Trump Now Considering Privatizing A Giant Part Of The VA

I would make it damn simple for vets to get medical care.

Walk in ANY hospital,clinic, or dental facility anywhere in the country, show their Veterans ID card, and get FREE TREATMENT ... NO QUESTIONS ASKED !!!!!
Congress has been directing the military to cut healthcare costs, and things have been getting worse and worse for quite a few years now.

I'm a retired vet, and I could go on for an hour how we've been fucked over.

I've been talking with Congressional members for several years, trying to stop the momentum. It's incredibly frustrating. None of them wants to take ownership.

Congress gives away $1.2 trillion a year in exemptions, credits, and deductions. These are a MASSIVE wealth distribution scheme UP the food chain. Yet they take the fucking deficit out of the hides of the poor and vets.

This is seriously fucked up.
Here's a thought, Trump-thugs. Allow veterans the option of paying for private insurance, or the option of using the current system. See how many take it. if your system is so superior, they'll no doubt flock to it.

What's that? You don't want to do that? Imagine that.

Oh, that's right. You hate the VA because, for the most part, it works much better than most private insurance. You want it destroyed because it contradicts your cult's religious-economic beliefs.
Here's a thought, Trump-thugs. Allow veterans the option of paying for private insurance, or the option of using the current system. See how many take it. if your system is so superior, they'll no doubt flock to it.

What's that? You don't want to do that? Imagine that.

Oh, that's right. You hate the VA because, for the most part, it works much better than most private insurance. You want it destroyed because it contradicts your cult's religious-economic beliefs.

Here's an idea. Support the troops when they are accused of unsubstantiated war crimes until they are proven guilty instead of blindly agreeing with enemies of America then whining about whatever the hell you're talking about when they get back
Here's an idea.

Support the troops when they are accused of unsubstantiated war crimes until they are proven guilty instead of blindly agreeing with enemies of America then whining about whatever the hell you're talking about when they get back

Here's an idea. Don't deflect by telling us again about your plot to screw over the troops. We already knew that. Your destruction of the VA is just a piece of that plot.
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them...
I know for sure that's horseshit! I go every 6 months for an "exam" to get my private Doc's prescriptions filled by the VA pharmacy at the VAMC. So does my B-I-L! It saves just over $400 a month it Medicare co-pays for all of my meds and supplies. Your statement is a gross exaggeration of reality.
...Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare.
Where did you find that info? It wasn't in the article I posted. Provide a link and quote to prove that crock of shit you're shoveling, please!
You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.
Really? FYI, proper healthcare delivery, by inference, would naturally include both availability and quality. Further, if you ever have a C & P (compensation and pension) medical exam at a VA facility the odds are much higher that the equipment used is more up to date and the procedures performed are much of greater quality than those C & P exams performed at a QTC (a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin) contract clinic! I know because I've experienced over a dozen C & P's in multiple shabby rundown QTC clinics a few years back.

I have serious doubts you are speaking from a position of actual knowledge or experience!
Apparently you didn't understand the article you posted. It says distinctly that Trump is considering ways to provide more options for vets and not to take any away. The plan under consideration would allow vets to see any doctor who accepts Medicare. You already get your check ups from a private doctor, so why would you object to other vets being able to do the same thing?

Trump considering 'public-private option' for VA

'Trump said the VA system needed to be maintained but reformed.

“I don’t want to get rid of it, I want to supplement it," he said.'

Trump lays out plan to reform Veterans Affairs
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

I don't give a fuck how they get their healthcare as long as they get it. They've been dying in the streets waiting for care under obummer's plan.
The GOP congress controls the funding fucktard. What is wrong with you?
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them...
I know for sure that's horseshit! I go every 6 months for an "exam" to get my private Doc's prescriptions filled by the VA pharmacy at the VAMC. So does my B-I-L! It saves just over $400 a month it Medicare co-pays for all of my meds and supplies. Your statement is a gross exaggeration of reality.
...Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare.
Where did you find that info? It wasn't in the article I posted. Provide a link and quote to prove that crock of shit you're shoveling, please!
You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.
Really? FYI, proper healthcare delivery, by inference, would naturally include both availability and quality. Further, if you ever have a C & P (compensation and pension) medical exam at a VA facility the odds are much higher that the equipment used is more up to date and the procedures performed are much of greater quality than those C & P exams performed at a QTC (a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin) contract clinic! I know because I've experienced over a dozen C & P's in multiple shabby rundown QTC clinics a few years back.

I have serious doubts you are speaking from a position of actual knowledge or experience!
Apparently you didn't understand the article you posted. It says distinctly that Trump is considering ways to provide more options for vets and not to take any away. The plan under consideration would allow vets to see any doctor who accepts Medicare. You already get your check ups from a private doctor, so why would you object to other vets being able to do the same thing?

Trump considering 'public-private option' for VA

'Trump said the VA system needed to be maintained but reformed.

“I don’t want to get rid of it, I want to supplement it," he said.'

Trump lays out plan to reform Veterans Affairs
Obviously, you're projecting you own ignorance and failed to assimilate the message in the OP! You missed the import of the totality of the MILITARY TIMES article in the OP! The first GAWD DAMN line states, "President-elect Donald Trump is evaluating a radical overhaul of veterans health care options even before he finalizes his pick for the next secretary of veterans affairs."

That line should indicate to any reasonable person that Trump doesn't know SHIT FROM SHINOLA about the VA yet. His cabinet and their advisors haven't even been selected yet, let alone began the work of figuring out how the fucking pieces fit together at this point in time to consider changes and their impacts, for shits sake!

Now return to Go, do not collect $200 and give it another shot at understanding the article and the commentary in the OP from the perspective of a thinking adult lacking both thumbs up ass and STAY THE FUCK ON POINT, fool!
No one goes to the VA if they have other healthcare options available to them...
I know for sure that's horseshit! I go every 6 months for an "exam" to get my private Doc's prescriptions filled by the VA pharmacy at the VAMC. So does my B-I-L! It saves just over $400 a month it Medicare co-pays for all of my meds and supplies. Your statement is a gross exaggeration of reality.
...Trump wants to give vets the options other Americans already enjoy instead of continuing to treat vets as being worthy of only second class healthcare.
Where did you find that info? It wasn't in the article I posted. Provide a link and quote to prove that crock of shit you're shoveling, please!
You seem more concerned with how healthcare is delivered to vets than the quality of the healthcare they receive.
Really? FYI, proper healthcare delivery, by inference, would naturally include both availability and quality. Further, if you ever have a C & P (compensation and pension) medical exam at a VA facility the odds are much higher that the equipment used is more up to date and the procedures performed are much of greater quality than those C & P exams performed at a QTC (a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin) contract clinic! I know because I've experienced over a dozen C & P's in multiple shabby rundown QTC clinics a few years back.

I have serious doubts you are speaking from a position of actual knowledge or experience!
Apparently you didn't understand the article you posted. It says distinctly that Trump is considering ways to provide more options for vets and not to take any away. The plan under consideration would allow vets to see any doctor who accepts Medicare. You already get your check ups from a private doctor, so why would you object to other vets being able to do the same thing?

Trump considering 'public-private option' for VA

'Trump said the VA system needed to be maintained but reformed.

“I don’t want to get rid of it, I want to supplement it," he said.'

Trump lays out plan to reform Veterans Affairs
Obviously, you're projecting you own ignorance and failed to assimilate the message in the OP! You missed the import of the totality of the MILITARY TIMES article in the OP! The first GAWD DAMN line states, "President-elect Donald Trump is evaluating a radical overhaul of veterans health care options even before he finalizes his pick for the next secretary of veterans affairs."

That line should indicate to any reasonable person that Trump doesn't know SHIT FROM SHINOLA about the VA yet. His cabinet and their advisors haven't even been selected yet, let alone began the work of figuring out how the fucking pieces fit together at this point in time to consider changes and their impacts, for shits sake!

Now return to Go, do not collect $200 and give it another shot at understanding the article and the commentary in the OP from the perspective of a thinking adult lacking both thumbs up ass and STAY THE FUCK ON POINT, fool!
lol The "radical change" is giving vets the option to either get their healthcare at the VA or get it from any doctor who accepts Medicare. The purpose is to force the VA, which has had some severe problems delivering timely services to vets recently, to compete with private doctors who accept Medicare. If the VA is able to provide care that is equal or superior to what these private doctors provide, then this should cause no difficulty to the VA, but if it can't, shouldn't vets be able to get the superior care provided by the private sector?

Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options

And this is an absolutely great thing. VA will
get to use much better private hospitals and get coverage similar to Medicare.

Sent from my iPhone using

What a crock of shit, Trump is looking at personalizing the VA to best server our Vets. These private outfits, as they put it, already have billing a collection departments that deal with medicare, medicade and private insurance companies. They also already deal with the VA on emergencies, so no huge expansion would be required.

The only huge expansion I'm seeing is all the commie bullshit coming from you regressives.

These Libtards will do everything possible to keep the VA as a bloated government health care provider because in their convoluted sick minds is becomes a model for socialized medicine.

The system should be much more simple than it is now. A veteran should be issued a private insurance card for the level of treatment that he/she needs. The VA should only be a diagnostic center to ascertain the level of treatment needed and a clearing house and bill payer and it should be adequately staffed.

No different than having a private family care physician that you can get an immediate appointment, looks at you and then sends you to a specialist if needed. For veterans with significant service related problems we should just cut out the middle man when they get released from the military system and issue them a Tri Care type insurance card so they never even have to deal with the VA again.

The only VA hospitals that we should have are the ones to treat immediately battle wounded casualties until they can be released to private care facilities.

Our country owes our veterans good medical care. They earned it and the current VA bureaucratic system falls short of providing that care. The government always screws up everything.

I've had very good care through the DeBakey system in Houston, including heart surgery. I only had one real problem early on, it took 3 months to get a priority MRI, that was fixed by staffing that section 7 days a week. It takes at most 2 weeks now for a routine procedure.
A major problem with the VA is that there are just so many hospitals and clinics out there. Many veterans live far away from any of these hospitals or clinics and with all the troops we now have deployed in areas of conflict, the rolls of veterans will continue to increase. I'd say it would be best for those veterans living outside of 50 miles of a veteran's hospital or clinic to be afforded easy and affordable access to local medical facilities. Perhaps just shutting down the hospitals and clinics and allowing all veterans use their local hospitals would actually be the best thing to do.
I agree, it would be better to let us go to a local doctor/hospital but I haven't paid my bill in years. I owe the government over 4,000 for my medication. I'm bi-polar and would end up in prison if I ever had to go without my pills. But I can't afford them.

I also have cancer. I'm supposed to see my cancer doctor in a couple of weeks over in Orlando but I don't have a car so I don't know what I'm going to do.
yeah the goddamn government can send these men to war but can't help them afterwards. Fucking assholes.

I say fuck privatization...Our troops deserve so much better.
yeah the goddamn government can send these men to war but can't help them afterwards. Fucking assholes.

I say fuck privatization...Our troops deserve so much better.

Privatization is a Trump concept and after giving it a lot of thought, I say privative the VA hospitals and clinics.
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options
"the official said" LOL
yeah I love that, they always believe that shit...the media has any anonymous source. suuuuuure
Here's an idea.

Support the troops when they are accused of unsubstantiated war crimes until they are proven guilty instead of blindly agreeing with enemies of America then whining about whatever the hell you're talking about when they get back

Here's an idea. Don't deflect by telling us again about your plot to screw over the troops. We already knew that. Your destruction of the VA is just a piece of that plot.

"Us?" Who are you speaking for? Why don't you have the self esteem to speak for yourself? You need to imaging hordes of followers?

And I'm destroying the VA? The voices in your head are chatty today, huh?
yeah the goddamn government can send these men to war but can't help them afterwards. Fucking assholes.

I say fuck privatization...Our troops deserve so much better.

Like the wonderful government care they've been receiving?
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