Trump Pulls UN Funding, Gives It to Faith-Based Orgs Helping Persecuted Christians


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Another nail in the coffin for the bloated, corrupt United Nations.

Tonight, it is my privilege to announce President Trump has ordered the State Department to stop funding ineffective relief efforts at the United Nations and from this day forward, America will provide support directly to persecuted communities through USAID,” he said.

I don’t know that I have a lot of faith in USAID, but it has to be better than the UN.

More @ Trump Pulls UN Funding, Gives It to Faith-Based Orgs Helping Persecuted Christians
Have you also noticed that Christians are not welcomed in the Corrupt Democratic Party, but the Nation of Islam and Muslim Brotherhood are?
The growing persecution of the Christian minority has been a concern of the US but we don't seem to be vey effective in providing relief. There are some areas in the Middle East where the historically ancient Christian settlements have all but disappeared. The US and Europe have for the most part turned funds over to the UN for management of refugee camps, open to all. But the Christians are facing such persecution in those camps from extremists that many are afraid for their lives - so they avoid them. Which means their situation is even more desperate because they are out of reach of UN help...which also leaves them out of the refugee relocation pool. The UN says their hands are tied because they can't single out any one religious group for help - but if the camps are unsafe...

This is a good move.

If any are interested there is some good info at the following links. One is a detailed report by Center for American Progress - not normally one of my go-to sites. :) The other from the Telegraph. Ironically Assad and Russians seem more concerned about the plight of Syrian Christians than the UN, the US or the EU.

Archbishop warns Cameron over Syrian refugees

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