Trump: People with Southern Accents are ‘Weak’ and Should be Mocked


Silver Member
Dec 14, 2017
Time and again, we see how Trump loves to belittle his political base.

In a White House that appears to lack all decorum, nobody is safe from Trump’s endless insults and his mocking of people behind their backs. And those targets often include representatives from his beloved political base.

Behind closed doors, Trump doesn’t care who he makes fun of.

The latest example emerged this week after Trump took the extraordinary step of firing his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Trump gave no coherent reason for the drastic move, other than to suggest the two men didn’t share a “chemistry.”

The truth is that Trump often belittled Tillerson privately and made fun of Tillerson’s Southern accent.

“He mocked his mannerisms and Texas drawl, saying his secretary of state talked too slowly,” according to the Washington Post. “In conversations with advisers and friends, the president would often list others he said would do a better job than Tillerson, whom he frequently labeled ‘weak.'”

Trump’s mocking runs counter to a conservative culture war narrative that has been pushed for years: that Democrats and liberals look down on Southerners and belittle their way of life. Indeed, if President Barack Obama had ever been caught deriding a Texas drawl as “weak,” Fox News would have hammered the story for days.

The GOP also loudly brays that Democrats don’t respect the religious right. But who makes fun of it off camera? Trump.

He often privately mocks Vice President Mike Pence for his strident religious views. According to a New Yorker account last year, Trump pointed to Pence during a discussion of LGBT rights and exclaimed, “Don’t ask that guy — he wants to hang them all!”

Additionally, a White House staffer revealed that Trump will jokingly ask visitors who meet with Pence, “Did Mike make you pray?”

During the 2016 Republican primary, Trump mocked Ben Carson’s conservative Seventh-day Adventists faith.

“I’m Presbyterian,” Trump said. “Boy, that’s down the middle of the road folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about.”

It’s ironic that Trump held Tillerson in low regard because of his slow pattern of Southern speech, because privately Tillerson thought very little of Trump’s intelligence. Indeed, it appears Tillerson’s relationship with Trump never recovered from a 2017 news report that Tillerson had dismissed Trump as a “fucking moron” during a private dinner with colleagues.

The description came after Pentagon officials tried unsuccessfully to explain the state of national security to Trump, during an information meeting last summer. The meeting was so unproductive, a second meeting with fewer participants was scheduled so the discussion could be slowed down to Trump’s rudimentary level of understanding.

But Trump thinks Tillerson is the slow one?

Froth on Hucklefucks, even your President doesn't like you. :113:
Time and again, we see how Trump loves to belittle his political base.

In a White House that appears to lack all decorum, nobody is safe from Trump’s endless insults and his mocking of people behind their backs. And those targets often include representatives from his beloved political base.

Behind closed doors, Trump doesn’t care who he makes fun of.

The latest example emerged this week after Trump took the extraordinary step of firing his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Trump gave no coherent reason for the drastic move, other than to suggest the two men didn’t share a “chemistry.”

The truth is that Trump often belittled Tillerson privately and made fun of Tillerson’s Southern accent.

“He mocked his mannerisms and Texas drawl, saying his secretary of state talked too slowly,” according to the Washington Post. “In conversations with advisers and friends, the president would often list others he said would do a better job than Tillerson, whom he frequently labeled ‘weak.'”

Trump’s mocking runs counter to a conservative culture war narrative that has been pushed for years: that Democrats and liberals look down on Southerners and belittle their way of life. Indeed, if President Barack Obama had ever been caught deriding a Texas drawl as “weak,” Fox News would have hammered the story for days.

The GOP also loudly brays that Democrats don’t respect the religious right. But who makes fun of it off camera? Trump.

He often privately mocks Vice President Mike Pence for his strident religious views. According to a New Yorker account last year, Trump pointed to Pence during a discussion of LGBT rights and exclaimed, “Don’t ask that guy — he wants to hang them all!”

Additionally, a White House staffer revealed that Trump will jokingly ask visitors who meet with Pence, “Did Mike make you pray?”

During the 2016 Republican primary, Trump mocked Ben Carson’s conservative Seventh-day Adventists faith.

“I’m Presbyterian,” Trump said. “Boy, that’s down the middle of the road folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about.”

It’s ironic that Trump held Tillerson in low regard because of his slow pattern of Southern speech, because privately Tillerson thought very little of Trump’s intelligence. Indeed, it appears Tillerson’s relationship with Trump never recovered from a 2017 news report that Tillerson had dismissed Trump as a “fucking moron” during a private dinner with colleagues.

The description came after Pentagon officials tried unsuccessfully to explain the state of national security to Trump, during an information meeting last summer. The meeting was so unproductive, a second meeting with fewer participants was scheduled so the discussion could be slowed down to Trump’s rudimentary level of understanding.

But Trump thinks Tillerson is the slow one?

Froth on Hucklefucks, even your President doesn't like you. :113:

On to relevant news from Investor's Business Daily:

Has Anyone Noticed That Trump's Economy Keeps Beating Expectations?
Investment Research - Stock Quotes, Stock Tips, Options Center:113:

Now, ask which information is more significant to the voting public, yours or mine...
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Filthy Don ran with the Southern Stategy Political playbook, grabbed you racist hucklefucks by the puzzies and now you coddle his sorrry swindling azz.

Much like hoes to a pimp! :abgg2q.jpg:
Filthy Don ran with the Southern Stategy Political playbook, grabbed you racist hucklefucks by the puzzies and now you coddle his sorrry swindling azz.

Much like hoes to a pimp! :abgg2q.jpg:

President Trump was elected the first time because he promised a better economy.
He'll win a second term because of a better economy. :twirl:
Pretty easy for Trump to get ignorant hate filled lefties all hysterical and drooling because lefties have absolutely no sense of humor.
Filthy Don ran with the Southern Stategy Political playbook, grabbed you racist hucklefucks by the puzzies and now you coddle his sorrry swindling azz.

Much like hoes to a pimp!

President Trump was elected the first time because he promised a better economy.
He'll win a second term because of a better economy. :twirl:

Carrier, Catepillar, General Dynamics and Toys 'R Us don't think so as they get layed off. :113: But the most productive economics were under Pres Obama - but you hate won't admit that!

Filthy Don ran a racist campaign.....The Hucklefvck Klansman latched on to that. And oh, that Mexican Wall Check is coming this week. :abgg2q.jpg:
Filthy Don ran with the Southern Stategy Political playbook, grabbed you racist hucklefucks by the puzzies and now you coddle his sorrry swindling azz.

Much like hoes to a pimp!

President Trump was elected the first time because he promised a better economy.
He'll win a second term because of a better economy. :twirl:

Carrier, Catepillar, General Dynamics and Toys 'R Us don't think so as they get layed off. :113: But the most productive economics were under Pres Obama - but you hate won't admit that!

Filthy Don ran a racist campaign.....The Hucklefvck Klansman latched on to that. And oh, that Mexican Wall Check is coming this week. :abgg2q.jpg:

Specific businesses may come and go as always, but lower unemployment, higher GDP, raises, tax cuts, and a chicken in every pot moves the masses. You just saw that, based on just the promise of it.
Parrot Pelosi and Shummer, and Clinton and whine about a wall even though your mentors voted for it in 2006, and we just look at you like you are brain dead. We will have a wall. We will keep our country safe regardless of what Soros tells you to say.
You are un-American, and we are getting tired of you. Go color in a book and be safe....
Time and again, we see how Trump loves to belittle his political base.

In a White House that appears to lack all decorum, nobody is safe from Trump’s endless insults and his mocking of people behind their backs. And those targets often include representatives from his beloved political base.

Behind closed doors, Trump doesn’t care who he makes fun of.

Trump’s mocking runs counter to a conservative culture war narrative that has been pushed for years: that Democrats and liberals look down on Southerners and belittle their way of life. Indeed, if President Barack Obama had ever been caught deriding a Texas drawl as “weak,” Fox News would have hammered the story for days.

Froth on Hucklefucks, even your President doesn't like you. :113:
What the Demwits Need Is a 10/7/16 Groundhog Day

Hey, chump, you want some change with that hope?
Time and again, we see how Trump loves to belittle his political base.

In a White House that appears to lack all decorum, nobody is safe from Trump’s endless insults and his mocking of people behind their backs. And those targets often include representatives from his beloved political base.

Behind closed doors, Trump doesn’t care who he makes fun of.

The latest example emerged this week after Trump took the extraordinary step of firing his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Trump gave no coherent reason for the drastic move, other than to suggest the two men didn’t share a “chemistry.”

The truth is that Trump often belittled Tillerson privately and made fun of Tillerson’s Southern accent.

“He mocked his mannerisms and Texas drawl, saying his secretary of state talked too slowly,” according to the Washington Post. “In conversations with advisers and friends, the president would often list others he said would do a better job than Tillerson, whom he frequently labeled ‘weak.'”

Trump’s mocking runs counter to a conservative culture war narrative that has been pushed for years: that Democrats and liberals look down on Southerners and belittle their way of life. Indeed, if President Barack Obama had ever been caught deriding a Texas drawl as “weak,” Fox News would have hammered the story for days.

The GOP also loudly brays that Democrats don’t respect the religious right. But who makes fun of it off camera? Trump.

He often privately mocks Vice President Mike Pence for his strident religious views. According to a New Yorker account last year, Trump pointed to Pence during a discussion of LGBT rights and exclaimed, “Don’t ask that guy — he wants to hang them all!”

Additionally, a White House staffer revealed that Trump will jokingly ask visitors who meet with Pence, “Did Mike make you pray?”

During the 2016 Republican primary, Trump mocked Ben Carson’s conservative Seventh-day Adventists faith.

“I’m Presbyterian,” Trump said. “Boy, that’s down the middle of the road folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about.”

It’s ironic that Trump held Tillerson in low regard because of his slow pattern of Southern speech, because privately Tillerson thought very little of Trump’s intelligence. Indeed, it appears Tillerson’s relationship with Trump never recovered from a 2017 news report that Tillerson had dismissed Trump as a “fucking moron” during a private dinner with colleagues.

The description came after Pentagon officials tried unsuccessfully to explain the state of national security to Trump, during an information meeting last summer. The meeting was so unproductive, a second meeting with fewer participants was scheduled so the discussion could be slowed down to Trump’s rudimentary level of understanding.

But Trump thinks Tillerson is the slow one?

Froth on Hucklefucks, even your President doesn't like you. :113:
It's a highly unique way of expressing butt hurt. Original, but not much else. Snowflakes do try, ya gotta give 'em that.
Pretty easy for Trump to get ignorant hate filled lefties all hysterical and drooling because lefties have absolutely no sense of humor.
Lefties don't understand that they really are despised. It's comical, it really is how they keep trying to make excuses and find reasons that avoid accepting that they are the enemy!
Time and again, we see how Trump loves to belittle his political base.

In a White House that appears to lack all decorum, nobody is safe from Trump’s endless insults and his mocking of people behind their backs. And those targets often include representatives from his beloved political base.

Behind closed doors, Trump doesn’t care who he makes fun of.

Trump’s mocking runs counter to a conservative culture war narrative that has been pushed for years: that Democrats and liberals look down on Southerners and belittle their way of life. Indeed, if President Barack Obama had ever been caught deriding a Texas drawl as “weak,” Fox News would have hammered the story for days.

Froth on Hucklefucks, even your President doesn't like you. :113:
What the Demwits Need Is a 10/7/16 Groundhog Day

Hey, chump, you want some change with that hope?

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