Trump Orders Hospitals To Bypass Covid Data To CDC So His People See Then Numbers First


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain.

The new instructions are contained in a little-noticed document posted this week on the Department of Health and Human Services’ website, Sheryl Gay Stolberg reports. From now on, H.H.S., and not the C.D.C., will collect daily reports about the patients that each hospital is treating, how many beds and ventilators are available, and other information vital to tracking the pandemic.

For perfectly innocent reasons I'm sure.
The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain.

It's ALREADY being distorted for political gain.

The CDC were the ones who told the people of Flint Michigan their tap water was JUST FINE as their hair fell out and their children died.

Thank God Trump is finally going to have an HONEST look at the raw data.


Listen to the stuck leftist piggies squeal.
Fake. Fake. Fakefakefake.


It is all over the internet.... Sorry but this is amateur hour at the white house... They have given up on solving the problem but now want to spin the problem...

This has killed more US Citizens than World War II and this is killing US people at a higher rate than any war US has been in including the Civil War.

But he is trying to spin it..
The CDC was never charged with the responsibility of collecting statistical data. The document merely directs statistic information to the Health and Human Services agency where it belongs.
The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain.

The new instructions are contained in a little-noticed document posted this week on the Department of Health and Human Services’ website, Sheryl Gay Stolberg reports. From now on, H.H.S., and not the C.D.C., will collect daily reports about the patients that each hospital is treating, how many beds and ventilators are available, and other information vital to tracking the pandemic.

For perfectly innocent reasons I'm sure.
Great, now we will have even less reliable information.
The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain.

It's ALREADY being distorted for political gain.

The CDC were the ones who told the people of Flint Michigan their tap water was JUST FINE as their hair fell out and their children died.

Thank God Trump is finally going to have an HONEST look at the raw data.


Listen to the stuck leftist piggies squeal.
You cannot possibly be this stupid.

Stop fronting.
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The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain.

The new instructions are contained in a little-noticed document posted this week on the Department of Health and Human Services’ website, Sheryl Gay Stolberg reports. From now on, H.H.S., and not the C.D.C., will collect daily reports about the patients that each hospital is treating, how many beds and ventilators are available, and other information vital to tracking the pandemic.

For perfectly innocent reasons I'm sure.
I'm sure also. The problem is the fear the data will be distorted for political gain BY THE CDC, to help Joe Biden, and smear Trump. Looks like a reasonable fear. Makes sense.
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Distorted for political gain? You mean Trump no longer wants these fucking labs to report 100% positive rates and wants to make sure the data is accurate first before the public hears it?

The humanity!!!
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*THE DAILY KOS* ... not a bigger FAKE NEWS member of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING than that.

The story is BULL SHIT.

If you had actually read more than the title, which is probably giving you to much credit for possessing even that much intelligence, you would see the story is from the New York Times.

Which makes you double stupid. And seeing how the story is actually true, that makes you stupid beyond all doubt.

I guess you losers support for the soon to be in prison loser, is more than you can bear.

It is all over the internet.... Sorry but this is amateur hour at the white house... They have given up on solving the problem but now want to spin the problem...

This has killed more US Citizens than World War II and this is killing US people at a higher rate than any war US has been in including the Civil War.

But he is trying to spin it..
Nice try at trying to spin it around 180 degrees. This doesn't have a shred of credibility. Trump is doing the correct thing, as usual.
The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain.

The new instructions are contained in a little-noticed document posted this week on the Department of Health and Human Services’ website, Sheryl Gay Stolberg reports. From now on, H.H.S., and not the C.D.C., will collect daily reports about the patients that each hospital is treating, how many beds and ventilators are available, and other information vital to tracking the pandemic.

For perfectly innocent reasons I'm sure.
*THE DAILY KOS* ... not a bigger FAKE NEWS member of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING than that.

The story is BULL SHIT.

If you had actually read more than the title, which is probably giving you to much credit for possessing even that much intelligence, you would see the story is from the New York Times.

Which makes you double stupid. And seeing how the story is actually true, that makes you stupid beyond all doubt.

I guess you losers support for the soon to be in prison loser, is more than you can bear.

The same new york slimes whose opinion editor just wrote a scathing resignation letter detailing the liberal bias at the new york slimes?

And you think saying it came from the new york slimes makes it sound more believable? Do you realize how stupid you sound?
*THE DAILY KOS* ... not a bigger FAKE NEWS member of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING than that.

The story is BULL SHIT.

If you had actually read more than the title, which is probably giving you to much credit for possessing even that much intelligence, you would see the story is from the New York Times.

Which makes you double stupid. And seeing how the story is actually true, that makes you stupid beyond all doubt.

I guess you losers support for the soon to be in prison loser, is more than you can bear.
4 more years, and yes Hillary is soon to be in prison, with a few of her fellow criminals.
The same new york slimes whose opinion editor just wrote a scathing resignation letter detailing the liberal bias at the new york slimes.

And you think saying it came from the new york slimes makes it sound more believable? Do you realize how stupid you sound?
HA HA HA. The New York Times has not had a shred of credibility since 1979, when they attacked the National Enquirer as allegedly being a worthless tabloid. Enquirer made muck out of them. (the "Oil Shortage is a hoax." story)

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