I don't sleep too well, so I usually come down in the middle of the night to catch up on email. Still doesn't explain how someone as smart as you can't even answer one simple basic question related to the field he's in! I hope you are not a teacher, first you said you were an analyst working in statistics (the biggest fluff science of them all), now you say you are answering student's questions? Can't make up your mind which lie you are going to stick to? Or just told so many you cannot keep track?
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.
Just another scumbag Republican who enjoys lying for the orange clown Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etcetera etcetera....
I never said a word about any "high school notes." Gee, you really are a drooling idiot.

You said...and I quote....Actually, my questions were taken from my own math notes as a student. Would you like to see the original hand written notes?

According to you, these questions you asked are based upon basic math, even called it "grade school math". Again, seems a safe assumptions you notes were from high school...or did you do basic grade school math in college? Did you have to take remedial math in college?

Sure you did. First you criticized a list I posted from a website that gave average IQ by profession even though you offered no evidence for why any of it was wrong, then you went on to point out that you worked in the 2nd highest profession on that list, mathematics, with an average IQ of 130. So what are you saying now, that your IQ actually falls towards the bottom of your profession?

The evidence of why it was wrong is that they offered no evidence of how they came to the conclusions. That is a dead give away.

Yes, I made a joke about where my profession stood on your stupid list.

I have no idea where my IQ falls as I do not know the IQ of a single person in my field and I do not know my own, as it is a meaningless number. I have never known anyone that had a brain that talked about their IQ, it is always those trying to impress people that do so.

You are the one claiming working in an active career! When I was working, I had better things to do at that time of the morning. If you actually followed my posts, you'd know that I stopped working in March due to health issues. And I don't sleep too well, so I usually come down in the middle of the night to catch up on email.

It is a good way to wake up while drinking a nice cup or two of coffee. This site is just one of many stops I make in the morning.

Still doesn't explain how someone as smart as you can't even answer one simple basic question related to the field he's in! I hope you are not a teacher, first you said you were an analyst working in statistics (the biggest fluff science of them all), now you say you are answering student's questions? Can't make up your mind which lie you are going to stick to? Or just told so many you cannot keep track?

I can answer your question, but I am not going to no matter how much you beg. But it is fun to watch you try your best to shame me and use your dime store jedi mind tricks to try and get me to do so.

I teach two on-line classes for the local community college as a side gig. Not a huge time commitment and the pay is pretty nice. My main job has a very nice work-life balance so it affords me a lot of time for other things.
I never said a word about any "high school notes." Gee, you really are a drooling idiot.

You said...and I quote....Actually, my questions were taken from my own math notes as a student. Would you like to see the original hand written notes?

According to you, these questions you asked are based upon basic math, even called it "grade school math". Again, seems a safe assumptions you notes were from high school...or did you do basic grade school math in college? Did you have to take remedial math in college?
You really are a horse's ass. By your own admission above, I NEVER said my math problems were from high school notes. Any mention I ever made to "grade school" was in entirely different posts referring to you inability to solve problems even children are expected to do, which you conflated together in your decomposing brain! BUSTED AGAIN for the lying POS you always are. A liar and a FRAUD. And you STILL haven't shown even an ability to solve basic algebra problems of that simple level let alone more complex problems associated with one of the highest intelligence professions in the country! :auiqs.jpg: Just one more lying leftard EXPOSED!
You really are a horse's ass. By your own admission above, I NEVER said my math problems were from high school notes.

This is true, it was an assumption based upon your other post.

Any mention I ever made to "grade school" was in entirely different posts referring to you inability to solve problems even children are expected to do,

you only gave me one problem, thus I assumed that was the grade school problem you were referring to.
You really are a horse's ass. By your own admission above, I NEVER said my math problems were from high school notes.

This is true, it was an assumption based upon your other post.

Any mention I ever made to "grade school" was in entirely different posts referring to you inability to solve problems even children are expected to do,

you only gave me one problem, thus I assumed that was the grade school problem you were referring to.

I gave you TWO problems! Apparently you totally forgot about the vinculum grouping problem. I mean, dude, these are the EASY ones. The ONLY person on USMB to ever get any of these right was ONE person: wuwei.
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
The war on women is alive and well.
One of your successful feminist graduates who is not a Prog and you go off the rails.

Only thing she has graduated from is high school.

Gee that's a bad thing? The average education level of the typical soldier in WWII was eighth grade and look what they accomplished. You smug prick

Some of the smartest people who ever lived only had a HS education. The two dirtiest secrets in education is that reading a book for a $60,000 university somehow makes you smarter than simply buying it and reading it yourself. The other great lie is that more schooling makes you smarter. It certainly exposes you to more hardcore liberal indoctrination (with the ridicule that if you disagree with them, you'll be scorned as an obvious idiot).

Nearly all of our world's leaders are college educated.
Nearly all of our world's problems are caused by our Leaders.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either.

Does your doctor have more than a High School education?

Non sequitur stawman argument as usual from the Goofy Gator. Doctors are not smart people, they are SKILLED people. Average IQ of a doctor is quite average.

View attachment 266404

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ
Well, that was interesting.

I've taken about 10 IQ tests (not the internet ones, real one) and I routinely score between 129 and 137.

Guess I'm qualified to hand liberals their asses.

You really are a horse's ass. By your own admission above, I NEVER said my math problems were from high school notes.

This is true, it was an assumption based upon your other post.

Any mention I ever made to "grade school" was in entirely different posts referring to you inability to solve problems even children are expected to do,

you only gave me one problem, thus I assumed that was the grade school problem you were referring to.

I gave you TWO problems! Apparently you totally forgot about the vinculum grouping problem. I mean, dude, these are the EASY ones. The ONLY person on USMB to ever get any of these right was ONE person: wuwei.

That was not a problem, that was a question about a concept.

Do try and keep up with your post, it saves times.

Out of curiosity, which of these do you consider to be the grade school "problem"?
Well, that was interesting.

I've taken about 10 IQ tests (not the internet ones, real one) and I routinely score between 129 and 137.

Guess I'm qualified to hand liberals their asses.


Why? what is the purpose of taking so many IQ test? Hell, what is the point of taking even one?
Well, that was interesting.

I've taken about 10 IQ tests (not the internet ones, real one) and I routinely score between 129 and 137.

Guess I'm qualified to hand liberals their asses.


Why? what is the purpose of taking so many IQ test? Hell, what is the point of taking even one?
For a number of programs I've applied to in the past, and a few jobs as well. Not that it is any of your business.
Well, that was interesting.

I've taken about 10 IQ tests (not the internet ones, real one) and I routinely score between 129 and 137.

Guess I'm qualified to hand liberals their asses.


Why? what is the purpose of taking so many IQ test? Hell, what is the point of taking even one?
For a number of programs I've applied to in the past, and a few jobs as well. Not that it is any of your business.

why is it I suspect your claimed IQ is much like all the intent millionaires we have on this forum?
Well, that was interesting.

I've taken about 10 IQ tests (not the internet ones, real one) and I routinely score between 129 and 137.

Guess I'm qualified to hand liberals their asses.


Why? what is the purpose of taking so many IQ test? Hell, what is the point of taking even one?
For a number of programs I've applied to in the past, and a few jobs as well. Not that it is any of your business.

why is it I suspect your claimed IQ is much like all the intent millionaires we have on this forum?
I'll give you a single guess as to how much I care.
Well, that was interesting.

I've taken about 10 IQ tests (not the internet ones, real one) and I routinely score between 129 and 137.

Guess I'm qualified to hand liberals their asses.


Why? what is the purpose of taking so many IQ test? Hell, what is the point of taking even one?
For a number of programs I've applied to in the past, and a few jobs as well. Not that it is any of your business.

why is it I suspect your claimed IQ is much like all the intent millionaires we have on this forum?
I'll give you a single guess as to how much I care.

enough to tell the board what you claimed IQ is. :290968001256257790-final:
Stephanie Grisham? Never heard of her. Looked her up on Wiki & she has no talents that stand out other than some claiming she enjoys trolling the press. That is Trump's favorite sport too. Grisham looks like a real bitch. No wonder she is a single Mom; she has to be a bitch.
The war on women is alive and well.

Yes, and we can thank the self admitted sexual assaulter, pussy grabbing, multi adulterer, multiple marriage I can't commit to one woman, Trump guy for that 'war on women.'

C how that works?

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