Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

You've been shown, Toddster...

Here is another, showing the same thing.


Longest expansion ever.

Your expansion sucked.

Yeah, but it sucked for a long time.
They were lied to until the documents were declassified after the 2004 election was over. Democrats got UBL and got US out of Iraq and Afghanistan as you Republican were whaling, weeping and gnashing teeth.
I know you're contractually obligated to deflect accusations from democrats, but we've allowed some of them to get very close to the White House, and they had a lot of power. If they were fooled into believing something that wasn't true (remember, you weren't fooled for a minute, were you?), then they should not have been considered good candidates to run things from the executive branch. Maybe you need a smarter class of democrats.
They were lied to until the documents were declassified after the 2004 election was over. Democrats got UBL and got US out of Iraq and Afghanistan as you Republican were whaling, weeping and gnashing teeth.

Yes, after Democrats got us into Iraq and Afghanistan by saying exactly what W did. Kiss my grits, Flo
True but it got it's start under Bush and Obama really kicked it into gear, setting the table for Trump and now Biden.

And a picture don't lie. (-:

Have a good day

ps, as you posted, it's impossible to blame just one or the other party.

I recall an old you tube video of Greenspan describing monetarism and the great depression. Imo his most damaging argument against Keynes was that politicians love an excuse to spend more money.

Unfortunately, the Fed kept interest rates low and actually buying US debt far longer than we had high unemployment.
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Your answer perfectly illustrates the point that democrats decry spending when Republicans do it, but won't do anything about it when they're in power. Sad, really.

The war on terror was a bi-partisan effort, so the democrats should be held accountable as well. But something tells me you don't want to do that.
Bill Clinton had a balanced budget
Bush left office with the economy in ruin and a $1T deficit, and the balanced budget destroyed.
There's you first big problem idiot republicans fucking everything up, like always.

Obama inherited that mess and massive deficit and got the deficit down to $500B by the end of his presidency. Democrats can actually lower the deficit, like bill clinton did.

Trump inherited that $500B deficit and blew it up to the moon, passing massive out of control spending from day 1 of his presidency. Trump left office with a $3T deficit and gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years. Trump also begged Congress for even more spending and had world record FED money printing.

There's your second big problem right there

the republicans are the cause of the big spending, they took a balanced budget and destroyed it.
deficits 2015-19
Great data.

the facts prove that Trump and the republicans are the cause of the deficits and massive debt.

Trump spent wildly from day 1 of his presidency and blew up the deficit before covid. They try to blame covid for all their problems, but really its their out of control spending
Yes, after Democrats got us into Iraq and Afghanistan by saying exactly what W did. Kiss my grits, Flo
Its laugheble to some how blame the democrats for the GOP war in Iraq.

republicans loved that war and attacked anybody who opposed it. They even went as far as changing French fries to Freedom fries because France opposed the war.

Republicans own the war in Iraq because they started it, they mismanaged it, and they pushed the country into war.
There was no QE in 2019, idiot.

What about QE2 in 2010?
And QE3 in 2012?

The recession ended in July 2009, what did that idiot Obama need more QE?
Is it because he was so bad on the economy?
Weakest recovery ever.
Hey retard Trump's economy was a joke and running only debt fueld stimulus. It was so bad it needed QE4 in 2019, go look it up retard

Debt at the start of 2017 was $19.9 trillion.

View attachment 834438

At the start of 2018..... $20.5 trillion.

View attachment 834439

He didn't borrow $4.7 trillion in 2017, you stupid twat.
You are dumb as shit.
It was $4.7T spread out over many years in his massive multi-year, multi trillion dollar spending spree.

Obviously it wasn't $4.7T in 1 single year, you consistently embarrass your self on here.

We are paying for those spending bills right now.

Read this you embarassment:

Trump and the garbage republicans literally passed spending all the way out to 2028. That is how bad they are. They gave us this debt. They own. And lets not forget Bush took a balanced budget and left office with trllion dollar deficits and the economy in total ruin.
You are dumb as shit.
It was $4.7T spread out over many years in his massive multi-year, multi trillion dollar spending spree.

Obviously it wasn't $4.7T in 1 single year, you consistently embarrass your self on here.

We are paying for those spending bills right now.

Read this you embarassment:

Trump and the garbage republicans literally passed spending all the way out to 2028. That is how bad they are. They gave us this debt. They own. And lets not forget Bush took a balanced budget and left office with trllion dollar deficits and the economy in total ruin.

It was $4.7T spread out over many years in his massive multi-year, multi trillion dollar spending spree.

You lied when you said 2017? Why are you such a liar?

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