Trump push on $2K checks flops as GOP-led Senate won't vote


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all but shut the door Wednesday on President Donald Trump’s push for $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks, declaring Congress has provided enough pandemic aid as he blocked another attempt by Democrats to force a vote.

The GOP leader made clear he is unwilling to budge, despite political pressure from Trump and even some fellow Republican senators demanding action. Trump wants the recent $600 in aid increased threefold. But McConnell dismissed the idea of bigger “survival checks” approved by the House, saying the money would go to plenty of American households that just don’t need it.

Meh, Leave it to Republican's to shoot themselves in the foot, and insult the American people to boot....

McConnell's argument reminds me of liberals that use the "what do you need that for" in the gun debates....

Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!! The smugness of our supposed representitives trying to tell us that they know better what to do with out money when they pass bills loaded with waste like studies how alcoholic rats will react to stimuli, and billions to pure garbage, then tell people who need the money, that they can eat cake.

All on the eve of a crucial race runoff in GA as well...I don't get it...

Schumer made a comment that should they take the Senate, then this increase will be among the first things taken up by the new Senate, so Mitch gives up another chance to take away a positive thing for the Democrats, and lends credibility to what liberals say about Republican's voting against their own voters interests...

I never thought I'd be in agreement with Schumer on ANYTHING, but this is just stupidity...It's going to pass anyway, question is, will Republican's take the credit for passing it, or will they cede it do Democrats....

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all but shut the door Wednesday on President Donald Trump’s push for $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks, declaring Congress has provided enough pandemic aid as he blocked another attempt by Democrats to force a vote.

The GOP leader made clear he is unwilling to budge, despite political pressure from Trump and even some fellow Republican senators demanding action. Trump wants the recent $600 in aid increased threefold. But McConnell dismissed the idea of bigger “survival checks” approved by the House, saying the money would go to plenty of American households that just don’t need it.

Meh, Leave it to Republican's to shoot themselves in the foot, and insult the American people to boot....

McConnell's argument reminds me of liberals that use the "what do you need that for" in the gun debates....

Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!! The smugness of our supposed representitives trying to tell us that they know better what to do with out money when they pass bills loaded with waste like studies how alcoholic rats will react to stimuli, and billions to pure garbage, then tell people who need the money, that they can eat cake.

All on the eve of a crucial race runoff in GA as well...I don't get it...

Schumer made a comment that should they take the Senate, then this increase will be among the first things taken up by the new Senate, so Mitch gives up another chance to take away a positive thing for the Democrats, and lends credibility to what liberals say about Republican's voting against their own voters interests...

I never thought I'd be in agreement with Schumer on ANYTHING, but this is just stupidity...It's going to pass anyway, question is, will Republican's take the credit for passing it, or will they cede it do Democrats....
I’m sorry for your disappointment

but macdonalds is hiring
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all but shut the door Wednesday on President Donald Trump’s push for $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks, declaring Congress has provided enough pandemic aid as he blocked another attempt by Democrats to force a vote.

The GOP leader made clear he is unwilling to budge, despite political pressure from Trump and even some fellow Republican senators demanding action. Trump wants the recent $600 in aid increased threefold. But McConnell dismissed the idea of bigger “survival checks” approved by the House, saying the money would go to plenty of American households that just don’t need it.

Meh, Leave it to Republican's to shoot themselves in the foot, and insult the American people to boot....

McConnell's argument reminds me of liberals that use the "what do you need that for" in the gun debates....

Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!! The smugness of our supposed representitives trying to tell us that they know better what to do with out money when they pass bills loaded with waste like studies how alcoholic rats will react to stimuli, and billions to pure garbage, then tell people who need the money, that they can eat cake.

All on the eve of a crucial race runoff in GA as well...I don't get it...

Schumer made a comment that should they take the Senate, then this increase will be among the first things taken up by the new Senate, so Mitch gives up another chance to take away a positive thing for the Democrats, and lends credibility to what liberals say about Republican's voting against their own voters interests...

I never thought I'd be in agreement with Schumer on ANYTHING, but this is just stupidity...It's going to pass anyway, question is, will Republican's take the credit for passing it, or will they cede it do Democrats....
Solid analysis throughout.
I do wonder if this is McConnell playing the long game, though. One of the major criticisms leveled at McConnell specifically and Republicans generally is that they have been unnecessarily beholden to President Trump. Well, a solid 6-3 majority on the SC and hundreds of federal judge appointments seems like a shift in the judicial branch that could last a generation. This ideological shift to the right has been a Republican goal since “Focus on the Family” began their push in the early ’80s to overturn Roe V Wade and actually started gaining traction way back during the Goldwater campaign . So maybe the McConnell-Republicans have gotten what they needed from Trump and now they are pushing him away from shore on his very own iceberg. Rejecting his direct request certainly brings his seeming complete authority over members of Congress into question.
Has Trump become a political liability in the same way B. Clinton and GW Bush did right after they left office?
Perhaps mcconnell wants to see people struggle. What other reason is there to deny people in a time they desperately need it?

Well, maybe if the democrats were actually sincere and didn't want to give 10 times more to foreign nations and their own special interests than to Americans ???

Democrats covid relief program........

1 for America.....
2 for Ethiopia.....
1 for America......
3 for the Congo......
1 for America.......
5 for gender studies in Somolia....
I do agree...why not just take care of american people? I thought the two bills were separate. Perhaps they aren't? Wages have been stagnant and lagging far behind costs of living since forever. Now add a pandemic. This is no "american dream" for millions upon millions. And congress and the senate seem to not understand that people need help. It's time for your average person who makes 40 grand a year to be elected. Seems their voices are unheard.
Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!!

Actually, it's your children's money, and the generations that follow them who will have to pay the interest on the debt we are currently running up. Today the interest rtes are very low, but they ain't going to stay that way.

How much is enough? Say we pass another relief check bill for $2000 per person that they are proposing. Do you think that's the end of it? Some people want that check EVERY MONTH until the pandemic is all over, are you good with that? Or do you think we can keep printing more money ad infinitum?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all but shut the door Wednesday on President Donald Trump’s push for $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks, declaring Congress has provided enough pandemic aid as he blocked another attempt by Democrats to force a vote.

The GOP leader made clear he is unwilling to budge, despite political pressure from Trump and even some fellow Republican senators demanding action. Trump wants the recent $600 in aid increased threefold. But McConnell dismissed the idea of bigger “survival checks” approved by the House, saying the money would go to plenty of American households that just don’t need it.

Meh, Leave it to Republican's to shoot themselves in the foot, and insult the American people to boot....

McConnell's argument reminds me of liberals that use the "what do you need that for" in the gun debates....

Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!! The smugness of our supposed representitives trying to tell us that they know better what to do with out money when they pass bills loaded with waste like studies how alcoholic rats will react to stimuli, and billions to pure garbage, then tell people who need the money, that they can eat cake.

All on the eve of a crucial race runoff in GA as well...I don't get it...

Schumer made a comment that should they take the Senate, then this increase will be among the first things taken up by the new Senate, so Mitch gives up another chance to take away a positive thing for the Democrats, and lends credibility to what liberals say about Republican's voting against their own voters interests...

I never thought I'd be in agreement with Schumer on ANYTHING, but this is just stupidity...It's going to pass anyway, question is, will Republican's take the credit for passing it, or will they cede it do Democrats....
All that was needed to get the $2k passed, is include a big increase in the War Department budget or funding for Wall Street. Then, it would get big bipartisan support.
Perhaps mcconnell wants to see people struggle. What other reason is there to deny people in a time they desperately need it?
Well lets see, they told us for years to tighten a notch on yer belt yet failed to send us any monies or PPP loans...
Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!!

Actually, it's your children's money, and the generations that follow them who will have to pay the interest on the debt we are currently running up. Today the interest rtes are very low, but they ain't going to stay that way.

How much is enough? Say we pass another relief check bill for $2000 per person that they are proposing. Do you think that's the end of it? Some people want that check EVERY MONTH until the pandemic is all over, are you good with that? Or do you think we can keep printing more money ad infinitum?
Really, and just how is it our children's money?
Two months after the election and Trump acts like buying votes at this time still matters. As for the Democrats, timing of this giveaway would have been perfect.
Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!!

But yes, the people should come first.

Anyone, Republican or Demonrat, advocating for, or excusing sending a penny to foreign governments at this time is despicable
The thing is if a tax cut for the Uber wealthy were on the table the gop might very well support it...some would be drooling. But helping the average working person? Well not so much.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all but shut the door Wednesday on President Donald Trump’s push for $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks, declaring Congress has provided enough pandemic aid as he blocked another attempt by Democrats to force a vote.

The GOP leader made clear he is unwilling to budge, despite political pressure from Trump and even some fellow Republican senators demanding action. Trump wants the recent $600 in aid increased threefold. But McConnell dismissed the idea of bigger “survival checks” approved by the House, saying the money would go to plenty of American households that just don’t need it.

Meh, Leave it to Republican's to shoot themselves in the foot, and insult the American people to boot....

McConnell's argument reminds me of liberals that use the "what do you need that for" in the gun debates....

Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!! The smugness of our supposed representitives trying to tell us that they know better what to do with out money when they pass bills loaded with waste like studies how alcoholic rats will react to stimuli, and billions to pure garbage, then tell people who need the money, that they can eat cake.

All on the eve of a crucial race runoff in GA as well...I don't get it...

Schumer made a comment that should they take the Senate, then this increase will be among the first things taken up by the new Senate, so Mitch gives up another chance to take away a positive thing for the Democrats, and lends credibility to what liberals say about Republican's voting against their own voters interests...

I never thought I'd be in agreement with Schumer on ANYTHING, but this is just stupidity...It's going to pass anyway, question is, will Republican's take the credit for passing it, or will they cede it do Democrats....
I’m sorry for your disappointment

but macdonalds is hiring

I won’t be working at McDonalds anytime soon Mac, but we should all be disappointed at how these people play games instead of doing their jobs.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all but shut the door Wednesday on President Donald Trump’s push for $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks, declaring Congress has provided enough pandemic aid as he blocked another attempt by Democrats to force a vote.

The GOP leader made clear he is unwilling to budge, despite political pressure from Trump and even some fellow Republican senators demanding action. Trump wants the recent $600 in aid increased threefold. But McConnell dismissed the idea of bigger “survival checks” approved by the House, saying the money would go to plenty of American households that just don’t need it.

Meh, Leave it to Republican's to shoot themselves in the foot, and insult the American people to boot....

McConnell's argument reminds me of liberals that use the "what do you need that for" in the gun debates....

Truth is Mitch, IT'S OUR MONEY!!! The smugness of our supposed representitives trying to tell us that they know better what to do with out money when they pass bills loaded with waste like studies how alcoholic rats will react to stimuli, and billions to pure garbage, then tell people who need the money, that they can eat cake.

All on the eve of a crucial race runoff in GA as well...I don't get it...

Schumer made a comment that should they take the Senate, then this increase will be among the first things taken up by the new Senate, so Mitch gives up another chance to take away a positive thing for the Democrats, and lends credibility to what liberals say about Republican's voting against their own voters interests...

I never thought I'd be in agreement with Schumer on ANYTHING, but this is just stupidity...It's going to pass anyway, question is, will Republican's take the credit for passing it, or will they cede it do Democrats....
Solid analysis throughout.
I do wonder if this is McConnell playing the long game, though. One of the major criticisms leveled at McConnell specifically and Republicans generally is that they have been unnecessarily beholden to President Trump. Well, a solid 6-3 majority on the SC and hundreds of federal judge appointments seems like a shift in the judicial branch that could last a generation. This ideological shift to the right has been a Republican goal since “Focus on the Family” began their push in the early ’80s to overturn Roe V Wade and actually started gaining traction way back during the Goldwater campaign . So maybe the McConnell-Republicans have gotten what they needed from Trump and now they are pushing him away from shore on his very own iceberg. Rejecting his direct request certainly brings his seeming complete authority over members of Congress into question.
Has Trump become a political liability in the same way B. Clinton and GW Bush did right after they left office?

No, I think it is purely a show. Republicans want to pay lip service to all the spending in DC, but really what they are doing is screwing the people that need this the most.
You guys are all over the place on the $2000 thing.

Some conservatives want it and some absolutely hate it.
You guys are all over the place on the $2000 thing.

Some conservatives want it and some absolutely hate it.
I'm for it. Consider the lockdown an eminent domain case.

When the government puts you out of work or shuts down your business, they need to compensate you

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