Trump no longer peppering his speeches with non-sequitur eruptions, running focused campaign

Donald Trump is Donald Trump. He doesn’t have to spend a single dollar telling people why you should vote for him. All he needs to do is beat the living daylights out of DeSantis. (figuratively)

It means nothing. The same old unapologetic, anti constitution, anti rule of law, pro Russia, loudmouthed asshole is still in there. Everybody knows it. And, nobody thinks he can reign himself in to make him appear more palatable. We haven't seen the last of asshole Donny.
It means nothing. The same old unapologetic, anti constitution, anti rule of law, pro Russia, loudmouthed asshole is still in there. Everybody knows it. And, nobody thinks he can reign himself in to make him appear more palatable. We haven't seen the last of asshole Donny.
I have thought Trump was done so many times...
Donald Trump is Donald Trump. He doesn’t have to spend a single dollar telling people why you should vote for him. All he needs to do is beat the living daylights out of DeSantis. (figuratively)

Trump doesn't need to advertise at all.

The Nazicrats are his BEST advertisement there could ever be!!!! And the more bullshit and lies they come up with, the more people turn off the Nazicrats and walk away from them!!!!

It MIGHT be a close call, but Desantis doesn't have the goods on the Nazicrats like Trump does. But on his second time around, Trump better be sending out troops every day of the week to be dragging all those vile, evil, and despicable Nazicrats to GITMO so they can ROT there!!!
Hopefully trump can learn from his mistakes and run a better campaign

Thats REAL Democrats, that is!!!!
I have thought Trump was done so many times...
I was never that optimistic. I have seen large bloated, corrupted corporations, take a long time to waste away, sometimes their most devoted investor following, all the way down, them too hoping for a miracle, but ultimately losing to changing times, better ideas, while wiser investors cut their losses and move on.

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