Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

where do you think you would hear about concrete DEM fraud in 2020? Its not the fact thinga are reported on Twitter or other sites, in many cases it’s the person willing to report it.

Stupi forker was reading Twitter above then asking what was the source? Huh? again you’ll never hear truth on the BS you watch, read or listen into. I already know ALL of these latest facts trickling out. I dug into 2920 Election fraud nearly every day for three years. Turned off all TV & radio “news”. People like you are still a polluted sack of molded garbage.
Lol, call me when ya win some court cases. Hilarious. What a dumb fuck. All blow and no show. Run your mouth and run your mouth then laughed out of court. But hey tell me some more retard stories. They are entertaining!
Lol, call me when ya win some court cases. Hilarious. What a dumb fuck. All blow and no show. Run your mouth and run your mouth then laughed out of court. But hey tell me some more retard stories. They are entertaining!

at your age (55 or so) you will feel the collapse (more heavily and longer) from the support you wholeheartedly stupidly give to many others dragging you down, you uneducated dope. Done with you now//
at your age (55 or so) you will feel the collapse you support wholeheartedly more than many others dragging you down you uneducated dope. Done with you now//
Lol, sure thing short bus. hilarious Tell me the one about giant Jewish space lasers now. I always get a good laugh out of it.
How much do you people need to see the 2020 election had 0 integrity? A SOS lying to a president is not good.
Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump, demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then, after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post, they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.

I posted the whole call here just yesterday. Gateway Pundit never gets anything right.
How much do you people need to see the 2020 election had 0 integrity? A SOS lying to a president is not good.
Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump, demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then, after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post, they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.

The call does not mean shit. And it was recorded illegally. GA. was stolen.
There was a reason the Fulton county sheriff did an emergency run in the middle of the night between two warehouses. One of them was accessible to the feds the other one wasn't. Guess where he moved the ballot boxes to? The one that wasn't.
There was a reason the Fulton county sheriff did an emergency run in the middle of the night between two warehouses. One of them was accessible to the feds the other one wasn't. Guess where he moved the ballot boxes to? The one that wasn't.
The SOS Ratburger had a report in front of him telling him the Fulton county election had no integrity before he certified the election. He had the report when he talked with Trump.
There was no fraud in Fulton county. I live here.
It doesn't matter where you live.... You're a private citizen.

You're not in any better position living there than a person who is living in Alaska.

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