Trump Now Considering Privatizing A Giant Part Of The VA

Lmao! Unleash the free market on the vets and it'll be cheaper and faster! Insurance companies care!!

What's your solution? More of the same? 'cause you know the federal government is doing a bang up job of taking care of our veterans so far. :rolleyes:

There's only one solution obviously. Unleash the insurance companies on our vets. Given their stellar record I'm sure it'll be a money saver and even less focus on making money.
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them and Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare. You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.
There's only one solution obviously. Unleash the insurance companies on our vets. Given their stellar record I'm sure it'll be a money saver and even less focus on making money.

That was a perfectly acceptable solution for you people when it came to the rest of the public. Have a change of heart recently?
There's only one solution obviously. Unleash the insurance companies on our vets. Given their stellar record I'm sure it'll be a money saver and even less focus on making money.

That was a perfectly acceptable solution for you people when it came to the rest of the public. Have a change of heart recently?

Is changing the subject the only thing you've got?
I still cant grasp why the writer of this article is basing this entire thing off of a transition team member but they refuse to name names :dunno:
Lmao! Unleash the free market on the vets and it'll be cheaper and faster! Insurance companies care!!

What's your solution? More of the same? 'cause you know the federal government is doing a bang up job of taking care of our veterans so far. :rolleyes:

There's only one solution obviously. Unleash the insurance companies on our vets. Given their stellar record I'm sure it'll be a money saver and even less focus on making money.
The private health insurance companies are doing a FAR better job with a FAR larger market than the VA has been doing and at a lower cost; what is that makes you so afraid of market competition? Not able to compete in a free market yourself so think nobody else can?

Hate to break this to you comrade but it's the free market that's responsible for the unprecedented health and prosperity of the citizenry not government, the federal government can't manage to do anything within reasonable cost and quality constraints, private enterprise kicks it's ass from an efficiency, quality and effectiveness standpoint and with far less waste, fraud and abuse and that's with all the obscene interference it has to endure from government apparatchiks with their hands in it's pockets. The only thing that government does better than private enterprise is cause death, destruction , oppression and misery.

"And, indeed, what is the State anyway but organized banditry? What is taxation but theft on a gigantic, unchecked, scale? What is war but mass murder on a scale impossible by private police forces? What is conscription but mass enslavement? Can anyone envision a private police force getting away with a tiny fraction of what States get away with, and do habitually, year after year, century after century?" --- Murray N. Rothbard
There's only one solution obviously. Unleash the insurance companies on our vets. Given their stellar record I'm sure it'll be a money saver and even less focus on making money.

That was a perfectly acceptable solution for you people when it came to the rest of the public. Have a change of heart recently?

Is changing the subject the only thing you've got?

Hypocrisy, Obamabot is thy name
Well, Trump was singing the same tune in the campaign. Honestly, I've heard vets say yay and nay to privatization, so I really don't know

Something has to be done. "Throwing more money at it" hasn't seemed to work.
Lmao! Unleash the free market on the vets and it'll be cheaper and faster! Insurance companies care!!

What's your solution? More of the same? 'cause you know the federal government is doing a bang up job of taking care of our veterans so far.
What do you know about veteran issues? What do you actually KNOW about what the root causes of the issues from as far back as 1964 that were coming to a head in 2004-2010 combining for a perfect storm and erupted in 2012. All you want to do is throw more money at the problem rather than correct the mistakes of the past that keep plaguing the VA.
There's only one solution obviously. Unleash the insurance companies on our vets. Given their stellar record I'm sure it'll be a money saver and even less focus on making money.

That was a perfectly acceptable solution for you people when it came to the rest of the public. Have a change of heart recently?

Is changing the subject the only thing you've got?

awww. someone got caught being a hypocritical twat?

Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

The ability for vets to get health care with a private doctor is a good thing. When I first signed with the VA I lived in Durango, Colorado. If I had a VA appointment I had to drive 240 miles to the VA Hospital in Albuquerque, NM and they didn't supply any lodging. It usually meant 9 hrs. driving round trip, and up to 8 hrs. at the hospital. There was another VA Hospital 180 miles away (over 3 mtn passes), but it was not in my service area.

So, yeah, I see it as a good thing if it actually happens.
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

I don't give a fuck how they get their healthcare as long as they get it. They've been dying in the streets waiting for care under obummer's plan.

Sorry, but stupidity needs to be corrected whenever it reveals its ugly head:

By - The Washington Times - Monday, February 12, 2007
Veterans face consecutive health care budget cuts
Veterans face consecutive health care budget cuts

Documents show the VA debacle began under George W. Bush

Veterans face budget increase, then big cuts
Lmao! Unleash the free market on the vets and it'll be cheaper and faster! Insurance companies care!!

What's your solution? More of the same? 'cause you know the federal government is doing a bang up job of taking care of our veterans so far.
What do you know about veteran issues? What do you actually KNOW about what the root causes of the issues from as far back as 1964 that were coming to a head in 2004-2010 combining for a perfect storm and erupted in 2012. All you want to do is throw more money at the problem rather than correct the mistakes of the past that keep plaguing the VA.
LOL, apparently a lot more than you do, you folks that are opposed to adding a private option (which is what Trump is proposing) to the VA are the ones that are advocating "throwing more money at the problem" which is essentially doing more of the same government run bullshit that has created the mess we have now.

History clearly demonstrates that government is the problem and competition is the solution.
Too many make this a partisan issue and it shouldn't be. Veterans are this nation's jewels and the problems plaguing the VA go back decades. Just fix the damn thing
It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.

Tell that to my friend who died waiting for an appointment under obummers admin. Asshole. The fact is that obama promised to fix it and he didn't do squat. I hold him accountable for that failed promise.
Why have Vets been limited to only being seen by Va Dr.s when waiting lines were so long?

It doesn't take a genius to see the backlog and authorize patients to see civilian medial specialists / doctors.

I guess they were focused too much on covering their asses and getting their bonuses.
It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.

Tell that to my friend who died waiting for an appointment under obummers admin. Asshole. The fact is that obama promised to fix it and he didn't do squat. I hold him accountable for that failed promise.

No one died under privitized healthcare.

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