Trump Now at 45% National Poll

Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.

Explain how you come to that conclusion. No one thought he would be where he is today...but look..he is.
Only republicans are stupid enough to like Trump. As this election progresses, people will begin to realize how incompetent he is to be president. His lack of experience aside, no one even knows what this Neanderthal will do as president. He hasn't explained HOW he will do virtually anything. What is his budget? How will he pay for ANY of his proposals? What is his plan for ISIS? You would have to be a complete moron to think he could get Mexico to pay for a border wall. Trump just appeals to the emotions of the typical dumbass republican. To anyone else, he is a fucking retard.

Yanno, there are plenty of Repubs who don't like or support Trump just as there are plenty of Dems who do.

As always you lead with your double chin ... ignorance AND stupidity:

Ohio's 'dirty little secret': blue-collar Democrats for Trump

Michigan Shows Trump Could Redraw Electoral Map vs. Clinton, by Tim Alberta, National Review

the latest head-to-head poll has Clinton up by 13 over Trump.

And exactly 0 Trump supporters who are posting polls about how awesome Trump is will post this poll.
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.

Explain how you come to that conclusion. No one thought he would be where he is today...but look..he is.

We overestimated you. It's not the first time. We are a positive thinking people......we never thought you'd fall for him and his bullshit.

the latest head-to-head poll has Clinton up by 13 over Trump.

And exactly 0 Trump supporters who are posting polls about how awesome Trump is will post this poll.
Why not?

In the beginning of this cycle Trump was supposed to utterly implode very early on. Virtually everyone, myself included, did not think that Trump was a serious candidate. He was going to make a small showing, get a few crazies to vote him and then fade away running his mouth about how he was slighted. Instead, he rocketed through the polls and started utterly crushing his opposition. Then, again myself included, most thought he petered out and the other candidates would be able to coalesce around a single opponent and Trump would lose because he clearly could not get 50%. Now even that prediction is souring very quickly.

the fact that Hillary is ONLY 13 over Trump does not tell me that he is in a bad position. It tells me the opposite.
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.
As I stated above, the LAST thing you should be doing i counting Trump out. I learned that was asinine the hard way - at every turn where Trump should have been ended he simply has increased his support. It is insane but it is what he has been able to do.
At this rate, with all the dirty tricks and smears against him, Trump will be at 65% by November.
He's going to crumble fast in the general election. Any moron can see that.
Just like everyone thought he would in the beginning of the primary.
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.
As I stated above, the LAST thing you should be doing i counting Trump out. I learned that was asinine the hard way - at every turn where Trump should have been ended he simply has increased his support. It is insane but it is what he has been able to do.
At this rate, with all the dirty tricks and smears against him, Trump will be at 65% by November.
He's going to crumble fast in the general election. Any moron can see that.
Just like everyone thought he would in the beginning of the primary.

More important question. Has he impressed you so much that you are going to cast a vote for him?
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.

Explain how you come to that conclusion. No one thought he would be where he is today...but look..he is.

First of all, you are incorrect when you said "no one thought he would be where he is today." Lots of people thought he'd be here today - his supporters primarily, many of them here.

Second, it's a logical fallacy to presume that just because others didn't think he couldn't win the Republican nomination, he must therefore be preordained to win the Presidential election.

Finally, to answer your question directly, Hillary consistently has led Trump in polls, Trump has the highest negatives ever recorded in polling history, he has the least cross-over appeal amongst Democrats and independents, he is north of 80% negativity amongst Hispanics, and even nearly half of Republicans who didn't vote for him said in exit polls that they wouldn't be happy with Trump were the nominee. You have many Republicans and conservatives coming out and saying that they will never support Donald Trump, even if he wins, meaning that the party is very divided. Compare that to Democrats, who are generally happy with their candidates. Anything can happen, but if I were a Democrat, I'd be rooting for Trump to win the nomination.
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.
As I stated above, the LAST thing you should be doing i counting Trump out. I learned that was asinine the hard way - at every turn where Trump should have been ended he simply has increased his support. It is insane but it is what he has been able to do.
At this rate, with all the dirty tricks and smears against him, Trump will be at 65% by November.
He's going to crumble fast in the general election. Any moron can see that.
Just like everyone thought he would in the beginning of the primary.

More important question. Has he impressed you so much that you are going to cast a vote for him?
No. He has not impressed me at all - he has surprised me.

I am unlikely to vote for most people the republicans put on the ballot though so that is not really a surprise. The unfortunate thing with Trump is that he is exemplifying almost everything that I do not like about the republican party and almost nothing that I could stand behind. About the only thing that I might agree with him on is tax reform which is only rhetoric rather than actual substance (aka: bullshit) at this time and trade policy except that he is acting like a raving lunatic in trade policy.
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.
As I stated above, the LAST thing you should be doing i counting Trump out. I learned that was asinine the hard way - at every turn where Trump should have been ended he simply has increased his support. It is insane but it is what he has been able to do.
At this rate, with all the dirty tricks and smears against him, Trump will be at 65% by November.
He's going to crumble fast in the general election. Any moron can see that.
Just like everyone thought he would in the beginning of the primary.

More important question. Has he impressed you so much that you are going to cast a vote for him?
No. He has not impressed me at all - he has surprised me.

I am unlikely to vote for most people the republicans put on the ballot though so that is not really a surprise. The unfortunate thing with Trump is that he is exemplifying almost everything that I do not like about the republican party and almost nothing that I could stand behind. About the only thing that I might agree with him on is tax reform which is only rhetoric rather than actual substance (aka: bullshit) at this time and trade policy except that he is acting like a raving lunatic in trade policy.

And that's why I don't think he has a prayer in the general. You.....more than most here.....represent a moderate / independent voice. Independents will decide this election. Like you, I have underestimated the appeal Trump would have when it comes to far right evangelicals. So...I never thought he'd get this far. But I am pretty sure he's maxed out. He's not winning over any independents who he hasn't won over already.
Trump does not just divide rank-and-file voters from Republican poo-bahs. He’s also extremely divisive among Republican voters, much more so than a typical front-runner. In exit polls so far, only 49 percent of Republican voters say they would be satisfied with Trump as their nominee — remarkable considering Trump’s lead in votes and delegates.​

Republican Voters Kind Of Hate All Their Choices

Trump supporters love him. Everyone else does not.
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Lol I'm all for it. I hope he wins the nomination thus ensuring a democrat victory in 2016.
As I stated above, the LAST thing you should be doing i counting Trump out. I learned that was asinine the hard way - at every turn where Trump should have been ended he simply has increased his support. It is insane but it is what he has been able to do.
At this rate, with all the dirty tricks and smears against him, Trump will be at 65% by November.
He's going to crumble fast in the general election. Any moron can see that.
Just like everyone thought he would in the beginning of the primary.

More important question. Has he impressed you so much that you are going to cast a vote for him?
No. He has not impressed me at all - he has surprised me.

I am unlikely to vote for most people the republicans put on the ballot though so that is not really a surprise. The unfortunate thing with Trump is that he is exemplifying almost everything that I do not like about the republican party and almost nothing that I could stand behind. About the only thing that I might agree with him on is tax reform which is only rhetoric rather than actual substance (aka: bullshit) at this time and trade policy except that he is acting like a raving lunatic in trade policy.

And that's why I don't think he has a prayer in the general. You.....more than most here.....represent a moderate / independent voice. Independents will decide this election. Like you, I have underestimated the appeal Trump would have when it comes to far right evangelicals. So...I never thought he'd get this far. But I am pretty sure he's maxed out. He's not winning over any independents who he hasn't won over already.
I thought that as well but then he started rising in the polls again.

You may be right - I certainly am inclined to think so - but I am no longer confident ion my original assessment in Trump's ability to perform in this cycle. Every time that I assume he is done because there is no way that more people are going to support him it happens and I am proven incorrect. I don't know where is appeal is coming from. The outsider angle is all but laughable and the idea that he is not beholden to special interests when he IS a special interest boggles the mind. He is still managing to draw an ever increasing number of people and when he truly spins his political machine up (something he has not done yet) I would no longer be surprised to see him start taking the lead.

It will be interesting to see what he does when the general rolls around. He is going to pull out his liberal side, dust it off and try to appeal to the center and democrats with it. How he will maintain the right and defend so many of his comments, I have no idea.
Cant wait to see what his numbers go up to by Tuesday.

Today has given Trump the nomination.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.

The leftists have made Donald into a free speech martyr. People may vote for Trump that were planning to vote for somebody else, and that includes democrats who see the fascists in their party for what they are. Trump hasn't said anything about illegals that wasn't done to them by other presidents. This fight is coming down to whether you want closed borders or open borders. We know what the leftists democrats who are voting for Hillary want.
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First of all, you are incorrect when you said "no one thought he would be where he is today." Lots of people thought he'd be here today - his supporters primarily, many of them here.

Of course his supporters said that. Where are the professional pundits who predicted Trumps success back in June of last year? That is the point, Trump has disproven all the NAYSAYERs, not his own supporters.

Good God, what a stupid comment you made there, bubba.

Second, it's a logical fallacy to presume that just because others didn't think he couldn't win the Republican nomination, he must therefore be preordained to win the Presidential election.

No one is saying that. What Trump supporters like me are saying is that there is no validity to these polls and bloviating predictions that Trump will fail in the general since they have all been consistently wrong about him from the start.

IS English your primary language?

Finally, to answer your question directly, Hillary consistently has led Trump in polls, Trump has the highest negatives ever recorded in polling history, he has the least cross-over appeal amongst Democrats and independents, he is north of 80% negativity amongst Hispanics, and even nearly half of Republicans who didn't vote for him said in exit polls that they wouldn't be happy with Trump were the nominee. You have many Republicans and conservatives coming out and saying that they will never support Donald Trump, even if he wins, meaning that the party is very divided. Compare that to Democrats, who are generally happy with their candidates. Anything can happen, but if I were a Democrat, I'd be rooting for Trump to win the nomination.

And an objective person, having studied the record, would anticipate that all of that is going to be wrong just like it has 100% consistently been wrong thus far.

Trump winning has you elitists shitting your pants so bad you cant even see straight.
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