Trump Now Considering Privatizing A Giant Part Of The VA

It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.

Tell that to my friend who died waiting for an appointment under obummers admin. Asshole. The fact is that obama promised to fix it and he didn't do squat. I hold him accountable for that failed promise.

No one died under privitized healthcare.

Says the one who just bawled about deflecting LMAO
Watch. These privatization efforts will cater to boomers for the votes, 60+ will be grandfathered in to receive benefits, all the younger generations will be screwed.
It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.

Tell that to my friend who died waiting for an appointment under obummers admin. Asshole. The fact is that obama promised to fix it and he didn't do squat. I hold him accountable for that failed promise.

No one died under privitized healthcare.

Says the one who just bawled about deflecting LMAO

"Says the one.."

It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.

Tell that to my friend who died waiting for an appointment under obummers admin. Asshole. The fact is that obama promised to fix it and he didn't do squat. I hold him accountable for that failed promise.

No one died under privitized healthcare.

Correct. He died waiting for an appointment with the VA. That's the point, stupid.
It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.

Tell that to my friend who died waiting for an appointment under obummers admin. Asshole. The fact is that obama promised to fix it and he didn't do squat. I hold him accountable for that failed promise.

No one died under privitized healthcare.

Says the one who just bawled about deflecting LMAO

"Says the one.."


You whined and then got caught doing what you were whining about. Think hard
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them and Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare. You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.

I had a problem a few years ago that could have been treated 100% at the VA.

Instead of trusting my health care to a bunch of idiot corrupt government bureaucrats I chose to pay the $2K deducible and use my own insurance. It was a lot quicker and I suspect better treatment than I would have got at the VA.

I really feel sorry for my fellow veterans that have earned the care but have to use the government facilities.

Trump is doing the right thing. Obama was a shithead when the problems arose about the VA but he didn't do anything of substance to fix the problems. He is a terrible President. Of course he doesn't have any respect for our veterans because he never had the courage to serve himself.

The badly run VA is a great example of what we get with government operated health care. They never do anything right.
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them and Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare. You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.

I had a problem a few years ago that could have been treated 100% at the VA.

Instead of trusting my health care to a bunch of idiot corrupt government bureaucrats I chose to pay the $2K deducible and use my own insurance. It was a lot quicker and I suspect better treatment than I would have got at the VA.

I really feel sorry for my fellow veterans that have earned the care but have to use the government facilities.

Trump is doing the right thing. Obama was a shithead when the problems arose about the VA but he didn't do anything of substance to fix the problems. He is a terrible President. Of course he doesn't have any respect for our veterans because he never had the courage to serve himself.

The badly run VA is a great example of what we get with government operated health care. They never do anything right.

Another good example....look at UPS and FedEx....then look at the disaster called the USPS. Government can't doing anything correctly
VA medical care is socialized medicine at its worst.

I was finally able to get health insurance and when I went for my annual check-up and blood tests they billed my insurance over $500.

Another thing is when it comes to the meds they prescribe, they're notorious for give meds that came out 20-30 years ago. They don't carry the newer, more effective drugs.
VA medical care is socialized medicine at its worst.

I was finally able to get health insurance and when I went for my annual check-up and blood tests they billed my insurance over $500.

Another thing is when it comes to the meds they prescribe, they're notorious for give meds that came out 20-30 years ago. They don't carry the newer, more effective drugs.

I understand why some veterans have to use the VA. After all it is a dismal Obama economy and many veterans are hurting.

However, if anybody has other options I cannot understand why they would use the VA and deal with that ineffective non caring government bureaucracy.
It's important to screw the vets so that Trump's cronies get more cash, you know. Priorities, people.

Tell that to my friend who died waiting for an appointment under obummers admin. Asshole. The fact is that obama promised to fix it and he didn't do squat. I hold him accountable for that failed promise.

No one died under privitized healthcare.

Correct. He died waiting for an appointment with the VA. That's the point, stupid.

I know and for some reason you're using that as a reason to be against the entire VA system. I just wondered if you knew that happens within all insurance programs, doctors appointments etc?

BTW some idiot thinks that addressing your point is off topic lol
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them and Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare. You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.

I had a problem a few years ago that could have been treated 100% at the VA.

Instead of trusting my health care to a bunch of idiot corrupt government bureaucrats I chose to pay the $2K deducible and use my own insurance. It was a lot quicker and I suspect better treatment than I would have got at the VA.

I really feel sorry for my fellow veterans that have earned the care but have to use the government facilities.

Trump is doing the right thing. Obama was a shithead when the problems arose about the VA but he didn't do anything of substance to fix the problems. He is a terrible President. Of course he doesn't have any respect for our veterans because he never had the courage to serve himself.

The badly run VA is a great example of what we get with government operated health care. They never do anything right.
Senate runs the VA and the House funds it...The president is 3rd on oversight at the VA..In private care, you have screw ups and negligent deaths, no system is perfect....If not, they'd never need release forms or liability limitations with subsidized liability insurance welfare for doctors..
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

What a crock of shit, Trump is looking at personalizing the VA to best server our Vets. These private outfits, as they put it, already have billing a collection departments that deal with medicare, medicade and private insurance companies. They also already deal with the VA on emergencies, so no huge expansion would be required.

The only huge expansion I'm seeing is all the commie bullshit coming from you regressives.
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them...
I know for sure that's horseshit! I go every 6 months for an "exam" to get my private Doc's prescriptions filled by the VA pharmacy at the VAMC. So does my B-I-L! It saves just over $400 a month it Medicare co-pays for all of my meds and supplies. Your statement is a gross exaggeration of reality.
...Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare.
Where did you find that info? It wasn't in the article I posted. Provide a link and quote to prove that crock of shit you're shoveling, please!
You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.
Really? FYI, proper healthcare delivery, by inference, would naturally include both availability and quality. Further, if you ever have a C & P (compensation and pension) medical exam at a VA facility the odds are much higher that the equipment used is more up to date and the procedures performed are much of greater quality than those C & P exams performed at a QTC (a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin) contract clinic! I know because I've experienced over a dozen C & P's in multiple shabby rundown QTC clinics a few years back.

I have serious doubts you are speaking from a position of actual knowledge or experience!
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

You said "in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! " Well what are they getting now if not the shaft, you stooge?
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

The ability for vets to get health care with a private doctor is a good thing. When I first signed with the VA I lived in Durango, Colorado. If I had a VA appointment I had to drive 240 miles to the VA Hospital in Albuquerque, NM and they didn't supply any lodging. It usually meant 9 hrs. driving round trip, and up to 8 hrs. at the hospital. There was another VA Hospital 180 miles away (over 3 mtn passes), but it was not in my service area.

So, yeah, I see it as a good thing if it actually happens.
Obviously, you took advantage of the Choice program, for which issues like yours was intended to help vets. But what Trump appears to be proposing, in his ignorance, is diminishing VA services in favor of private medical services for veterans through an actual privitazation. Ask any WWII and/or Korean War vet that retired with military medical care at retirement how they liked the privatized programs that care morphed into for them and their eligible family members.
Too many make this a partisan issue and it shouldn't be. Veterans are this nation's jewels and the problems plaguing the VA go back decades. Just fix the damn thing
Finally, something you post I can agree with; The problems within the VA DO go back decades, to which any Nam vet can attest, but nobody wants to listen to that. Rather, the partisan headgear goes on first and then...
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

What a crock of shit, Trump is looking at personalizing the VA to best server our Vets. These private outfits, as they put it, already have billing a collection departments that deal with medicare, medicade and private insurance companies. They also already deal with the VA on emergencies, so no huge expansion would be required.

The only huge expansion I'm seeing is all the commie bullshit coming from you regressives.
You've already shown the extent of your knowledge of the VA on another thread, Tex. It's time to stifle the ignorance and the stupid now! Still all fucking hat and no cattle!
You said "in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! " Well what are they getting now if not the shaft, you stooge?
We are not getting what we were and have been promised. Unless you have been ground up in the VA system, you'll never understand the full extent of that! So fuck you very much!
Good idea,the VA needs a complete overhaul and adding private competition for health care is a good start, maybe Trump isn't such a clueless, douche bag after all.
It's already being done, so you'll have to stick your nose up Trump's ass for some other reason..
Really so when did that happen because I see the same shit I've seen for the last 14 years since I got out.?

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