Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax


Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

Your comment is ridiculous..... because if there were such documents, we'd be in an impeachment hearing by now.

A good chunk of the politicians up on capital hill, have seen these classified documents. If they proved Trumps guilt, you can bet that one of the Democraps up there would have leaked those documents by now, or parts of them. If not, they would be pushing for impeachment already.

Either way, you wouldn't be here asking a dumb question like that. We'd be looking forward to impeachment.

Which I'll be all in favor of. Pence would make a great president.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Not really. Trump specified the page numbers of the documents to be released. He knows exactly what is in those documents and the effects they are going to have. Releasing the documents will no doubt improve the ability to monitor what the government is doing while nobody's watching.

Aren't you the ones who are big on "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?
We are gonna see unreal derangement now. a flush kick to liberals balls. Especially the liberal women.

They are so stupid and annoying.
here we go again... deja vu....

Republicans SELECTIVELY releasing classified documents to support 'their story' while holding all else back...

Then 2 weeks later, with Democrats fighting and screaming to release the FULL CONTEXT and full content surrounding the classified documents released by the president and republicans, and it is then showed,

the republicans ''story'', falls flat on its face!

Bring it on! It's not like Dems are not experienced at this point, with these Republican tactics, meant only for the Trump cult! :rolleyes:
Same thing Nunes did in releasing his report and blocking the Dems from doing the same

But the documentation they are declassifying does little to clear Trump and his cohorts. It is Muellers report that will have the WHOLE story that will make or break Trump
Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

Your comment is ridiculous..... because if there were such documents, we'd be in an impeachment hearing by now.

A good chunk of the politicians up on capital hill, have seen these classified documents. If they proved Trumps guilt, you can bet that one of the Democraps up there would have leaked those documents by now, or parts of them. If not, they would be pushing for impeachment already.

Either way, you wouldn't be here asking a dumb question like that. We'd be looking forward to impeachment.

Which I'll be all in favor of. Pence would make a great president.
Obstruction of Justice
Trump can’t help himself

Just another example of Trump trying to influence the investigation
You can't have obstruction w/o a crime. There is no crime, except by democrats and the FBI/DOJ
I wonder if they'll shop for a judge that will order an injunction against him exercising his Constitutional authority to do so?

Good point! If the Dems do that they’ll essentially crater themselves on the Russia Collusion investigation and be exposed.
I wonder if they'll shop for a judge that will order an injunction against him exercising his Constitutional authority to do so?

I hear the Ninth Circus is on it.

Like I said, that will only prove that the Democrats are trying to hide something. Jeff Sessions already gave that Hawaiian Circuit Court judge a smackdown awhile back. We might see some action from Sessions on this, if they try to block it.
I wonder if they'll shop for a judge that will order an injunction against him exercising his Constitutional authority to do so?

I hear the Ninth Circus is on it.

Like I said, that will only prove that the Democrats are trying to hide something. Jeff Sessions already gave that Hawaiian Circuit Court judge a smackdown awhile back. We might see some action from Sessions on this, if they try to block it.

I almost wish they would so that Sessions could be pulled out of his sarcophagus.
DeClassify the health records of QUEER-O, Michelle, Hillary, and Bill....

I'd say keep that classified, at least for now. Don't declassify it as keeping it quiet will keep those 4 on their best behavior.

I don't know if its true, but if the rumor that Mrs. Obama was actually born a man is actually true, it would lend a lot more credence to Obama's alleged affair with Lawrence Sinclair.

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