Trump Now Considering Privatizing A Giant Part Of The VA


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

I don't give a fuck how they get their healthcare as long as they get it. They've been dying in the streets waiting for care under obummer's plan.
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options
"the official said" LOL
It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.
Takes me about 3-4 weeks for an appointment at the VA, if it takes longer I am offered the same treatment or service outside the VA with a private doctor..
The Federal Govt has proven it can't handle running health care for the VA or the rest of the American people - he has failed both.
Good idea,the VA needs a complete overhaul and adding private competition for health care is a good start, maybe Trump isn't such a clueless, douche bag after all.
A major problem with the VA is that there are just so many hospitals and clinics out there. Many veterans live far away from any of these hospitals or clinics and with all the troops we now have deployed in areas of conflict, the rolls of veterans will continue to increase. I'd say it would be best for those veterans living outside of 50 miles of a veteran's hospital or clinic to be afforded easy and affordable access to local medical facilities. Perhaps just shutting down the hospitals and clinics and allowing all veterans use their local hospitals would actually be the best thing to do.
Well, Trump was singing the same tune in the campaign. Honestly, I've heard vets say yay and nay to privatization, so I really don't know
Good idea,the VA needs a complete overhaul and adding private competition for health care is a good start, maybe Trump isn't such a clueless, douche bag after all.
It's already being done, so you'll have to stick your nose up Trump's ass for some other reason..
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

"Now considering"?

Do you mean that Trump is proposing the plan that he talked all his campaign about. Which is getting the care to the vets. No way...
It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.
How did your little rat brain get that out of the article?

As a former VHA employee I can say the more private care the vets get the better off they will be.
Good, maybe I'll finally get the appointment I've been waiting 3 months for.
If you've been waiting 3 months to just get a simple appointment, that's your own damn fault! If you've been waiting 3 months to get an appointment with a specialist, that too is your own damn fault. The VA Choice program has been around much longer than 3 months!
Lmao! Unleash the free market on the vets and it'll be cheaper and faster! Insurance companies care!!
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

"Now considering"?

Do you mean that Trump is proposing the plan that he talked all his campaign about. Which is getting the care to the vets. No way...
Reading impaired are you "Norman"? Comprehension challenged are you "Norman"? Were the lights on when you reviewed and digested the article, "Norman"? Were you breathing with your eyes open when you were writing and posting your deep thoughts, "Norman"? And fuck you very much, "Norman"!
Lmao! Unleash the free market on the vets and it'll be cheaper and faster! Insurance companies care!!

What's your solution? More of the same? 'cause you know the federal government is doing a bang up job of taking care of our veterans so far. :rolleyes:

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