Trump Trump Needs A Plumber


Sep 23, 2010
A spokesman for Barack Obama on Saturday rejected claims from U.S. President Donald Trump that the former president had wiretapped him in October during the late stages of the presidential election campaign.

"Neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false," Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said in a statement. Trump had suggested Obama had improperly tapped his phones, without citing evidence, in a series of tweets on Saturday morning.​

Obama Denies Trump Claim He Wiretapped Him During Campaign
Mar 04, 2017

Obama Denies Trump Claim He Wiretapped Him During Campaign

Lying about bugging Trump Towers is small potatoes to a lying sack of shit who lied about everything throughout his public life. The fact is that the media is telling the biggest lie of all. Here is the lie:

The FBI my ass. Media is making it look like the FBI is a monument to truth and the American way when it comes to President Trump’s charge against Obama when media coverage is just another coverup in the form of misdirection. One look at the FBI covering up for Hillary Clinton tells you what that “law enforcement agency” is. You would have to be brain dead to believe anything James Comey says. And let us not forget this guy got caught lying under oath:


Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges
By Steven Nelson | Staff Writer Nov. 17, 2016, at 4:04 p.m.

Obama would be a fool to involve the FBI regardless of how many agents are willing to do his bidding; so why not sent in his own PLUMBERS? I thought Obama used his own people when the story first broke. (I saw the media misdirection the minute the FBI was listed as the culprit.)

I have not heard any media mouth mention a variation on this possibility:

Bottom line: President Trump needs a good plumber of his own to unplug the MEDIA-FBI toilet:



p.s. Obama never had an original thought in his entire life. Imitating Richard Nixon fits Obama’s profile.
So, you could have just said "Everyone but Trump is a Liar" and "Fake News" and be done with it. None of your argument applies to this situation. Trump has made serious allegations without a shred of information or evidence for anyone to go on, except people like you who immediately start bending reality to fit whatever warped piece of garbage comes spewing out of his addled brain.
A spokesman for Barack Obama on Saturday rejected claims from U.S. President Donald Trump that the former president had wiretapped him in October during the late stages of the presidential election campaign.

"Neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false," Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said in a statement. Trump had suggested Obama had improperly tapped his phones, without citing evidence, in a series of tweets on Saturday morning.​

Obama Denies Trump Claim He Wiretapped Him During Campaign
Mar 04, 2017

Obama Denies Trump Claim He Wiretapped Him During Campaign

Lying about bugging Trump Towers is small potatoes to a lying sack of shit who lied about everything throughout his public life. The fact is that the media is telling the biggest lie of all. Here is the lie:

The FBI my ass. Media is making it look like the FBI is a monument to truth and the American way when it comes to President Trump’s charge against Obama when media coverage is just another coverup in the form of misdirection. One look at the FBI covering up for Hillary Clinton tells you what that “law enforcement agency” is. You would have to be brain dead to believe anything James Comey says. And let us not forget this guy got caught lying under oath:


Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges
By Steven Nelson | Staff Writer Nov. 17, 2016, at 4:04 p.m.

Obama would be a fool to involve the FBI regardless of how many agents are willing to do his bidding; so why not sent in his own PLUMBERS? I thought Obama used his own people when the story first broke. (I saw the media misdirection the minute the FBI was listed as the culprit.)

I have not heard any media mouth mention a variation on this possibility:

Bottom line: President Trump needs a good plumber of his own to unplug the MEDIA-FBI toilet:



p.s. Obama never had an original thought in his entire life. Imitating Richard Nixon fits Obama’s profile.

While this is true we have to remember that there are many honest FBI agents who wanted to investigate Clinton and bring charges against her. They were prevented from doing their jobs. I think President Trump should get the names of the FBI agents who were prevented from doing their jobs, fire Comey and find a replacement out of that pool. Ditto for DOJ and those who wanted to move forward with indictments for the HLF conspirators. Find those guys and promote them.
Trump's going to fire Comey anyway, the way Comey is taking a stand against this.
Trump has made serious allegations without a shred of information or evidence for anyone to go on,
To OldLady: Admissible evidence in a criminal trial is not required in this case. The charge against Obama is being tried in the court of public opinion. This is the only evidence President Trump needs:
Lying about bugging Trump Towers is small potatoes to a lying sack of shit who lied about everything throughout his public life.

See this thread:

The First Lie President Obama Told
While this is true we have to remember that there are many honest FBI agents who wanted to investigate Clinton and bring charges against her.
To Book of Jeremiah: True.

Happily, your observation makes my case. Why run the risk of mistakenly involving an honest FBI agent:

Obama would be a fool to involve the FBI regardless of how many agents are willing to do his bidding; so why not send in his own PLUMBERS?
Trump's going to fire Comey anyway, the way Comey is taking a stand against this.
To OldLady: Trump can ——but media support for Comey (Hillary Clinton) makes firing highly unlikely:

It is sometimes assumed that the President can oust an FBI director only “for cause” – that is, for some misconduct in office. But, as a Congressional Research Service study of the director’s office pointed out two years ago, “there are no statutory conditions on the President’s authority to remove the FBI director.”​

How independent is the FBI’s director?
October 31, 2016 by Lyle Denniston

How independent is the FBI’s director?

NOTE: AG Jeff Sessions cannot fire Comey but he can override him and charge Hillary. In that scenario the Book of Jeremiah’s “. . . honest FBI agents . . . ” become all-important.
The charge against Obama is being tried in the court of public opinion. This is the only evidence President Trump needs:
You're scaring me now, buddy. The court of public opinion is not convincing anyone who looks for a reasonable amount of evidence before passing judgment. Time to stop talking like a lynch mob and come up with some sensible reasons why the President would say such an explosive thing without bothering to even look for evidence to corroborate it. He's not just playing coy--he's got nothing.
The court of public opinion is not convincing anyone who looks for a reasonable amount of evidence before passing judgment.
To OldLady: Get real.

Obama & Company are not street punks who knocked over a liquor store. They are well-educated criminals smart enough not to leave their fingerprints on hidden microphones. They know how to avoid criminal charges. The court of public opinion is the only court private sector Americans have.

In the final analysis, every Democrat is in the Party of Liars. Planning every step of a crime must be guilt-free before it is accepted. Every plan is based on avoiding criminal charges should something go wrong à la Watergate.

In addition to committing foolproof crimes, Democrat liars are experts at lying to congressional committees. Note that Democrats sit on every congressional committee. Democrats chair those committees when they have a majority in the House or Senate. In plain English: Truth is a bitch when liars put the questions to liars. Truth is a whore in the hands of the media.

Before you make a fool of yourself —— AGAIN —— check out the Democrats who sat on the committees that investigated Fast and Furious (Eric Holder lied under oath), the committee that investigated the IRS scandals where nobody was fired, and of course Democrats on the committees that investigated Benghazi.
Flanders would have demanded that, instead of Nixon being investigated for Watergate, that McGovern be investigated.

Stalinist party apparatchiks are like that.
Obama’s facade of loyalty is crumbling before our ours. A lot of interpretation and speculation is flooding the boob tube, as well as my stomping ground, SOCIAL MEDIA. I selected a few for comment.

Dan Bongino lays out a third possibility that explains the wiretapping.

“They’ve never considered the third option, that he had Secret Service protection and there was likely an ECM sweep done to check for bugs. The FBI’s not going to tell the Secret Service if they’re monitoring the president-elect, and if Obama or his DOJ officials wanted Trump monitored, the Secret Service probably didn’t know at all.”​

Click on the link for Bongino video:


Ex-Secret Service agent: Media missing 1 huge wiretap point

Ex-Secret Service agent: Media missing 1 huge wiretap point
Posted By Paul Bremmer On 03/06/2017 @ 10:23 pm​

The next selection is exceptional because of Michael Mukasey’s background:


Fmr. U.S. AG Mukasey’s take on Trump’s wiretapping claim

My final choice made the cut because President Trump invoked Watergate:

The debate over whether the government conducted surveillance on the Trump campaign instantly caught fire Saturday after a series of early-morning tweets from Trump. The president ultimately compared Obama’s alleged actions to Watergate.​

Ex-DOJ official: Obama knows if feds got Trump FISA warrant
Posted By Greg Corombos On 03/06/2017 @ 10:00 pm

Ex-DOJ official: Obama knows if feds got Trump FISA warrant

One overwhelming similarity stands out.

President Nixon was defending against Democrats who were fighting to bring defeat to their own country while Americans were fighting and dying in Vietnam in order to stop the spread of Communism. Obama wiretapped President Trump for the same reason Nixon used the Plumbers. USE WIRETAP INFORMATION TO BRING DEFEAT TO THIS COUNTRY.

Obama & Company not only wanted to defeat Donald Trump, they were determined to bring final defeat to the country.

There is one difference. Nixon was fighting against one known-enemy at the height of the Cold War. Trump is fighting two enemies. Obama’s Communism, and Islam in a war Muslims started.

One final observation. Richard Nixon became a respected elder statesman years after he resigned because of everything he stood for. Obama will be always be despised by future Americans because of everything he stood against.
Flanders would have demanded that, instead of Nixon being investigated for Watergate, that McGovern be investigated.

Stalinist party apparatchiks are like that.
He should have been. He got away with murder (literally), Ms. Blessed be.
The court of public opinion is not convincing anyone who looks for a reasonable amount of evidence before passing judgment.
To OldLady: Get real.

Obama & Company are not street punks who knocked over a liquor store. They are well-educated criminals smart enough not to leave their fingerprints on hidden microphones. They know how to avoid criminal charges. The court of public opinion is the only court private sector Americans have.

In the final analysis, every Democrat is in the Party of Liars. Planning every step of a crime must be guilt-free before it is accepted. Every plan is based on avoiding criminal charges should something go wrong à la Watergate.

In addition to committing foolproof crimes, Democrat liars are experts at lying to congressional committees. Note that Democrats sit on every congressional committee. Democrats chair those committees when they have a majority in the House or Senate. In plain English: Truth is a bitch when liars put the questions to liars. Truth is a whore in the hands of the media.

Before you make a fool of yourself —— AGAIN —— check out the Democrats who sat on the committees that investigated Fast and Furious (Eric Holder lied under oath), the committee that investigated the IRS scandals where nobody was fired, and of course Democrats on the committees that investigated Benghazi.
Show me ANYTHING that shows this is any more than an old bag of wind venting his spleen. What you and the rest here are providing as "proof" is not proof. It is simply more Democrat bashing. Doesn't prove a thing.
The court of public opinion is not convincing anyone who looks for a reasonable amount of evidence before passing judgment.
To OldLady: Get real.

Obama & Company are not street punks who knocked over a liquor store. They are well-educated criminals smart enough not to leave their fingerprints on hidden microphones. They know how to avoid criminal charges. The court of public opinion is the only court private sector Americans have.

In the final analysis, every Democrat is in the Party of Liars. Planning every step of a crime must be guilt-free before it is accepted. Every plan is based on avoiding criminal charges should something go wrong à la Watergate.

In addition to committing foolproof crimes, Democrat liars are experts at lying to congressional committees. Note that Democrats sit on every congressional committee. Democrats chair those committees when they have a majority in the House or Senate. In plain English: Truth is a bitch when liars put the questions to liars. Truth is a whore in the hands of the media.

Before you make a fool of yourself —— AGAIN —— check out the Democrats who sat on the committees that investigated Fast and Furious (Eric Holder lied under oath), the committee that investigated the IRS scandals where nobody was fired, and of course Democrats on the committees that investigated Benghazi.
Show me ANYTHING that shows this is any more than an old bag of wind venting his spleen. What you and the rest here are providing as "proof" is not proof. It is simply more Democrat bashing. Doesn't prove a thing.
Lemocrat, Ms. Poppins. Lemocrat.
He should have been. He got away with murder (literally

McGovern the murderer?. Cool. That's a mewling 'tard conspiracy theory I hadn't heard before. Why don't you dip into your barrel of Stalinist propaganda and tell us all about it?

I do understand the root of your McGovern-hatred. McGovern was an honored war veteran. You despise all such people, as they make your side look craven.

Ms. Blessed be.

Please stop hitting on me, faggot. For some reason, I attract these predatory old conservative pagan queers.
instead of Nixon being investigated for Watergate,
To mamooth: Media was pissed because Nixon sent in the Plumbers. President Nixon never would have been hounded out of office had he used the FBI because the Washington Post could not get Nixon without getting the FBI. The best part is: Today’s media is screwed no matter how they spin Obamagate.
McGovern be investigated.
To mamooth: You got that right. Vietnam proved that every Democrat should be investigated as a matter of national security.
He should have been. He got away with murder (literally

McGovern the murderer?. Cool. That's a mewling 'tard conspiracy theory I hadn't heard before. Why don't you dip into your barrel of Stalinist propaganda and tell us all about it?

I do understand the root of your McGovern-hatred. McGovern was an honored war veteran. You despise all such people, as they make your side look craven.

Ms. Blessed be.

Please stop hitting on me, faggot. For some reason, I attract these predatory old conservative pagan queers.
McGovern was Hillary Clinton's mentor and she has followed in his footsteps to her own demise, Ms. Blessed be. Birds of a feather flocking together.....again.

A former high level Druid witch who sat on the council of 13 and became a born again Christian spilled the beans on McGovern's quest for power. It included human sacrifice. He was present when George McGovern of his own free will committed a human sacrifice at a high level Witchcraft ceremony. George was running for President. It didn't help him win anymore than it helped Hillary Clinton win. God decides elections. Not Lucifer and his workers.

Will wonders never cease? The practice continues today. It's called Witchcraft and some who seek political power are still depending on it to get what they want to this very day.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Mark 8:36

Too bad you can't ask George what that means for him now.
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A former high level Druid witch who sat on the council of 13 and became a born again Christian spilled the beans on McGovern's quest for power. It included human sacrifice. He was present when George McGovern of his free will committed a human sacrifice at a high level Witchcraft ceremony.

So, I've gotten you to prove to everyone here that you're completely insane.

My work here is done.
A former high level Druid witch who sat on the council of 13 and became a born again Christian spilled the beans on McGovern's quest for power. It included human sacrifice. He was present when George McGovern of his free will committed a human sacrifice at a high level Witchcraft ceremony.

So, I've gotten you to prove to everyone here that you're completely insane.

My work here is done.
Your work? Is that what you call spreading lies, disinformation and false accusations against others?

As for McGovern? He should have considered that someone in his coven would become a born again Christian and expose what he had done. Hindsight is 20/20. Keep it in mind, Ms. Blessed be.

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