Trump Presidency - Failure

Ok I get the right wing talking points , now give me the specific deregulations, how did he change consumer confidence and what small business expansion? Explain all the economic stuff that you are utterly smart about.

Its no talking points I don't even watch T.V. anymore and I am getting so into classical music :)

It's the damn truth

Stimulus: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tax cuts: Obama copied off Bush Jr

Auto bailout: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp: Bush Jr

Wall Street : Janet

Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti manufacturing jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) he signed Obama care which slowed down investments for 2 years (till the Supremes rulled on it) no one wanted to bring the money back from overseas, everyone was sitting on cash with his stupid EPA rules and regulations.


Ears benefited from low interest rates and pumped funny money into Wall St.

You can tell all this to a dumb fck Ears supporter but you may as well talk to a stump

Funny when you ask folks to explain specifically all these great things Trump has done they turn around and start attacking Pres Obama.

It was explained and as I predicted you're too stupid to grasp it.

Same with that tired old fool, Foo.

The problem is you're to damn stupid to explain it, Trump Humpers only know how to regurgitate the rightwing talking points.

Let me help... Trump got rids of dems regulations and dats whys biz expanded and grew and hired more brothas and sisters. Thens cause other brothas and sisters and honkies gots jobs consumer confidence wents on the upswing and them theres people started buynz more so thens productivity increased creating more growths.

Get it now ya dumbed down ghetto rat?
Its no talking points I don't even watch T.V. anymore and I am getting so into classical music :)

It's the damn truth

Stimulus: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tax cuts: Obama copied off Bush Jr

Auto bailout: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp: Bush Jr

Wall Street : Janet

Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti manufacturing jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) he signed Obama care which slowed down investments for 2 years (till the Supremes rulled on it) no one wanted to bring the money back from overseas, everyone was sitting on cash with his stupid EPA rules and regulations.


Ears benefited from low interest rates and pumped funny money into Wall St.

You can tell all this to a dumb fck Ears supporter but you may as well talk to a stump

Funny when you ask folks to explain specifically all these great things Trump has done they turn around and start attacking Pres Obama.

It was explained and as I predicted you're too stupid to grasp it.

Same with that tired old fool, Foo.

The problem is you're to damn stupid to explain it, Trump Humpers only know how to regurgitate the rightwing talking points.

Let me help... Trump got rids of dems regulations and dats whys biz expanded and grew and hired more brothas and sisters.

Which regulations? There are hundreds of regulations which ones did he get rid of SassyHag. Tell me specifically what he did to get the bruthas and sistas more jobs. Your dumbass is just repeating something you heard on Sean Hannity or Limpbaugh.

Thens cause other brothas and sisters and honkies gots jobs consumer confidence wents on the upswing and them theres people started buynz more so thens productivity increased creating more growths.

Get it now ya dumbed down ghetto rat?

Is that how you talk in the trailer park? Too bad you couldn't pull off a deal like Stormy Daniels.
Its no talking points I don't even watch T.V. anymore and I am getting so into classical music :)

It's the damn truth

Stimulus: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tax cuts: Obama copied off Bush Jr

Auto bailout: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp: Bush Jr

Wall Street : Janet

Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti manufacturing jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) he signed Obama care which slowed down investments for 2 years (till the Supremes rulled on it) no one wanted to bring the money back from overseas, everyone was sitting on cash with his stupid EPA rules and regulations.


Ears benefited from low interest rates and pumped funny money into Wall St.

You can tell all this to a dumb fck Ears supporter but you may as well talk to a stump

Funny when you ask folks to explain specifically all these great things Trump has done they turn around and start attacking Pres Obama.

It was explained and as I predicted you're too stupid to grasp it.

Same with that tired old fool, Foo.

The problem is you're to damn stupid to explain it, Trump Humpers only know how to regurgitate the rightwing talking points.

Let me help... Trump got rids of dems regulations and dats whys biz expanded and grew and hired more brothas and sisters. Thens cause other brothas and sisters and honkies gots jobs consumer confidence wents on the upswing and them theres people started buynz more so thens productivity increased creating more growths.

Get it now ya dumbed down ghetto rat?

That's funny since you rightards have been giving him credit for the economy since before he repealed even one regulation. :lmao:
SassyIrishLass, post: 22541215
We're talking the here and now dumb fuck...

You can answer my question because “the here and now” is a TrumpO economy that has not risen above 2.9 % GDP. TrumpO has stated that such an economy is anemic.

The question: Why is TrumpO declarating his economy the greatest economy ever?

Can you answer a simple question?

You better check your numbers then comment

I have. You must use the same method for TrumpO that Obama’s 2.9% is based upon.

Considering full 2018, the economy-advanced 2.9 percent, the most since 2015, and above 2.2 percent in 2017. The US economy advanced an annualized 2.6 percent on quarter in the fourth quarter of 2018, beating market expectations of a 2.4 percent growth, the initial estimate showed.May 30, 2019
United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | ...

My numbers checked out just fine - right?

Are you straightened out now?

The question: Why is TrumpO declaring his economy to be the greatest economy ever when he can only tie Obama at 2.9% and go lower from there.
Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.


View attachment 264826

That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Agree. The UE is still figured by a phone survey? Huh? Hard to believe that. I look at LFPR and GDP(w/o GOVT debt added in would be great.

You cons are a riot. Right after suggesting the unemployment rate is not accurate because it comes from polling data, you Express confidence in the labor force participation rate.....

Which comes from the same polling data!


If so many people were happy with the way things were, why didn't Hillary walk into the white house?

Because there were about 80,000 too many tea party loser idiots spread out through PA MI AND WI who were conned into believing TrumpO was going to grow an economy so much more than that black Kenyan born illegitimate president did.

Of course we see now TrumpO can’t get the economy over 2.9 GDP either.

But now the moron typical TrumpO voter believes the conman when he tells them that thanks to him we now have the greatest economy ever.

So the answer is too many dumb people voted.
SassyIrishLass, post: 22541215
We're talking the here and now dumb fuck...

You can answer my question because “the here and now” is a TrumpO economy that has not risen above 2.9 % GDP. TrumpO has stated that such an economy is anemic.

The question: Why is TrumpO declarating his economy the greatest economy ever?

Can you answer a simple question?

You better check your numbers then comment

I have. You must use the same method for TrumpO that Obama’s 2.9% is based upon.

Considering full 2018, the economy-advanced 2.9 percent, the most since 2015, and above 2.2 percent in 2017. The US economy advanced an annualized 2.6 percent on quarter in the fourth quarter of 2018, beating market expectations of a 2.4 percent growth, the initial estimate showed.May 30, 2019
United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | ...

My numbers checked out just fine - right?

Are you straightened out now?

The question: Why is TrumpO declaring his economy to be the greatest economy ever when he can only tie Obama at 2.9% and go lower from there.

The current GDP is 3.1%....dumbass
SassyIrishLass, post: 22541215
We're talking the here and now dumb fuck...

You can answer my question because “the here and now” is a TrumpO economy that has not risen above 2.9 % GDP. TrumpO has stated that such an economy is anemic.

The question: Why is TrumpO declarating his economy the greatest economy ever?

Can you answer a simple question?

You better check your numbers then comment

I have. You must use the same method for TrumpO that Obama’s 2.9% is based upon.

Considering full 2018, the economy-advanced 2.9 percent, the most since 2015, and above 2.2 percent in 2017. The US economy advanced an annualized 2.6 percent on quarter in the fourth quarter of 2018, beating market expectations of a 2.4 percent growth, the initial estimate showed.May 30, 2019
United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | ...

My numbers checked out just fine - right?

Are you straightened out now?

The question: Why is TrumpO declaring his economy to be the greatest economy ever when he can only tie Obama at 2.9% and go lower from there.

The current GDP is 3.1%....dumbass
He was talking about annual growth, not quarterly. That should have been obvious to you, StinkyIrishAss.
Trump is trailing Biden in TEXAS!
Trump is trailing Biden in Pa. by double digits. This one term president had better start lining up some lawyers for the day he becomes a private citizen.
Poll shows Biden beating Trump in Texas
Sadly, I see another defeat, only this time Hillary has massive hair loss and has a dick....Joe is gonna lose this one big time, and you heard it hear first...he's too wishy washy for me.
SassyIrishLass, post: 22541215 You can answer my question because “the here and now” is a TrumpO economy that has not risen above 2.9 % GDP. TrumpO has stated that such an economy is anemic.

The question: Why is TrumpO declarating his economy the greatest economy ever?

Can you answer a simple question?

You better check your numbers then comment

I have. You must use the same method for TrumpO that Obama’s 2.9% is based upon.

Considering full 2018, the economy-advanced 2.9 percent, the most since 2015, and above 2.2 percent in 2017. The US economy advanced an annualized 2.6 percent on quarter in the fourth quarter of 2018, beating market expectations of a 2.4 percent growth, the initial estimate showed.May 30, 2019
United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | ...

My numbers checked out just fine - right?

Are you straightened out now?

The question: Why is TrumpO declaring his economy to be the greatest economy ever when he can only tie Obama at 2.9% and go lower from there.

The current GDP is 3.1%....dumbass
He was talking about annual growth, not quarterly. That should have been obvious to you, StinkyIrishAss.
"StinkyIrishAss?" Yup ... you're another butt-hurt 12 yr old leftard.

No surprise there.
Last edited:
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?

Tax cuts: Win
Deregulation: Win
Making the democraps look like scum: Win
Destroyed stupid fake Russia scandal: Win
Less taxes on the American people: Win
Repealed the mandate on Health Insurance: Win

Trade with china: is a win last I checked.

Unemployment low: Win.
Growth is good and stable: Win

No one thought that we would achieve total peace with North Korea.
I never wanted NAFTA shut down. So that's a win in my book.

The wall is being built, although slowly.

Regardless, the wall is actually a win for Trump. Because as show everyone that the very reasonable idea of border security, the Democraps are completely against. It's clear now that Trump would have safe borders, and the Democraps would destroy the country.

That's a win.

Tax cuts, effects dwindling cost 1.5 trillion - FAIL

Dirtier air & water, more dangerous workplaces, more discrimination FAIL

Russia did interfere.

Trump obstructed FAIL

Trump tariffs - huge tax increase on Americans FAIL

GDP growth slowing
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?

Tax cuts: Win
Deregulation: Win
Making the democraps look like scum: Win
Destroyed stupid fake Russia scandal: Win
Less taxes on the American people: Win
Repealed the mandate on Health Insurance: Win

Trade with china: is a win last I checked.

Unemployment low: Win.
Growth is good and stable: Win

No one thought that we would achieve total peace with North Korea.
I never wanted NAFTA shut down. So that's a win in my book.

The wall is being built, although slowly.

Regardless, the wall is actually a win for Trump. Because as show everyone that the very reasonable idea of border security, the Democraps are completely against. It's clear now that Trump would have safe borders, and the Democraps would destroy the country.

That's a win.

Gets better...just read tariffs have not increased consumer prices and inflation risks are low

Tariff Revenue (Billions of 2018 Dollars)

Long-run GDP

GDP (Billions of 2018 Dollars)


FTE Jobs

SassyIrishLass, post: 22541215 You can answer my question because “the here and now” is a TrumpO economy that has not risen above 2.9 % GDP. TrumpO has stated that such an economy is anemic.

The question: Why is TrumpO declarating his economy the greatest economy ever?

Can you answer a simple question?

You better check your numbers then comment

I have. You must use the same method for TrumpO that Obama’s 2.9% is based upon.

Considering full 2018, the economy-advanced 2.9 percent, the most since 2015, and above 2.2 percent in 2017. The US economy advanced an annualized 2.6 percent on quarter in the fourth quarter of 2018, beating market expectations of a 2.4 percent growth, the initial estimate showed.May 30, 2019
United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | ...

My numbers checked out just fine - right?

Are you straightened out now?

The question: Why is TrumpO declaring his economy to be the greatest economy ever when he can only tie Obama at 2.9% and go lower from there.

The current GDP is 3.1%....dumbass
He was talking about annual growth, not quarterly. That should have been obvious to you, StinkyIrishAss.

Current is 3.2 ya dumbed down stupid fuck.

Sit your dumb ass down before you get hurt
You better check your numbers then comment

I have. You must use the same method for TrumpO that Obama’s 2.9% is based upon.

Considering full 2018, the economy-advanced 2.9 percent, the most since 2015, and above 2.2 percent in 2017. The US economy advanced an annualized 2.6 percent on quarter in the fourth quarter of 2018, beating market expectations of a 2.4 percent growth, the initial estimate showed.May 30, 2019
United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | ...

My numbers checked out just fine - right?

Are you straightened out now?

The question: Why is TrumpO declaring his economy to be the greatest economy ever when he can only tie Obama at 2.9% and go lower from there.

The current GDP is 3.1%....dumbass
He was talking about annual growth, not quarterly. That should have been obvious to you, StinkyIrishAss.

Current is 3.2 ya dumbed down stupid fuck.

Sit your dumb ass down before you get hurt
2018 was 2.9%, ya StinkyTrashyAss
Sadly, I see another defeat, only this time Hillary has massive hair loss and has a dick....Joe is gonna lose this one big time, and you heard it hear first...he's too wishy washy for me.
Woo ... so you took the rational pill this morning?
Trump is trailing Biden in TEXAS!
Trump is trailing Biden in Pa. by double digits. This one term president had better start lining up some lawyers for the day he becomes a private citizen.
Poll shows Biden beating Trump in Texas
Sadly, I see another defeat, only this time Hillary has massive hair loss and has a dick....Joe is gonna lose this one big time, and you heard it hear first...he's too wishy washy for me.
How will Trump turn his fortunes around? He`s behind Biden by double digits in Pa. and Michigan. He wouldn`t have won those states the last time if Bernie`s disappointed supporters hadn`t boycotted the election. Their pouting put that treasonous POS in the White House.
Sadly, I see another defeat, only this time Hillary has massive hair loss and has a dick....Joe is gonna lose this one big time, and you heard it hear first...he's too wishy washy for me.
Woo ... so you took the rational pill this morning?
Trump is trailing Biden in TEXAS!
Trump is trailing Biden in Pa. by double digits. This one term president had better start lining up some lawyers for the day he becomes a private citizen.
Poll shows Biden beating Trump in Texas
Sadly, I see another defeat, only this time Hillary has massive hair loss and has a dick....Joe is gonna lose this one big time, and you heard it hear first...he's too wishy washy for me.
How will Trump turn his fortunes around? He`s behind Biden by double digits in Pa. and Michigan. He wouldn`t have won those states the last time if Bernie`s disappointed supporters hadn`t boycotted the election. Their pouting put that treasonous POS in the White House.
By election day Trump will be pitted against whichever roadkill the Democrat Socialist Party nominates.

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020

Steven Rattner, "car czar" and counselor to the Treasury secretary in the Obama administration, cites three different modelers in his N.Y. Times commentary, "Trump’s Formidable 2020 Tailwind."

The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.

  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."

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