Trump pity party thread:once upon a time Donnie was falling in Love with Stormy, now he's falling apart. nothing he can do, total eclipse of the heart

Trump got bored one day and had sex with a porn star he fancied. Not gonna lie, I wish I could live life like that. Some hottie catches my attention on the Hub and I snap my fingers for a night with her? Yes please.
Trump got bored one day and had sex with a porn star he fancied. Not gonna lie, I wish I could live life like that. Some hottie catches my attention on the Hub and I snap my fingers for a night with her? Yes please.
are you socially liberal or conservative?
Trump got bored one day and had sex with a porn star he fancied. Not gonna lie, I wish I could live life like that. Some hottie catches my attention on the Hub and I snap my fingers for a night with her? Yes please.
Plus he gets to sexually assault women.
are you socially liberal or conservative?
Socially liberal I guess. At the same time though I do love a good ol' traditional girl for marriage material etc. I just don't mind knocking the bottom outta some slut either. Definitely not gonna marry a woman like that though.

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